
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, July 13, 2007

~Surprise Visitor ~

Well I want you to look see what has been sleeping in my flower bed
I bet. That one plant out there is all panked down in the center.. I had
told Penny to look at the branch of the rose bush out there by the
garage as it was laying on the ground..The next thing I hear is her
saying "DUTCH! Come get the rabbit!"..Dutch was here by me and
he knew what she said cuz he made a B-line to the kitchen and I
grabbed my camera and made a B-line out there too, to see that and
hopefully get these good photos I got..well I rolled up to the window
and looked out..and at the same time Penny and I both said
" Awwww, that's a baby.."
Isnt that just about the cutest thing? he just hopped around all
over out there, I did a zoom with the camera and it stayed nice
and clear I am surprised, He was just eating away that white
stuff there are bread pieces that Penny had put out there...
Now, you see why I want some thing out there for the animals.
There is a bird there too..Dutch is right below me as Im taking
this and he is quietly meowing and his tail is doing one of those
real fast twitches back and forth... I called LB and SLOWLY
the KING graced us with his presence, and jumped up there
and honestly ALL he did was just sit and look with a sort of real
BLANK , BORED, look on his face as if to say, "ya, I come all
the way out here to see a rabbit and bird, big deal"..he sat for
a few minutes and jumped down.. hes so Garfield..
I had to take one of course with the boys head cuz he really
does sit and watch..he will sit in this window for hours.. I would
like to get them those shelf sitter things you can put on the
window sills for cats.. They love it, being in the window.. Dutch
LOVES to wave at people..LB just gives them the look of
"ok you better LOOK now Im here" .. kids.. But that was so
nice to see out there.. If and when I can get an old chair for out
there..be really nice..

When I saw the little guy or girl. I was gonna name it flopsy or
mopsy but didn't know which it was lol... oh well probly wouldn't
come to me if I called it anyways :-D ... Its nice to see that out
side my window though...I feel for my friend Marys neighbors
and what they are going through with the flooding and what
they see out their windows now . . ..
These are pictures of Marys favorite grocery store, where she
shops, this is in Kansas, they must be everywhere as We have
one here called Save A Lot because you do..its one of THE
best places to shop for someone like me.. a lot cheaper..Not
all brand names, but sometimes the off brands are better..
I love Spaghetti O's..what? theyre good! :-) I love that stuff.. I
have eaten that since I was a VERY little girl..my gramma
always made that my Saturday dinner...I can, this will get ya,
eat them cold..right out of the can, room temperature.. :-)
well this store has a off brand named PINA, and trust me they
are just as good as Franco American. really... Its a good
store to save money and the one here stays busy..its just down
the road a ways, not far, cross the bridge and look left, and
there it is.. somewhere down there.. :-) down yonder way...
These are photos off the web that has tons of them about the
flooding..this is the same store but from a helicopter.. These
businesses that everything is ruined, even the building, the
homes..water almost up to the ceiling.. I feel for these poor
people..they didn't have time to get everything out.. maybe
haul it upstairs..IF they had one.. I dont...what would I do? I
thought about this.. There are 3 rivers that meet here and the
biggest one of all of them goes by east of me I would say 3
blocks away..I am not that much higher up than that river should
it decide to get ugly...and that can happen so fast.. Those
poor people..I wish there was something I could do..All I can
do is pray they get sunshine and lots of help..and a place to
stay.. but what a difference in views out of a window.. Makes
Me really appreciate mine...don't it you?

Penny got me the best Icee today, LIME..it is so good..I swear
when I took that first drink and tasted that I felt my invisible
toes curl..it was that good.. I am enjoying EVERY sip of it.. I
got 2 of them..now I am SO glad I did..one is in the freezer..I
will have one for tomorrow then... Now its time for saffron
bread to go with it..I am enjoying every bite of that as well and
I KNOW my toes curled on tasting THAT again.. "nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks..:-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    We have a bunny that run around here, never got a pictures of it those.look just like your bunny there.
    Lois I have a hard time putting thing back in my album too...and forgetting where it goes too...I have taken to many of them out.
    Most all the water is gone now, what a mess the flood made.
    Have a great weekend my friend.
    God bless you.

  • At 3:41 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Mornin Mary, I woke up at 3 am wide awake..Its nice to see animals and birds.. I enjoy it as much as the boys.

    Now is the hard part there cleaning up the mess..poor people...

    I hope you have a great week end too Mary... dont forget to have some MerryMary time now..its important you do... Love ya.......
    Always, Lois ****


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