
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

~Windows With Different Views~

I sat here today, looking out the window, listening to some of
my favorite music, which always helps me..it lifts me up when I
get low, when I think I wont ever laugh, or smile, or ever be happy
again.. like I used to be.. sadly.. when I had my legs... I think
back to those 2 years that were such a blur, full of nothing but
pain and depression...that was such a fight..then to go for one
more year, fighting infection and feeling so bad and alone I
wished I could just end it all..get away from the hurt and pain...
I would sit and look out that window in the apartment.. That was
my day, all my waking time.. waiting for more pain..it seemed
and I just felt it would never end... it took over a year really , and
as I sat here I scanned my body in my mind..comparing how I
feel today and how I remember feeling looking out that other
window.. The views have changed, and so have I.. and for the better...
I saw a lovely field out of the other windows..full of animals..a
whole family of ground hogs.. the birds, one was a hawk..so
gracefull, I would watch him soar thru the sky..looking thru my
binoculars to see better.. I loved to watch the geese, they would
lay right outside my door..and loved tormenting the boys.. The
butterflies and wild flowers were just breathtaking sometimes
they were so lovely.. Just before I moved from there.. they
transformed that beautiful piece of land into a 2 story apartment
complex..the view changed drastically, the beauty of the field
was gone..things changed...

The view from my window in this living room is alive and moving,
people walking or riding bikes..the traffic is constant.. Life is out
there..that I see every time I look out.. Its a great view to know
others are out there..but the other view..the beauty was great
too.. I think it was, for me, a way to know, its LIFE out there and
its time you get back in it...And to a certain extent I really have...

I do go more, I know more people, online that is..and even some
from the area, not from this town... I have more people coming by
every week..with Theresa now, and Rebecca, things have changed.
I will be honest and say many days Im NOT happy, when things go
bad, or if someone disappoints me and hurts my feelings...or
when things just seem to overwhelm me and I just cant, no matter
how hard I try, seem to resolve some of the stress things I have
going on just about every week... I think that I have as this time
goes on..adapted more to how to live as a amputee, accept the
things I cant do..find someone to do them for me, and just get
on with what I CAN do.. Even if I had legs..that's no guarantee
that I would have a better, well..less stressful,life.. none of us
have that .. But I do get unhappy sometimes... as I put it .. "I
wish, sometimes, I could tear my face off and be someone
else"... like that movie..'Face Off' with John, handsome man,
Travolta.. I loved that movie... But I think..Ive changed too. and
hopefully for the better...without tearing my face off , some
OTHER parts I wish i could TAKE off..but..well im stuck with
them :-) I have happy days, sad days, but Im very glad I still
HAVE days too ... :-)...

Well I have gone on and on havent I.. I have a tendency to do
that and just be melancholy, maybe is the word..I looked at this
month already almost gone.. This year is steady moving on...
me being in this chair..with round tires..well I have NO choice
but to go too.. Right now , though..This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
is going to get OUT of this chair for today and of course I
cant go until I say "nitey nite".... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, dear darling Lois ... this one tore my heart out. You are such a wonderful, upbeat lady it so saddens me what you had to go through to get here ... I saddens me I didn't know you then so's I could have called to try and lift yo' spirits with some telephone laughing and joking around.


  • At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW love the 2 pictures of you Lois.
    Getting sad is one of the thing human do, but we have hope when we trust in God. I know that he keep me going when thing get so messed up around here.
    Keep Pam in your prayer Monday morning she having test done EEG,CT Scan and Lab...she does good with lab...the other it take God or it won't get done.
    The Dr got upset because it hasn't been done for a long while. All we can do is try our very best to get it done. Yes they use medicine to make her sleepy...
    God bless you Lois.
    You are a blessing to me, love coming here in the evening.

  • At 2:29 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi d,
    Thanks..I know you would have phoned me every day Im sure, I wish you had known me then I sure could have used that.. :-) but better late than never :-)

    Hi Mary!
    Thanks.. Like I always say.. Just keep looking up.. help is there.. I hope Pam does ok..They know how to make it easier for them.. My friends daughter was like Pam..when she would take her for her tests..they would do them both ..kind of helped to see mom having the same thing done..it wasnt hooked up of course..but it worked LOL>..

    Mary my dear friend you are a blessing to me and great encouragement.. you are a dear lady and I respect you immensely I wish I could help you more... I really do.. you deserve the very best.. maybe I can win the lottery Mary and ALL would be so much better...

    So Nice to hear from you..have a good day,
    Always, Lois ****


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