
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~Glad Its Not My TV~

I am so amazed at my cable.. I cant believe the difference. The
cable guy said my cablebox was too old..well I got it in 02, when
I first had the cable. As soon as he put the cable wire on to his
box and I saw how good it came in, I had worried it was my TV,
The picture is so clear, I Got ALL 62 of my channels. I don't have
any of the movie channels, even though I love movies.. My sis
has all of them.. I hate commercials..so when they come on I
click to another channel..then forget where I was and by the time
I figure out where I was the show is over.. But I am so glad its
not my TV..I am most grateful... :-)
Both the official greeters met him at the door of course, Jeremy
took the time to pet them which they love when they get
attention... The lunch girl takes the time every day to stop
and pet them.. LB gets on the desk and he has even reached
out and grabbed her arm for her to pet him again.. She keeps
telling him she will take him home.. They are good kids.. Most
cats arent as friendly as MIne.. I have to say they arent afraid of
anyone..leary sometimes.. I think they can sense who likes them
and who doesn't.. They are very perceptive..and as good a watch
dog as a dog.. They don't miss a sound.. I know when they hear
things.. when they jump up and stare at the door or the heat register,
then I kinda wait to see what I will hear next... I need to get a lock
put on this inside kitchen door.. The outside one is locked..but.. I
think I would feel better with one in here too..I have windows down
the basement..thick glass kind..but. still... windows..
I put so many photos of the boy and happened to take this one of
his Highness LB.. Look at those green eyes... I had just told him
to get OFF MY PRINTER...hes sitting on top of it.. He did NOT
like me yelling at him..couldn't guess that by that photo could ya? I
told him I took his photo and was putting it here too, so everyone
could see him glaring at me..and the stinker! . . .He didn't care!
kids.. :-) But I have 2 GORGEOUS CATS.. but then.. why would I
not have ? Im a GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. only stands to reason my
boys would be too.. :-)

Lunch today was bbq and beans that were so hard I could NOT
eat them.. usually they have good baked beans.. Even the bbq was
not up to its usual good taste.. They said they got a new cook..Well,
I think shes changing the recipes..its a shame they arent BETTER!..
I shouldn't complain, I get them free and I really am grateful..I do eat
some of it.. and I do eat the fruit that they send for Desert.. I need the
fruit and the veggies more than the usually iccky meat. Keeps me in
balance..I had Penny get some ham for me and I am so hungry for
a grilled ham and Swiss cheese.. They are just so good. That is
what my dinner will be ..then im gonna go watch my nice CLEAR
Tv ... Its that time again.. "nitey nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks..:-)
Mary did you get your card yet? I hope you have by now.. :-)

Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Well I hate commercials too, that why I quiet watching TV...and if I do I watch 2 or 3 going back and forth between all of them...Know one want to watch TV with me, and I understand why...My son is hyper too and he does the same thing, and it bug me when he does it too....
    My sister in law love the commercials, now she never leaves her home either...She is way over weight...and does not fit in the car or truck anymore. And it so hard on her to walk too. She is a wonderful person, so caring.
    Becky has 2 sore legs now, they didn't put her diaper on right, and it cause the sores. Wish I knew about it a few days sooner.
    Now she will have to see a doctor, it infected.
    God bless you Lois
    So glad your TV is working great for you.

  • At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Commercials can really be great or awful. There is an editing program for making commercials called Final Cut Pro. There is a commercial with many baby carriages which was inspired by the baby carriage scene in Potemkin by Eisenstein. Philip Glass does some of the music in commercdials. So I watch the commercials as well as the programs.

  • At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Well, let's hope that's the end of your 'puter problems.
    We are lucky here. The BBC doesn't carry commercials. It is the one thing that spoils "Classic FM", an all classical music radio program that we get here. (Also available on line) If you have a PC, you can also get "myclassicfm.com" where you can choose the music you want to hear played from one of six programs. I can't get it on my Mac, for copyright reasons, apparently.
    Just tell LB he's a very handsome cat and tickle his tummy for me, please!!
    I guess you will get to sleep MUCH quicker, now your TV is working OK!!!!!
    Take care, Honey,
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now its all clear!
    You aint the only pretty thing in your house!!
    His highness LB is sure magnificent!!!
    But as i prefer ladies you still are number one!!!!
    Love and hugs from your own

  • At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad you got your TV back Gorgeous!

    Of course you can always me on video if you get bored - lololol......

    Thinkin of ya Sweetie....

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Did you get your card yet? I hope Becky gets better..Some of the commercials are really cute..Theres one with a guy driving and these animals join him singing..that one is great, I love that one.. I counted them once and there were 13 different ads I saw between the shows.. thats one of the reasons I hate them..but they DO show me whats new at the grocery store which I like..
    Take care of yourself Mary...

    Hi Momar,
    Some ads are good, and I enjoy them.. I just like to watch a show with out them..why I like movies..

    Hiya Raife,
    No commercials? wow..they pay fortunes to be able to advertise on prime time.. I think they go to extremes when there are more commercials than show...

    Hi Rob,
    Ya we are all pretty kitties here :-) hope your feeling ok today..

    Hi Butty!
    so nice to hear from you. Your vids are great..thanks for sharing :-)

    So nice to read this..I appreciate you letting me know you have been here..means alot to me..THANKS!!!!

    Luv ya's !!! always, Lois ****


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