~Bad Eyes Again~
My eyes are acting up again. They did this before. I think its
because its too dry in here. We shut the de humidifier off that
was down in the basement..but up here I need the moisture. I
think that's what is bothering my eyes so much.. the inside
corners where the tear ducts are is so sore.. Every day I get
a warm cloth and lay it on them and it helps them for a little
while but not long.. They itch, burn...and to look at them you
would think I had been on a week long drinking binge they're
so red and bloodshot.. I guess I will have to get those drops
again to keep moisture in them.. Some days they drive me
nuts they hurt so bad, and I think its because of them that I
keep this headache, which comes and goes too... The thrills
keep this headache, which comes and goes too... The thrills
of life..never ending..
I only heard from one person today and that was Becky from
Keystone to see if I needed any help since Penny didn't come
yesterday or today. Shes so very nice..and young, very pretty.
She set up a weekly visit for Thursdays at 10 which I will have
to reschedule as I totally forgot Thursdays, well every other one,
Theresa comes from CMH... I just will have to get a date book
to keep all these appointments straight..No, I have this thing
called Alarm Clock..and I can set alarms to remind me of what
ever is coming up ...and whats nice you can set it for a year
ahead if you want.. Its free too.. which is the main word for me,
I don't pay for anything I put in my computer..well I cant afford
the paid stuff..and personally I don't think its any better..Like
AVG, which is the very best..they have a free and a paid version.
I have talked to those with the paid..they don't do anything more
or have better protection than I do..and mine is the free one. AVG
I have to say, everyone ..well that I know, recommends it.. and
that Mozilla is the very best for the web access, which Google is
THE very best browser ....
We got more snow during the night, not a big lot, enough to make
the road crews have to get out there. By noon the roads were clear
and the sun was trying to come out.. We arent done with the snow
yet.. No word from the boy Kenny, I don't know why they call and
say this day or that..just wait till they have the time and just before
they get Out of their vehicles call and say they are here..I would sure
prefer that, instead of the waiting, wondering WHEN. .
We had NO major dramas today, I didn't do any thing stupid, I
was very good.. I didn't even make a mess.. Ive been very careful. I
try not to be too sloppy just for the reason that IN CASE Penny
doesn't make it, I don't have to worry. And that has proven to be
more than helpful many times.. I looked on line for childrens cleaning
toys..like a small broom to be exact.. I found a few but the broom
came with lots of other miniature things that I really don't need. I
mainly wanted the broom so that when I spill on the floor I can use
that and not have to fold in half to reach the floor to pick stuff up.. I
have a dust pan with a long handle that works great, but I just need
the broom with a short handle. If I had a saw I would cut the end off
the one I have, I may get another one and see if Donnie has a saw,
I should have thought of that long ago..DUH...Im slow sometimes,
but Im sure :-)
The flu is going around here really bad, I have heard its spread all
the way from CA to NY...and it knocks you right down..Chris had
it and was in bed for 4 days..Dawn was down for 2 with it.. And I
am sincerely hoping that is NOT what Penny has..cuz if it is that
means I was exposed to it..and I sure don't want it.. I get too much
Ickky stuff as it is..that puts me right down you might say.. Too
much work will do that to me.. Im kidding but.. I sure hope I don't
get that stuff .. Its really scarey to be very ill and no one to help you,
or to come if you call out for help.. That... I have to say does worry
me a bit.. The boys, no matter how hard I try I just cant seem to
train them to help much..Dutch will bring me his toys..to play fetch,
but that's about the extent of it.. and the way LB is..well that Garfield
cat would lay and wait for me to wait on HIM, whether I was sick or
not.. well he probly would come and lay by me tho :-)
Speaking of laying by me, I got up at 5 this morning and this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is tired and I want to get OUT of this chair.
My butt feels so flat sometimes, I feel like im sitting on my hips
and that makes them just ache..Any one sees me when I get like
this would think I had ants in my pants or something and we KNOW
that is NOT possible.. I wear NO PANTS!!! :-) "Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks ... :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
Yes eyes can get to dry, we keep water boiling here part time.I know I need to buy one of those electic thing...but they only last a years or two...then buying it again.
Pam did real well at the Dr office today and we went out to eat and again she did real well.
Not feeling good myself tonight, it been a real long day...
God bless you
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Maybe you should try some Tea
Tree and Lavender on your eyes? Remember, 2 - 3 drops in warm water in the hand-wash basin, squish it all about and apply with a face cloth. (Do NOT use undiluted essential oils!!)
Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 3:42 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
I have a humidifier its over at Donnies.. he offered to bring it back. I hope your feeling ok Mary..take care of yourself too you know :-)
Hi Raife :-)
Yes, I will try that, they really hurt sometimes.. today they are super bad, I think cuz the furnace is going alot..its only gotten to about 10 today..and below zero tonite they say.. not good..
So nice to hear from you.. thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
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