
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, January 25, 2008

~Ready For The WeekEnd~ :-)

We are ready to face the week end, all clean and drafty
still..but clean .. Penny came and we are all set for a few
more days.. She went to the store for me which I really
didn't need much I get the Angel Food delivered tomorrow,
so I took some things out of my freezer..dinners from the
COA and gave them to her to take home.. When Eddy, her
boyfriend is on the road, hes a trucker, shes like me, and
doesn't cook a lot and enjoys the dinners.. they are really
good too.. Shes having a rough go..the way the prices are
in the stores is pitiful.. so high..so I try to help her and of
course the D's... they help me so much.. its the only way I can
really show them that I appreciate them and how good they
are to me..and I would never want them to think that I would
take advantage of their being so good to me.. I am going to
ask for a raise for Penny.. I hope they give it to her..she has
been with me a year now..so they should.. 7.oo an hour is not
much considering how valuable Penny is to me..

Robert came yesterday after noon after I posted and he did the
driveway and path and the front.. He sat and we talked for a
while..I guess the COA is giving him a raise too..these people
that help us.. should be very well paid..for the help they provide
and the care its priceless to someone like me.. I wish I would
have had some more plastic as he would have put it up for me
when he was here... Donnie is sposta get some more from Mike
for me so I hope he does.. Im hoping one of them Comes by to
get their ribs tomorrow I need the room in my freezer !.. if he
brings the plastic tomorrow I know it will only take Donnie a few
minutes to put up.. My sis is still looking for some heavy drapes
for me..once i get this stuff I should be warmer.. I hope so...and
that my gas bill goes down..but from all I am hearing and seeing
on tv.. I have serious doubts.. prices of stuff here is amazing they
have gone so high.. Milk is over 4.oo a gallon.. Im glad I DONT
like milk !!!

I posted early yesterday and as soon as I did I went directly to bed,
I did NOT pass go or collect anything.. I bet I fell instantly asleep.. I
don't know what these super tired spells are that come and go but
they sure are getting old.. I ate a sandwich for lunch and right after
my first thoughts were 'I'm tired now'.. I guess maybe I am eating
too much, the wrong stuff, or something that poops me out!.. I
know I don't RUSH and wear my self out..but the way I get tired
sometimes Im beginning to wonder just what the problem is :-)

Been a not too hetic week and Im glad..other than Penny missing on
wednesday its not been too bad.. I got some lovely birthday stuff in
the mail that I have had the most wonderful time unpacking.. A set
of LOVELY blue and white plates..to hang on my kitchen wall ..there
are 7 of them.. and just beautiful.. I cant wait to put them up...carefully.
if I dropped and broke one I would be most upset.. I had spotted the
plates months ago..and well I couldnt afford to get them. well they
came in the mail yesterday a lovely birthday surprise.. I love them..
As soon as I find a nice place for them I will take a photo.. The box
was a gift too.. The boy is still playing in it.. I tried to get rid of it..
and Penny put it by the door..and the boy refused to get out of it..so
well the box is back in the kitchen for a few days..By monday Dutch
will have tired Of it and will not care if its gone.. He loves to scratch
the cardboard.. They need a scratching post but Ive never gotten
them one as they used to use that old chair of mine down the base
ment.. I didnt care if they clawed it.. I just recovered the seat..was no
biggie..well its down there and now they dont have anything to use
and Ive had to yell when they try to claw my couch which I can see they
have but they must do it at night..so I cant see them..they KNOW not
to do that if I am here.... but its the old story..mice away cats will play..
well no thats not how it goes..its vice versa.. cats away , mice will
play..well I better NOT have MICE!! :-) I have enough~! :-)

Time for this GORGEOUS TIRED WEEBLE to get out of this chair
for today .. been a long day..and i sure can feel it.. its that time
again for me to roll off into the sunset and say "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad you are ready for the weekend Lois.
    Hear I am hoping I don't have to work this weekend for Pam...
    I need to get started with cleaning church first thing in the morning. I am not up to a all day work day.
    My friend Patsy has ask me to go with her to a special service at her church Saturday night.
    It been a lone time since I have visited anywhere else.
    She fell again and hurt her right arm and shoulder again this morning at Wal Mart.
    It just 7 week ago she had her surgery on the shoulder. having to get another MRI on it Monday afternoon in Parson Ks.
    See you later my friend.

  • At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    QUOTE LOIS:I did I went directly to bed,I did NOT pass go or collect anything.:END QUOTE

    As i myself have done these past days! I am soooooo tired, and as you know now i am home and closely guarded too..... I hope you feel as you deserve, and as i told you so many times before, that is FEEL REAL GOOD.
    Take care of my intrests and have a nice weekend you sweet woman of mine!
    Kisses and hugs from your own

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary :-)
    So sorry to hear about Patsy.. I hope she gets better.. You are so nice to her..and I know she appreciates you... I WAS ready for the week end till I tried to change the colors of my kitchen to red and white LOL...

    Hi Rob..
    I hope all is well by you..yes, I will take good care..you make sure YOU do TOO!

    I hope you both have a good week end :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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