
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, August 20, 2007

~I Called~

Well I called the Dr and filled her in on all the poopyscoopy.
Explained about my BP monitor and my arm .. everything..
A few hours later Erica phoned me back..and said they are
calling me in the morning to start having a visiting nurse come
every day, possibly twice depending on what my pressure
is running.. Julie, the Dr, wants to keep a close eye on it..and
I guess having to have a nurse come again it will be monitored
better, I still would like to have my own..but then it may be ok its
just that its so high it wont register..it did that one time but it wont
do it again.. I even put in new batteries again that Penny only just
bought today..still reads EE...so its me or the machine... I wonder if
the nurse will be the same guy I had before... he was nice..well all of
them ive had have been really nice.

So- I told her my arm is only worse as far as the pain..today it has
been a real bugger.. just constant..and no place that I lay it will it
NOT hurt.. so Erica said Dr, wants me to see a bone dr..a ortho
pedic? no that's feet.. well what ever theyre called..and she will
make an appt and let me know or they will when my appt is.. This
is JUST what I knew.. Im gonna have to start draggin my butt to
all these different Drs.. This bone guy,, then watch..the next is
gonna be the cardiologist..then the next will be the vascular..so..
I know the routine.. I don't like it one bit.. If they could all see me at
one time I would be extremely happy.. I do worry tho..in all honesty,
If I said I wasn't or not concerned then I would sound kinda..well..
stupid.. and Im not.. I can take chances.. I have to take care and
do what Im sposed or this fat lady will be singing too soon and I
don't want that.. I see me at at LEAST 90 years old STILL giving
everyone HELL.. :-D.. I saw this old lady on TV they called her
the fruitcake lady and bless her heart she had an opinion on every
thing and it was logical and made sense.. she was so cute and
just really funny.. some of the questions they asked her it was just
hilarious.. She used to be on one of the late nite shows..jay leno
or somewhere.. now I cant see the early shows let alone late
ones.. I fell asleep really early last nite..I bet by 7 I was snoozin..

AND.. we have RAIN today.. do you know how badly I prayed for
rain today? I DID.. all I kept thinking about is that they are coming
back to pound and bang on the roof again..they only have half done.
Lori saw it today when she was here.. so they will be back.. By the
time they left Friday nite..I was at my wits end.. I felt like I was losing
it.. I couldn't escape that pounding.. drove me nuts.. when I woke up
this morning and saw the rain.. I was so glad.. I was..what a relief...
Lori came today with great news.. she got married Friday nite..to her
boyfriend of the past 4 years.. hes from Canada but will be moving
here. Shes so happy. shes working this week then the next two weeks
she will be off and going way up by the bridge to camp out ..shes so
looking forward to it.. camping as in TENTING.. which..well I don't like
tenting..trailering is ok..tents in bear country? no..Im NOT at ease..
I hope she has a good time.. Shes so happy and had a lot on her
plate too with getting married and her leaky roof.. I will miss her..she
comes faithfully every monday..the boys were waiting at the door
for her.. she really likes them and they like her..

Penny came today and made the best meat loaf for me.. It is just
great.. I LOVE meatloaf..my fries n gravy are first..then meatloaf..
My ex mother in law would make what ever we wanted for a dinner
on our birthdays, of course I picked meatloaf and poppyseed cake.
boy did she make some excellent loaf and cake..that poppyseed
cake was so good.. She was amazed that I wanted something so
easy to fix and not some elaborate thing she makes.. or something
that takes her hours to fix like my ex had to have lasagne..which
takes a while to fix.. well if you want GOOD stuff... I enjoyed that
meatloaf.. I had the ground meat in the fridge and asked her if she
would make it for me..im sure glad I did..I will have some of the
best sandwiches tomorrow..cold meatloaf..little catsup on the bread?
yessss that's good stuff Maynard.. ...

Im tired.. I worked hard today too.. well not really hard..strenuous..Im
clumsy in the morning and I dropped the coffee grounds again..thank
goodness was not hardly anything in it so it didn't make a mess..The
other I had to clean up ..well Dutch eats too fast and too much some
times and he throws up..I know "eww gross" well he did during the
night and I got up to potty once last nite..I don't turn the lights on ..thanks
to Pennys garage over there..well when I got up this morning was still
dark..I turned the kitchen light on ..and going back and forth across the
white floor I have I saw I left tracks..I looked at my front wheels..well
they have grooves in them..the one on the right at one spot on it..well
was NOT the greatest thing to see stuck all over my wheel..and being
spread all over..I had already gone to the bathroom..so Im tracking
this all over the kitchen too~! well I wiped up and I got most of it off
my chair..but I couldn't stay bent over like that for any length of time..
well I got dizzy :-) ok DizzIER.. :-) so Penny, she dug it out and
cleaned it all up for me.. I just have a daily reminder I think that I
am in this chair.. the tube of cream..Penny did finish getting that off
all the stuff down here I couldn't reach.. she laughed at me.. when I
described what happened as I saw all that cream just SHOOT out
and all over everything.. I told her I just sat for a minute . counted to
ten and said "WELL SHIT".. I did.. I couldn't help it :-)
Im posting a bit early..and going to lay it down for the rest of this day..
do you see the date? its almost September.. I told Lori today..well
these days just FLEW by this year..said time flies when your having
fun...well hmmm I didn't see them days very too much.. I sure missed
a lot this year.. oh well Im making it through it..that's the main thing..
its the hardest thing..but well where there is a will there is a way..he
hides on me sometimes..but I find him again.. Thanks for all your
sweet concern..Not to worry.. all is well..just a little extra care time..
I aint done yet are you kidding? nope too much I have to do yet..
and one is saying "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois I am so glad a nurse will come by to see you. That will help you out a lot I would think...

    I am sure glad your Dr want you too see other Dr's about your arm...We want you to be well and happy and pain free.
    Glad you got a little rain too, it help to cool you all down a bit anyway I hope it does.
    We move the trailer to the east side of the house so we can start getting it ready to paint...

    Pam is not doing well again, I wish we could have put her back in the hopital...but the Dr didn't want to go that way this time...

    God bless you Lois.

  • At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you have a god forbid and have to go to the hospital let us all know, and make arrangements to have someone look in on your boys. Orthopedic guys evaluate bones involved with motion. Vacular guys look after the circulation and I don't have to tell me this - but just don't throw one of your shoes at me.

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I hope that you feel better soon. God luck with the medical stuff.


  • At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    I know you don't like going to see the Dr., but it has got to be the best thing to do, given how you are at the moment. Try to do what you usually do - look on the bright side.
    It will also help your friends to stop worrying quite so much about our Dear Gorgeous Weeble. You know we all worry for you and pray that you will come through O.K.
    Penny is a real treasure - she is such a good patient person.
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:09 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Ive not heard from them so will call tomorrow..I will get it all fixed..Sorry to hear about Pam.. I hope she improves... Take care Mary..

    Hi Momar,
    Yes, I will let you know ..all will be fine..not to worry.. hope all is ok by you...

    Hi Gray good to hear from you..thanks :-)

    Hiya Raife,
    Not to worry all will be fine..just a bump in the road is all..they smooth out ... hope your having a great time with your company...

    So nice to hear from all of you ...thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave me a note means alot to me and sure brightens my day :-) thanks bunches... Without you all I couldnt do this... you sure help..

    Always, Lois ****


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