
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

~What A Nite~

What a night and what a day. White out conditions, with wind so
strong it actually tore the plastic off my porch and woke me up
at least 3 times as hard as the ice was hitting the window.. Of
course having a window on each side of my head I had sterero
wind sounds.. The boys were very nervous, I logged off as soon
as I posted yesterday and they stuck to me like glue as the night
wore on it steadily got worse and they would have crawled inside
me I think if they could have. I don't like when they react to stuff it
makes me worry, cuz animals sense things we cant.. They said
all the loose animals and birds, before that tsunami hit they were
no where to be found..they took to the hills already.. They know..

Penny phoned and said she was drifted in the wind was so bad
out by her, and she would try her best to get in here today or by
tomorrow because they are predicting it worse for Friday which
is her next day to come here.. Its so hard when She misses... but
in the winter you have to expect it..Her boyfriend, Eddie, wont be
in until later today IF he has no trouble on the side roads. I called
the D's last nite to make sure they saw the storm warnings so they
could be prepared in the morning, I used to see this sort of weather
watch and would automatically set my alarm for an hour earlier,
just in case..plus if you don't keep your car in a garage, you have
the joys of scraping It off too.. I don't miss that at all... I told Dawn
last nite, "I watch the cars every day rushing to work , home at nite..
getting out in all this crap, and I am so lucky, yet I sit and I do
complain... I shouldn't"...

Which its very true, I don't have to get out in the cold, or the heat,
or the bad weather, I don't have to shop, do laundry, clean, even
cook if I don't want to.. I am VERY thankful.. but.. I sure wouldn't
mind having to do them again.. Honestly, if I could have my legs
back..and be able to do that again? you bet I would.. Id get out
in it everyday, drive, walk, whatever, and I would work..have a job,
see life going on better than I can through a window.. I get upset
sometimes if I don't hear from someone for a few days or so, but
I forget..others have such a full life..look at the D's.. they stay so
busy, every single day, I phoned Dawn at 7pm..and Donnie still
wasn't home from his 2nd job.. she hadnt been home that long
herself..as she had a list to do when she got off work, she almost
is working 2 jobs herself.. Its hard for them too.. just as hard as
it is for me.. I don't think any of us has it easy...

I write about what I do..how I affect others.. sometimes a good
way, sometimes bad, and I don't want to pat my own self on the
back saying "look at me, see what I did".. no.. I didn't get here
by myself.. when I read, 'good job Lois, or well done.. or from my
dear friend Mary telling me daily almost I am a blessing to her..
Mary, my dear friend.. YOU help to keep ME going.. I read what
you do..the burdens you bear, some of the hard times you have
gone through.. and yet you tell me I encourage you.. Mary, Raife,
Momar, Rob,d, ALL of YOU also do the same for me... I havent
made it this far on my own..Y'all help me a lot, Im grateful.... I
had many dear friends at the HHome..they would talk to me, try
to bring me out of that Dark World I was living in.. I didn't Get out
of there by myself.. just like I don't make it now by myself.. I need
the encouragement..and the good wishes, and even the sweet
fibs agreeing with me that I am a GORGEOUS WEEBLE... None
of us go thru this life alone.. we all need each other and as long
as we all keep looking up to where our strength REALLY comes
from.. well.. life is good.. and we can do it..

What I am going to do right now..is have some dinner and watch
some TV.. I watch that 2 half men every nite for an hour..and that
is my daily dose of laughing.. If anyone can make it through that
show with out cracking at least a smile theyre dead.. All the ones
on that show are great.. That Berta.. shes a doozy..shes my kinda
people.. big hearted and honest and says what she thinks.. just
like me.. and now im saying.. "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    See u tonight when we wacth 2 and Half Men!


  • At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't you just hate that strong wind, it can drive you cazy with all the noise it make and moving thing around.
    That day here with the winds were so bad Wal Mart side door keep opening up wide,the baskets outside would not stay in there little cages.
    OH I hated to hear about the plastic off that window on the porch.
    Oh I am praying we don't have lot of snow here in the morning, needed to take Patsy to Parson for her MRI Thursday morning, it about 35 miles form here. Keep us in prayer for the trip OK.
    MY daughter Beth can go back to work Monday, wow she is one happy lady and able to drive again. It just been a month after her two surgery.She has a desk job so she will be ok.
    God bless you Lois and keep you save. We need you, you are a blessing to us all.

  • At 3:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Who said it was a fib?? I'll punch him right on the nose!!! You ARE a Gorgeous Weeble.
    Amen to what Mary says - you ARE a blessing to us all, with your up-beat, honest spirit.
    How can anyone feel down, reading Lois's Blog?
    I'll surely say a prayer for Mary, that she has a trouble free journey to-day.
    It's blowing a small gale here, too. Management has gone out stag hunting in the rain, Bet she comes back tired, happy and VERY WET!!!
    Take care, Honey, hope the weather improves where you are. They don't always get the forecast right!
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Me,
    was a good one wasnt it? my favorite show.. :-)I missed part of the 2nd I dozed off.. lol...

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, that plastic flappin drove us nutz.. made the boys so nervous..
    Tomorrow more snow for us..snowed all day today..

    Hi Raife..
    The best weather forecaster is to look out the window.. works for me :-)

    So nice to hear from you..
    Always, Lois ****


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