
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

~Some of My Family~

I write a lot about some of my mothers family, my dear Aunts,
Uncles and cousins.. That is my Uncle Ernie that is now about 90,
still living, and my dear Aunt Gladys, and their 3 sons, Dennis the
oldest, Then Robert, or Bobby as I called him, the youngest is
Richard, Dickie was his nickname.. A great family, very close, just
as all of us were. We all did things together as a family which I wish
familys now did the same thing, but so many things have changed
so it cant be possible.. My 3 cousins, I havent seen since my mother
died, and then it was Bobby, I havent seen Dennis in 40 years I bet,
and Dickie, I havent seen him since I left home in 64. That's sad.
At one time, good times, we were CLOSE family.. That photo was
taken on one of our outings up to Lake Superior and Porcupine
Mountain... Lovely spot.. We gathered agates along the shore of the
lake, then drove up to the lookout on top of the Porkies as they are
called.. Lake of the clouds is a lovely spot...
We had a great time. That photo was taken from the lookout
at the Porkies, they have hiking trails and its a great recreation
place and quite popular. In that photo is my other sister that I
don't talk about and her husband that I NEVER mention, Top
left, Clifford, Gayle, then Dickie, then my Dad..See those Binoculars
hes holding..They are here next to my desk, I still use them, they
have given me many hours of window looking pleasure when that
was all I did that first year out of the HellHome, when I sat and just
looked out the window, waiting for the day to be over so I could
get to the next and the next. The bottom row, is Aunt Gladys and
Uncle Ernie, then GUESS WHO?? The other blonde is my cousin
Dennis's girl friend then, wife now, Janet, then Bobby in front..

We made these family excursions at Least once a month if not more,
just to get outside and enjoy where we lived, we loved all the seasons,
and made good use of all of them. Snow, didn't detour us at all..Rain,
yes, but snow, we all enjoyed it in different ways. My Aunts and Mom
didn't ski, they loved to go though.. they still enjoyed snow shoes or
even a toboggan that Dad used to tie to the end of his jeep and us
kids would get on it.. Dad would take us out to Kaufmel Road, a
lonnnnnng straight one, and he would pull us behind the jeep, THAT
was fun. Well except for one time when my cousin Bobby got smart
and drug his feet and made us veer off over the side and we ended
up in a snow bank before Dad could stop the jeep..It was fun though.
We didn't get hurt there was too much snow... :-)
The rides we took in the winter, we would just stop along the side
and have a picnic or just let the guys ski.. I wasn't a skiier, but I loved
the snow.There are all of us again, you can see Dennis and Janet in
the back, Uncle Ernie, Aunt Gladys, Dickie,Bobby,Mom, and Me..
Notice all the snow.. Just like what we have outside here today..
I don't think it was as cold that day like it is here today though. I wish
I had the albums of photos that my mother had..3 of them just full.. I
had to give them to Gayle, when she settled the estate after mom
passed away. That is a whole huge chapter, that I very seldom ever
talk about, much less mention Gayle. We are NOT in contact at ALL,
and havent been since 1990, and don't ever plan to be.

There are 2 times in my life I do NOT talk or write about or tell about.
They are very private and very personal... I do mention Gayle off and
on, never her husband, and the other phase of my life was the very
first one, I was married, but I don't write or talk about it. Perhaps one
day I will.. It was a very learning time, and very sad, the outcome of
those times was NOT good..but I learned some very valuable lessons.
I honestly think If I did write a detailed book about my life, NO ONE
would believe that a person in one lifetime could go through so many
different things of happenings- my life I have to say Is like a comedy
of errors.. Laughable , cryable..but the biggest was I LEARNED and
I have survived.. that is the main thing :-)

I still am.. I learned last nite that my Brother, Kenny has just gotten
home from hospital.. His wife Yvonne phoned me last nite.. Kennys
right kidney has stopped functioning..and.. they had to BYPASS
both his legs. He has blood clots.. like me, and sadly like my sister
RoseMarie, that passed away from an aneurism that killed her
instantly, she was 57. I am worried for Kenny. He was diagnosed
with PVD, like me. My sister Shirley, has severe leg problems, but
hasnt had bypasses...YET.. I talked for a long time to them and I
hope I didn't scare them, but that is how I started.. and why I am like
I am now.. I fear for Kenny. But like I told Yvonne, as long as he is
still alive and here, that is the main thing.. we can handle every thing
that is thrown at us.. That is one thing I can say about each of us
that are left, only 4 now, we are fighters, and we stand our ground..
I told Yvonne, Kenny was resting and she needed to talk to someone
that she knew would understand.. She loves Kenny dearly they have
been married for over 30 years. They live by my other brother Frank
and not far from my sister Shirley...in Elkhart..

Well time for me to close this day, was a quiet one, no mishaps,
no spills or falls and not much stress, I can handle these kind of
days, I hate when I have to get upset or angry or those ugly feelings
I like happy the best.. Which GORGEOUS WEEBLES are of
course mostly happy, you can be if you try.. Im gonna try to get out
of this chair for today and watch my great CLEAR TV..THAT will
make me happy :-) "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wonderful pictures Lois, family is so important.
    School was out today, wondering about Friday now...
    Don't worry about the card, maybe in time it will come...thank you for thinking about me...
    God bless you Lois

  • At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Family memories: we used to have wonderful family picnics in the 40s and early 50s. Sunday morning we would picnic in the park - go swimming ata WPA built pool. Go to a film on Sunday afternoon. a dinner on the porch and then summer opera in the park.

  • At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories and photos with us. Over here, and I expect over there, too, families are spread all over the place, and only get together once a year or so. The young people are no longer part of an extended family - which is sad and difficult for those raising youngsters.
    We can get to see our Scallywags in about three and a half hours, and we will always be there in an emergency. My wife and daughter are good pals and have long "heart to hearts" on the 'phone.
    Take care, Honey,
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 2:54 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Thanks :-) Yes, I have some great memories..and Im grateful I do.. I cant figure out what happened to it..Penny said she mailed it.. I plan to send another..tomorrow.. I hope you get this one !! :-)

    Hi Momar...
    You need to put some of YOUR many experiences down.. You have the most interesting life.. now and then ! ;-)

    Hiya Raife..
    You did good .. 2 great kids, and 6 of the most beautiful grands in the UK... You have some great memories and photos..

    Was so nice to hear from you.. Thanks :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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