
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

~Ok, I Have A Temper~

I really hate when I let people's words or remarks put me in a bad
mood.. I hate fighting and arguing..specially when I'm right! :-)
I got up feeling really good, was a nice day, logged on to
yahoo and MSN ..aim.. to see who was up and about. A
friend messages me and we get into a huge fight..so much
so I was ready to throw this new computer out in the street..
Computers are such wonderful things...but they can bring
you such heartache and trouble more than anything else there
is I think.. I hate to have my feelings hurt by a callous or
unthoughtful remark.. I have such a bad temper it just makes
me mad all over !.. As nice as I am, I have that bad a temper.

I know I do and have been this way all my life..I just see red
when something makes me mad and there is just NO telling
what I will say or do.. I hate to get mad I really do..If I get too
mad and upset, it tears up my whole system, then I end up
literally SICK..pukey sick..that's how bad it is.. Over the years
Ive learned .. hard way- how to control it so that it just doesn't
over ride my whole system.. When I feel the anger I sit and
count to 10.. if I am really upset I start to write them a letter
to whomever it was made me mad..Usually by the 10th letter I
write, the mad has subsided and I can go on..

Having a horrible temper really can benefit you tho.. If I wasn't
so determined and just plain MAD that this happened to me
I don't think I would be like I am either.. I'm not gonna let the
loss of 2 legs stop me or my life.. made me mad that my
body failed me..so I am determined to make the best of it..
This isnt easy by a long shot but I'm determined I'm gonna
do it.. I get mad enough I can do anything :-) So I guess
some mads are good for you :-) Well, MAD got me out of
that homeless shelter before anyone else! :-)

I went to my email and found some photos I had sent to others
as I don't have my cam hooked up yet.. I still don't think I
should install this old one.. Ive had it for over 3 years and Ive
used it ALOT!..no, not for just pictures and videos of me.. :-)
I take photos outside and of the boys! ok, ok..so most are of
me ..but anyway, my cam wasn't acting right and the focus
was off..Next week.. after the first, I think I might check out a
new one..just to be safe with this new computer.. I was told I
can take the hard drive out of my old one and put it on a cd..
which I hope I can.. all my photos and videos and especially
all my stories are on that computer.. I could probly re write
them but I cant replace some of the photos.. I'm still looking
for someone to do it for me or show me how... So that photo
up top is an old one..its still the GORGEOUS WEEBLE
herself..in all her glory..aint I tho? I love me :-) I'm so glad
someone does :-) .. I know y'all love me too :-) even though
I have a bad temper :-)

I havent decided what I'm going to fix for my Sunday dinner
yet.. I just am not real hungry after a mad I really don't have
much of a appetite.. I will have to raid my cupboards and
see what I can find.. Sunday is almost over.. and its only a
week until we get to July..this year Is half gone already..
time sure flies when your having fun don't it? Life is good..
its all good..now my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"...:-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois,

    It is nice to see after such a long time.

    How are you. hope that u are enjoying the summer very well.

    Me quite good. it is winter here.

    Your second picture is very nice, specially the skirt.

    Do you have any recent video or picture set which u can share with me.

    Have a nice day.

    Take care.


  • At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    I'm back we had a very nice reunion, only 55 here this years... It was so nice to see them again...wish I could spend more time with them...
    Bob is still sick he missed it all and so did Pam...Becky and Michael had a good time...My son Robert Leon and his son Aaron had to work that day.
    Nice pictures you put in here Lois.
    Hoping to get to bed myself very soon...Monday going to be another big day for me. Might have to take Bob to the doctor Monday, he has two doctor appointment already this week. I like to fine out how his cat scan came out and might not know about it till Thursday.
    God bless you Lois
    Good to be back...

  • At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Well, I'm back - all my missions accomplished.
    Singing Haydn's "Creation" with many old friends was a real joy. I could really let go and praise and thank the Lord in a loud voice!! Though sometimes off key and with missed entrances. But as I'd not sung it for 24 years, I didn't do too badly!!
    Thank you for the super pickies of my fav Weeble. As usual, you look totally gorgeous, though I bet you don't when your temper is aroused.
    Still, like you say, you have to be a real tough cookie to come up smiling over and over like you do. I am proud to call you "Friend"
    Take care, Honey, and don't blow too many fuses!
    Luv Ya,

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Yashvin..
    Nice to hear from you.. I only just got my cam so I will make a new video.. you need to send me a email so I have your email addy please..

    Hi Mary,
    I sure hope Bob gets better.. too bad he had to miss the festivities.. Im glad your back Mary You were missed !! :-)

    Hiya Raife,,
    well a little mad dont hurt nuthing if you count to 10..Im so glad your back! ive missed you ..!

    Love N, Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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