
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Well there IS THE CHAIR..you see that? that is Michele from R & R
Discount Medical Inc. delivering my new chair. I was worried, I
knew it was coming and its been raining ALL day AGAIN.. My
roof will NEVER get fixed.. I feel for poor Lori and her leak..
Now why couldn't all those other 4 medical supply places
take care of stuff this fast..how long did I wait for this chair?4 weeks?
the others over a year? I told Michele that.. Her comment "well,
show's who's got the best company doesn't it?" I heartily agreed..
You see the boy of course, he was in that chair before I was..He
checked it all out.. I don't think he likes power chairs..mainly because
he cant go under them..he always goes under my chair..you cant in
this..hes gotta back up..I aint.. :-)
Theres a better photo.. I asked her if I could take this and she said
yes..that I was going to write here tonite and say how good a job
R & R had done for me..and GET this! she brought my new arm
rests for my manual..is THAT great! she put those on for me too..
She knew I had mentioned to her about that when she was here
before and took the initiative to check before she left with my chair
to see if perhaps an order had come through and it had first thing
this morning..so she brought them and put them on..
Well there you have it.. my new power chair and of course,
this GORGEOUS WEEBLE had to take a photo of me in it..
Well to be honest..I made a small video.. Same rules..if you
would like the video just write and ask.. Its funny cuz I hadnt
driven a power chair in a while and they do take some getting
used to.. I ran into the chair..and I .. well maybe shouldn't tell..
I was pulling up to the potty, and was going a little too fast, and
turned too sharp..and well I hit the toilet so hard it dislodged the
plastic riser I have screwed down on it.. :-) I hit it just right and
it popped right up.. I was just so glad it wasn't an EMERGENCY,
ohh wow I would have been in big trouble :-) I did notice tho..that
this chair is higher than my other, well I think its cuz of this special
cushion I have..you can see how thick it is..
The joystick you can see looks kinda loppy which it isnt its a
swing away kind so I can get up close to my desk..which even
with it swinged away Im not close enough.. If you look close,
you can see the discolor on my elbow..just below to just above.
The white patch is my blood pressure patch..that gives me a
constant dose of my medication since I am not dependable to
take my pills every day.. well I forget..then I don't know if I already
have, then I don't cuz I don't wanna over dose..I have a pill thingie
to put them in by the day for a week..Well ..I forget to fill that too..
Pain in the patootie pills are.. The GOSPEL truth.. I honestly DID
feel better when I took nothing .. I did..I asked the cost of this new
chair she said close to $6,000.oo.. as in SIX THOUSAND. that's
what my other old one was too.. I would give that one to someone
if they could figure out what was wrong with it.. This one charges
the same way and she brought me a brand new charger.. I wonder
if it would work on my old chair since the one guy said that was
really the only problem with it.. I don't know.. but Its a shame to just
let it rot if someone could get it running.. I wish I could send it to my
friend Blue in Australia..he has to buy his own, and he only has a
manual.. bet he would like zippin around in one of these.. I think
they go about 40 miles an hour ..NO NO Just kidding.. but they do
go pretty fast, I had to turn this one down a notch already :-)

My arm is really hurting me.. and the rash well its still there.. Its not
itchy right now..at times it is.. But my elbow..the very pointy part of
it the knob..that's where it really hurts..and its swollen..and you see
it is discolored..which makes me worry.. so I did call and make a
appointment with the Dr. I cant get in until Thursday at 9:15.. I will
go.. Its bothering me too much..and I don't like the color its taking..
that worries me.. I don't know about losing more ..I honestly don't
know if I could handle that.. I really don't.. I do think about it too, a lot,
that's why I am trying to make plans and get a plan of attack ..just in
case.. Im the only one can do it..and I have to while I can..any way I
can.. I got to give it a run for the money.. Speaking of money..

I played the lottery..well Penny got the tickets for me.. I hit 2 numbers :-)
im getting there..maybe it will gradually get better to where I will win one
that's for like 100 Brazilian or something.. I heard a joke about that word..
and I have used it since. I would be happy to win just a few thousand..and
just put it in the bank just to see it there, never touch it or spend it.. just know
its there ..just in case.. to me that's most reassuring..

I still don't feel the greatest today, I did sleep last nite off and on..but I
know I slept I woke my self up a couple times I was breathing kinda heavy.
NO..NOT snoring either..GORGEOUS WEEBLES don't snore.. we may
be breathe heavy but NOT snore..:-) Im going to ride my new chair out to
the kitchen and have a slice of my Hawaiian Sweet Bread..it is so good.
and with some peanut butter and some of Theresa's homemade black
raspberry jam..ahhhhh life is good... "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks!!!!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW wonderful so happy you got your chair...
    Lois we got a little rain last night,wishing for a little more rain.
    Hoping thing will be better for you with the new wheelchair, nice to have new wheel for sure.
    I guess it fixs you will too, you will be able to get around better now...
    Love all the pictures you put on here too, very good picture of you and your new wheelchair.
    God bless you.

  • At 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh honey i am so glad for you!
    The pictures tell the story of a pretty woman with pretty legs!!! Well the chair is your legs isnt it? With those mechanical legs and your real legs combined with it, you are the most gorgeous woman to see..... And i only speeking of your legs, i have not even mention your brain..... The fantastic bodypart that keep you in contact with me, and guess if i am thankful for that?
    I am thankful and you know it!
    Kisses all over dear Lois
    Your own

  • At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Het the chair looks great!

    What's in it don't look bad either.

    I want to see you in VIDEO ... will write to ask
    for it.

    You are such a neat lady.


  • At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    SO glad you've got your new chair. It's obviously like riding a bicycle - you never loose the knack of driving the thing!! How like you, GORGEOUS WEEBLE, to be thinking of passing your old chair on to someone who could benefit from it - Bless your heart.
    Last day with the Grands to-morrow - then we will be able to have a chat - I'm looking forward to that.
    Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    its a doozy hey? its really nice..just what i wanted. Im so glad you like the photos Mary I have fun taking them .. I enjoy taking photos and sharing here..

    Hi Rob,
    you just know what to say..your so sweet.. :)thanks honey :)

    Hi d..
    Good to hear from you.. I sent..and hope you enjoy :)

    Hi Raife!
    I know you have had the best time with all those grands. Nothing like summer holidays..something they will always remember. You should put together a photo album for them.. you take such wonderful photos.. I hope you took a family one LOL..

    Good to hear from you :-) y'all just make my day..thanks :)
    Always, Lois


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