
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, February 18, 2008

~I'm Getting There ~ :-)

I, well WE, Penny and I got quite a bit done today and I am
sort of pleased that things are getting squared away more or
less. We worked in my bedroom and we did fix my mirror here
in the living room above the couch.. Looks so much better thanks
to a wonderful valentines gift that was sent to me. I LOVE brass,
and with the burgundy and pale yellow in here..Its so nice and the
colors just are so rich looking and I love it.. I still need some thing
for the right side of the mirror.. I wish I had some more of those
little brass butterflies like the only one I have on the left side of my

The leaves came with flowers in them and I tried it both ways, I like
it plain with out the flowers..I think it just looks 100% better than it
did.. I had this gold wire edged ribbon that I made into a bow there
in the very bottom center and that just added to it even more..Penny
was very pleased with it as well.. Im so glad she already got her
Income tax back, she was really waiting for that.. When she got here
she told me how bad the roads really are after that Rain and then
Snow.. There is what we call Black Ice..you cant see it..but If you hit
it, trust me, you WILL know it...Its very dangerous.. We are expecting
at least 6 inches of snow.. Was amazing.. When I went in to watch TV
and to do some knitting, it was raining..we had snow.. I got up about
11 pm..the snow was gone.. I got up again at 430..and the ground was
covered again.. Its snowed on and off all day and sposta all week..

I got up this morning for a potty call and when I locked down, and went
to transfer forward on to the potty my right brake gave out. I almost
fell. I have learned not to trust my brakes, hard way I might add. I
caught myself..sure woke ME up, but now I have to see about getting
these brakes checked.. Its been gradually going and I ve been keeping
an eye on these brakes..but at 430 in the morning..well Im not as aware
as I am during the day, and the brake not holding caught me off guard.
No damage, just a "TAKE NOTICE LOIS"...so I don't have a nasty fall
out of this chair backwards.. that would NOT be a good thing. I plan to
call and see who I call to get it fixed..

I have been talking about getting rid of this useless hard and slippery
hospital bed I have and looking through the sale papers, today I saw
a double seated recliner..Like a love seat type..holds 2 people. I talked
to my sis as she has had to sleep in her recliner for almost 2 years..
She has a really Bad arm and shoulder problem, she has a hard time
sleeping in a bed. But I think this double recliner might be really nice
for me.. They go almost flat..and I cant lay flat anyway..only problem I
see would be when I sit up to sleep that I could just keep going forward,
and THAT wouldn't be good. I started sleeping that way in the HHome
as I had trouble breathing and It was a different way to sleep.. Now I
do it, I get tired of always laying on my back. I wish I could lay on my
left side, but Ive not lain that way since I had my 2nd abdominal bypass,
and it goes down my left side.. Hurts when I lay on it.. I have more crap
that gives me problems its disgusting :-) oh well..joys of amputee life...

I earned my tired today, and Penny has earned hers, and poor Penny
when she left here she had to go to another client..that well.. from what
I know of others that have atken care of those clients.. they are NOT
the easiest ones to care for, LOTS of work.. Shes very good and Is so
willing to do anything I ask of her..and that sure means a lot to me. I
try to give her extra things..we look out for each other..:-)

Im gonna go look out in my kitchen now for some dinner.. I had a fish
sandwich for lunch from Mc D's..they are the best of any of the fast
foods, so Im not really hungry, I may make a PB&J sammich.. I love
those things.. I don't have any banana though ..oh well.. theyre still
good.. A sammich, the rest of my icee and to go in and watch my
now fixed CABLE! the cable was due to come Wednesday, The
guy called and asked if he could come today..silly man..had to ask..
Ive been waiting for a week well not really but when cable is crappy
it seems that long when your waiting for the repair man. Now to
post and finish today ... First, my GORGEOUS WEEBLE..
"Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    It was a nice day here 46 F right now.
    Your mirror look very nice on the wall there.
    I didn't get much done today at my house...A friend called and wanted to to check her husband old computer to see if there was anything on it that they might need...a lot that needed to be delete he did income tax for a few people...I got it all clean up I think. She gave it to me to give to my son Leon...
    I watch my grandson today, school was out.Was very nice to have him here Jonathon is 10.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I traded 6 papers for 12 meals on wheels so I have been eating well. One man in my house had a stroke with severe hemiplegia. No one in his family wants him in a nursing home nearby - so I guess he will stay in NY.

  • At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Black ice sure is nasty. Two things might help penny. If there is a car ahead of her, she should watch the pattern left on the wet road by the tires - when the pattern stops - that's black ice. I found that you then need ten times the distance between you and the guy ahead of you for braking - yes TEN times!1 The other thing is that right close to the sidewalk, there is often grit on the road. In an emergency, this can help you to stop sooner. Cadence braking - quick pumping on-off-on-off-on-off of the brakes can cut the stopping distance, too.

    Your house is looking real good these days. I'll have to see if I can find some butterfly patterns in stained glass. One of the ladies in my glass class had some. As I've finished my stag fire-screen, I'm looking for another project - this might be IT! Would look good on your wall!!

    Take care, Honey,
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    We are having some crap weather..but not nearly as bad as what they got north of us.We have cold and wind! You stay so busy but I know you enjoy your family.

    Hi A. thats you I think Momar..lol..You are another one that stays busy busy...so good to hear from you .. I miss you when I dont hear from you .. :-)

    Hiya Raife!
    I KNOW your a good driver.. Most people that live in snow country are used to it.. but so many just dont care and think "just this time I will get away with it" and end up in the ditch.. The accidents yesterday up north was awful they said..the snow came down so hard. Have to be prepared in the winter..Carry a blanket..and kittie litter lol.. Pumping the brakes is the first thing they taught me in a skid. Ive been lucky..never had a accident..things have run into me.. a car did once, my house, :-)

    Good to hear from you..:-)
    Always, Lois ****


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