~Stump Boots~
Ive discussed with a few people about stump boots. I know
of a amputee that says she has some, but I havent been able
to reach her to really inquire about them..shes been offline for
a while.. But she says she has stump boots called stumpies..
and she really likes them.. I had thought about them..but for
me, I honestly don't think I would use them or a cart or anything
where I would be even lower to the floor. I cant reach anything
now :-) ... and in boots or on a cart, I would be VERY short.. I
think if I did get any that they would take quite a while to get
used to and I honestly don't think my left stump would tolerate
it.. As much as that scar flares up on that one, I honestly sure
would hate for it to do anything to jeopardize another infection.
From what this other amputee says she likes hers.. but then
she is a very small, well in weight, compared to me I think and
THAT has a huge bearing on it.. I think if I really did get stump
boots as short as my right stump is..and the 13 inches of my
left.. I have a feeling there would be a certain part of me that
would DRAG...besides my arms.. :-) I do think the stretching
part of being able to stand would feel very good.. But I could
do that in a pool.. I think a pool would be wonderful, where the
feeling of standing would be there but not actually standing..
I have a horrible fobia about germs.. which being as prone as
I am to infection is logical...but I wont go in a public pool..There
is a spa or health club just 2 blocks from me..well. I can see it
from my kitchen window, but I have heard so many awful things
about the pipes etc, and I just don't want to take chances going
into a pool that anyone in town can go into.. Now, if it was a
private one, then yes, I would go in it.. In fact I think I would LOVE
to get in a pool.. I saw a great lift to be lowered into one.. I wish
I had something like that to get into my bathtub, boy that would
save me a lot of work...To take a shower is a major deal.. I have
to really be NOT tired when I start out, cuz I know by the time I
am finished usually about 2 hrs or so later im tired! Its NOT
Penny came today and we have decided I definitely need a new
bed and pillows... My pillows are old and just look awful.. I bet
I was up every 2 hours again last nite having to move pillows
around so I could get comfortable, not counting the fact that
every time I moved being the plastic mattress I made wrinkles
well you KNOW this GORGEOUS WEEBLE does NOT do
wrinkles.. She totally redid my bed today so I am hoping I will
sleep better tonight, I think if Im careful with next months budget
I can get new pillows.. I sure hope so.. a new bed..well I kinda
doubt that.. but maybe pillows will help.. I sure need to sleep
better I go to bed tired and wake up tired.. THATS not good..
Like I said.. Im tired..and I want to work on the babyboys afghan,
its looking so pretty.. I had one of the Pasty Central pastys for
lunch..and boy .. talk about good.. worth every penny, I only ate
half its so big, and I plan on having the rest after I post this.. so
that means, time for my "nitey nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks !!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Could COA or APS get you a hoist? Or would it be a problem to find space for it?
When I was with "REMAP" I modified a couple so that the patient's legs didn't bang against them - but that would not be a problem for you!
As far as I can remember, these were electrically operated.
One problem might be how to swing the hoist around so's you are over the tub, and swing it back when you get out.
Maybe there are more sophisticated ones over there - the ones I fixed were supplied by the NHS - probly thrown out of the Ark by Noah!!!
Take care, Honey,
L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW a stump boots, wonderful they can do thing like that...wish it could help you Lois.
Back on line with cox now, haven't been able to log on yet to get to my new e-mail address with cox...I won't use it much anyway I think, love the free e-mail address to much.
Yes being able to play in the water would very nice for you Lois, I never go swimming anymore.
But it would be nice for the exercise ,that would be good for the both of us.
Have a good day Lois and God bless you.
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
your stumps r beutiful why cover them just butt walk
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois
I think stump boots are a wonderful idea. Just thin about the mobility you'd have. You wouldn't be tied to a chair anymore. Please persue it. Where would you get them?
Love ya,
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know a woman about your age who has stumpies and loves them. She walks to the store, her mailbox, etc. She rarely uses her chair anymore. says she loves her freedom
At 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
If you had stump boots you could go get your mail, work in the garden. Why not try them.
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is it called a Hoyer or Hoya lift? I used one once with a quadra-plegic. There was once an academy award winning film called Gravity is my enemy about a quadraplegic who used to float a lot in a pool. I have thought a lot about you having an industrial engineer - human engineer - Ocupational Therapist in to evaluate your woman - machine patterns.
At 7:07 AM,
Lois said…
Hi All,
So nice to read all the comments and great suggestions!! I have thought about boots, but to live here and not be able to make the modifications I would need to get around and reach things I honestly dont know if they would work.
I know a few that have them and like them, I think its a matter of preference, I never wanted prosthetics either.
The lift is a Hoyer I think.. they used one in the HHome, and thats what they used to weigh us. Theyre kinda scarey, but they worked great.
So nice to hear from you..Thanks BUNCHES!!! :-) We got SNOW! Hope y'all are warm and dry :-)
Lois ****
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Stumpboots? Do they come with spurs, and a cowboyhat? I mean you draw your chair faster than you draw a gun, and think if you shoot yourself in the foot..... What a giant miss!
"These boots are made for walking" as in the song.... But honey, that would be far to much for your heart, wouldnt it? I mean its no easy thing to adapt to walking again, after years in a chair. So be careful with your heart, cause i need you for years to come!
And as someone wrote above: Why hide such pretty things in boots???
You are just perfect as you are my dear. And if i might say so, you are rather sexy too, and your bare stumps is a part of that.... Dont hide your assets, so therefore:
Dont hide your eyes, your head, your ears, your mouth, your stumps, your hands, your breasts, your belly, your butt, your hair, your nails, your wonderful body.... DONT HIDE, just give us a show!
Kiss on you sweet woman!
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Sweet Woman, Well, the idea of stump boots is interesting, and I have heard about them - but share your concerns - your stumps are tender - guess you would need a professional opinion. I think some people can use them, and others have problems (all hearsay on my part - get a professional opinion).
Of course, I also agree I am quite fond of your lovely little legs just the way they are (grin).
As for the Hoyer lift - they use one with my brother in law all the time - but it is a big contraption - perhaps they have smaller models.
Take care - Bare Hugs,
At 10:30 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Rob,Butty,
So nice to hear from you.. Yes I think there are alot of contributing factors against me using them, I think if I was lighter, younger and in a tad bit better health wise I might consider them. It would take alot of conditioning I think..
Hope y'all are having a good day :-) we are buried in SNOW again! steady comin down.. :-)
Stay warm and dry Thanks for visiting me today :-)
Hugs, Lois ****
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