~LB's Turn~

and the rest of the day other than for my music its been quiet.. I
took this photo of LB, isnt he pretty? I of course touched it up..I
made the back ground plain.. He was sitting on the edge of my
desk and Dutch was running up and down the couch and you
see he has a rather disgusted look. He was tired of the boy, he
had been pestering LB for quite a while, in fact that's why he
was up on my desk. Their birthdays are this month I got both of
them in August a year apart.. Called a newspaper ad for free
kitties.. and let the ladys pick out which baby to bring to me..They
did pretty good.. Both are good kids.. I thought was time for a
photo of LB ..Dutch has to get in the photos of every thing else.
I had talked to a friend that had hip replacement surgery 2 years
ago and they said that of course exercise was a major part of the
recovery, he did , but not constant..They went on holiday out to
visit their children and while there of course went sight seeing,
which meant walking and more walking.. The holiday lasted 2
weeks with walking somewhere every day..for quite a while too.
He realized when he got home, that he was moving better and
that he didn't hurt as much..which exercise is a major part of
any recovery.. I was telling him..how from walking, that the
muscles stay firm ..and more solid..for me.. I don't do that..the
most I do is lift my stumps or small movements not nearly
comparing to walking.. My stumps which were really my
thighs, at one time were VERY solid.. I was always on my
feet..most of the jobs I had were that kind.. I was always up and
was mine for a little while too, was the cemetery. Sounds morbid..but
the one there was so pretty, on the side of a hill..then a valley, was a
beautiful spot to walk..nice roads..you can see how nicely the graves
were kept and the grounds.. Every time I would go home it was the
daily routine after supper to take a walk down thru the cemetary.. There
were 2 main roads running North and south..then 2 going east and west.
We referred to that part there ..as the new part..If you look very closely
you can see a road that goes down from the street across the top..that
is the old part on that side.. I can remember when that was just a huge
field..we played there so many times as kids..
Why I don't have one looking straight down from the back of the house I
don't know or I cant find it.. If I had taken one looking straight down..just
before getting to the cross road , is where a lot of my family are .. My
parents, grandparents, 3 sets of aunts and uncles and 2 cousins.. My
parents walked this place, every time they did their nightly trek there was
always someone working on a loved ones grave, they would stop and
talk for a while..more than likely they knew each other..Many times they
would come across someone looking for a particular grave, they knew
where everyone was..I think better than the caretaker..he had to look it up
in a book ..they didnt..Well they walked that place for over 40 years. I
bushes and flowers.. I liked candy..and I liked having money to buy it.
So I would get a pair of scissors, and go and cut roses from the bushes
down there and go around to all the neighbors and sell them for a penny
each :-) I did.. My mom told me about this later..but I do remember doing
that..she would watch me go house to house, with the roses to sell ..
then later when I would come home with candy on my breathe she would
ask me what I did and I would tell her "nuthin, I just took a walk down the
cemetery to smell the roses" and smile and go about my business :-) I
had candy and money, the ladies of the neighborhood were happy. .
I did good I thought.. :-)
I did good I thought.. :-)
Im starved, tired, and tho I did totally nuthing..Im gonna be even lazier and
go watch TV for a while..maybe I will get to see something for a change..
I feel better today, however there is no change in my arm at all.. Time for
FastFrank, ha.. the one I knew was one too :-) "nitey nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little Boy took a good pictures, the background matches the pictures very well.
Is your new wheelchair still working well for you.
I have had the best 2 days ever,God is so good to bless us.
I got to visit a very old friend of mine today, it was 1967 when they moved away from here...I fell a lost of time, make me very sad to have lost all those years. She does have a computer now...so we can keep in contact now.
God bless you Lois.
At 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Lois!
Littleboy is as pretty as his mama (you), and why shouldnt he be? We grow alike the peoples and animals we spend our time with, thats a fact!
And i got another proof of that we are a very matching pair honey!!!!
I also like walking on cemeterys, and it would be nice walking one with you, they are so wellshaped that it would be easy pushing your chair in front of me. The only problem would be that you had to hold a mirror in your hands while we walked.....
So that i could see your pretty face while we wandered through the beautiful rosy surroundings. Well everything has a bad part, but holding a mirror isnt a to hard work, i am shure you would do that for me.....
Kisses all over my dearest Lois
In my mind i cut all the roses for you!
Your own
At 7:06 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes, hes a pretty cat, I have PSP9 and I can put a frame and take out the background..makes it look better.. Im so glad you have had some good days, yes computers are a great thing..
Dear Rob,
Arent you sweet, I grew up with a cemetery across the road, best neighbors a person could have, never any trouble lol... I think I would most certainly enjoy a nice walk with you my dear... as sweet as you are? how could one not enjoy that...
Hope you have a great sunday, so nice to hear from you.. :)
ALways, Lois ****
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
That is a GREAT pic of LB - really professional.
Grave yards over here are great places for wild flowers. They never get any kind of fertilizer or sprays on them. The one at Ebernoe, in West Sussex, where I was Church Warden for a while, was not cut until late July - only the paths were kept clear, and so we had a couple of hundred different species of wild flowers there.
Take care, Honey. I hope they fixed your roof good!!
L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 5:04 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife,
Thanks, just playin..keeps me otta trouble lol.. But I have a good time with a camera..
All along our highways thanks to LadyBird, we have beautiful wildflowers.
Hope your having a good day :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 8:46 AM,
Gray said…
What a great portrait of Little Boy!
Hmm, soft stumps sound rather nice.
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