~Phoney Ear~
I made so many phone calls today my ear feels like the phone is
glued to it.. I bet I made 15 calls if I made one.. I called Deborah,
at my Insurance..and told her just what is going on with my Drs.
office and the problems im having. They are a firm believer in
preventative medicine and this should be just that. I explained
it all to her, so she is going to so some of her calls and see what
she can find out for me Today the snow is gone..it left over
night because of the rain.. I had no way of knowing that.. I can
call make an appointment for more than likely would have to be
a few days ahead, well then I have to schedule a ride, and I have
no guarantee that it will be clear when it comes time to go.. That's
the joys of winter.. But I am NOT going out in it.. If they wont come
here and do the labs, and refuse to refil my prescriptions.. well I
will just do with out them. Myself.. I think its just Cherise and Erica
at the Drs office that are doing this..They never have liked me and
I really don't care..as long as they treat me as a patient..
Ive asked them..even TOLD them..if they have a personal problem
with me and find I am NOT their favorite person..keep it OUT of the
office.. When I roll in there I better get good professional care that
is to be expected from ANY nurse, Dr or whomever.. A patient has
rights..and Good care is the main thing.. If push comes to shove I
will file a complaint with whomever I have to.. I told my sis when she
was here what was going on..and I know my sister. If something
happened to me because of this.. I KNOW what she will do..and I
hope she does, if that should happen..But what if I was the type of
hope she does, if that should happen..But what if I was the type of
person not to fight for what is right..like so many are that ARE in-
timidated by these places..and DONT fight for their rights.. I feel
for them.. What do they do? They DIE..from lack of care..and I wont
be one of those statistics.. I'll fight till they get so sick of me they
will do anything to shut me up... :-) arent I awful..well they say, 'the
squeaky wheel gets the grease first'.. so call me a ... SQUEAKY
squeaky wheel gets the grease first'.. so call me a ... SQUEAKY
I showed Penny my hands and arms..they really don't look Good. I
cant take chances with them..and this cream I have, this anti-
biotic well today it just doesn't look like its really better. I did call
and try to find out about Visiting Physicians.. and apparently they
have changed and now only accept people with medicare? or
medicaid.. I cant keep those 2 straight.. I thought I had both but I
guess I don't.. So I may not be able to get VP.. I did apply a while
back to SS and I thought maybe I would get the one I don't have,
but Ive not heard anything more about that after I got the paper
work I sent them back.. I guess that's another call I will have to add
to my list...
Ive been doing some checking into land contracts etc..and all the
stuff about buying a house.. Penny is very up to date on things too
that concern land contracts.. I know when I have called different
agencys that if I OWNED this house, THEN they would come in and
fix everything, free too..the CAA here I KNOW will and I know the
COA will come and do smaller repairs.. In fact Norma at COA said
"we wont send anyone for home repairs, unless you OWN your home".
And I know CAA will step in too.. I don't know.. I wont do anything
until I know for sure that I wont get into more stressful stuff than I
already have.. But I would think owning this house..and if I can make
the payments.. I would think it would be a good thing.. If I got this
place up to snuff and fixed up.. I could re sell it.. I know its not a good
time.. but..lots of people ARE buying now because you can find some
really good deals.. I keep the thought that if I did buy this..in 2 years..
maybe I could double the price of it and then sell and at a nice good
profit.. Plus, if my Knight can get that horse of his to find me, I maybe
could have a nice nest egg to fall back on or do another re-start, but
this time not with a minus check book balance like last time.. I sure
have Lots of homework to do..
There was a lot of stress for me this past week and ahead I know.. I just
have to watch I don't let it over load me and get too much on my plate
so to speak.. There is trouble on the home front for my boy and Dawn
that kinda upsets me but there is nothing I can do. All I can do is offer
support and advice when Im asked..I cant interfere. But I hate to see
2 of my favorite people in distress. I will help or step in. so to speak,
but not until requested .. You have to be very careful what you say
when 2 people are having problems..if they get back together you
could have put your foot in your mouth if you say the wrong thing..All
I am doing is Offering to help, if they need me they know how to get
hold of me 24 - 7..that's all I can do.. Plus the fact I cant really add
this stress of worry to what I already have, not right now anyway..
We are all clean..thanks to Penny, I had put that pumpkin pie in the
fridge as I didn't have room in my freezer for it, the one from Angel
Food, I had planned for Penny to bake it today. I didn't notice it was
at an angle... tipped to one side a bit.. well it WAS frozen.. during
the night, well it thawed out.. so.. guess where the LIQUID pie
filling went? I asked Penny to get a juice out of the fridge for me, she
opened the door, I heard "ohoh" and Penny told me what the pie
had done to my fridge..well to the shelf below it and the bottom of
the inside..Yes.. I had pumpkin pie ALL over it.. I offered to clean it
since I HAD to have been the one to tip the box the pie was in..but
Penny, being the sweetie she is, she cleaned it up.. I hate when I
make extra messes for her to clean..she never complains but I
still feel bad when I do.. She does an awful lot for me and I would
never want her to think I am taking advantage of her. I got a nice
big package of chicken breasts that didnt fit in the freezer, so I gave
them to her for her having to do this extra work on the fridge, she
said Eddie was in town so she was going to fix it for them for dinner
tonite..I think with rice and tomatoes and onion.. Yellow rice would
be good too.. :-) Shes a very good cook... TOO :-)
Well Im done with this puter for today and with my phone I hope..and
Im gonna go knit on my babyboys' afghan.. its about halfway done. I
showed it to Penny as she is such a talented knitter/crocheter..and
she thought it was really looking good. I think so too. Its really pretty.
I think I am going to work on the pale blue polar fleece blankets I
have for baby..decorate them up a bit.. They will be so pretty..
have for baby..decorate them up a bit.. They will be so pretty..
Time for some of my ICEE.. if DQ quits making this flavor I will surely
cry.. No other place in town has the green , lime ones..and they ARE
the best.. Time for my bed and TV and of course.."Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
It nice your snow is all gone, we didn't get any today...That make me happy anyway.
Sure hope you can get that visiting Doctor to show up...make life a little easier for you...
I hate it when I have lots of phone calling to do, it can take a lot of time up...
It is cold here right now it 32 F, that wind really make it cold.
God bless you Lois, have a great day my friend.
At 2:16 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yup, disappeared over nite, more is comin though.. I hope all is ok there and your doing ok Mary.. I appreciate your daily visits :-)
Always, Lois ****
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