
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

~Not Good News~

The boy came over last nite, he hates when I call him 'the boy',
:-) but only I can get away with it...he stayed for a while,
and we talked like we always do..He leaned back on the
couch and said "Gran, Monaco is closing its doors, 1900
people will be with out a job in September and I will be
one of them". I didn't know what to say I was shocked.
Monaco Coach is a big company, based in Oregon..the
plant in Elkhart closing totally down is not good.. He relayed
to me that our girl Kelli, her days have been cut back to 4
and her hubby, Jorge, was laid off the other day...This is SO
not good.. I see on TV all these companys folding or moving
away and all the thousands losing jobs.. How can all these
people find work again? I felt so badly for them..and NOW
to hear my boy saying this ...it worrys me alot...He didn't
relay any info on Dawns job, so lets keep our fingers crossed
and say some prayers for these kids...Donnie has been with
Monaco for over 16 years and is one of the best diesel
mechanics in this area... this is so awful.. more stress and
worry for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE GRAN but..well who
doesn't worry about their kids? I do..about ALL of them..
3 sons, 8 grands and 4 great grands..that's a lot of worry!
but I love it :-) and wouldn't trade it for anything...I did
say "well, you can always reconsider renting your base
ment to me, you know"... He smiled and said "the way
things are going, I may have 3 kids living with me"... We
both laughed and he assured me hes not really worried,
and as experienced a diesel mechanic he is..26 years...
I pray he will get a job right away.. He still has his 2nd
job he goes to every day but the way things are going,
no telling what will happen with that one since a company
as huge as Monaco folds..its worrysome... Ive known
something was wrong, the last couple times Ive talked to
him on the phone, I could sense something and sure enough
its something all right.. I have faith..they will be fine..and
knowing the boy? well.. I worry, but..I know Donnie....hes
a go-getter and he will get a job... I have no doubts...

My son in the UK, Mark, has mentioned a few times that he
has , well THEY have, talked about moving back here to the
states.. and call me a bad american..but I don't think this is
the best time to do it.. I know the stories about Rip Off
Britain as one friend says, but its not good here, at least I
worry.. I see all this atheist stuff about taking God out of any
thing in our government, school, state and city offices.. Well,
I don't know about anyone else..but to me.. I'm NOT taking
GOD out of anything...that's NOT good as far as I'm concerned.
How our higher ups allow these people that are doing this to
continue and more or less condone it.. Things that have been
tied to this country for generations and NOW because of a few
big mouths that want to show everyone they have POWER,
they want to change things to suit them.. We that are the majority
I feel HAVE no Power... Taking God out of anything CANNOT
be a good thing.. and NO ONE will EVER convince me of that..
I KNOW where my help comes from..I just wish those people
with power knew that too.. This election coming up..well I KNOW
who is the best man, that's McCain... the other running? I wont
comment on that at all..but-- what I read about his 'beliefs',
well- scares me.. ! Enuff of Politics.. I will add tho..something
needs to be done to help this country.. When I think back to
when I was growing up..the 50's, 60's, 70's... people cared,
loved and helped each other..they were honest, loyal and
trustworthy.. We all lived well and happy ... what happened?
I look at my grands and these precious new great grands..
what will this country be like in 20 years? Scares me...It
really does...
Rebecca came yesterday, and I took another photo of her,
she laughs when I do... She still is having trouble with her
knee.. Apparently she fell and where she hit it she had a
bite from something and the stinger or what ever was still
there..when she hit the knee it pushed that in farther and
made her whole knee swell up and she had to have it lanced.
She was NOT a happy camper... But as you see shes doin
ok.. Shes on holiday next week, I told her we need to take
a ride over to the casino...shes ready to go too ! :-)

Well I'm gonna go eat..and oh--that tree IS called a SMOKE
tree...I looked it up on line after I read d's comment... Its
so pretty.. The photos on line don't do it justice its so
beautiful.. Ive never heard of it before..and I wish they
had planted it outside this living room window then I could
REALLY enjoy it... Its beautiful all summer tho.. even tho
its where I cant see it all the time, I can if I look out the
bedroom east window..I'm so grateful its out there to
enjoy...The planter person..well they done good..:-)

My good Is out in the kitchen and I'm gonna go get it..
called Dibs.. I sent Penny to the store today to get some
more of them.. I did have 2 packs in the freezer but that's
the first place Donnie goes to when he comes over.. He
had a sore throat so they helped he said..:-) I'm sure
they did...:-) Dibs, TV, sleep.. I HOPE in that order.. first
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I detect a little racism today. It's amazing the number of people in their 60s and 70s who can't see beyond the color of skin. It must go back to being raised in the 50's when you were brought up in a segregated society. It's hard to get rid of those old beliefs especially when you don't have an open mind.

  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Your wrong.. Im in no way racist.. I go by what I see, hear and read..Skin is only on the OUTSIDE..doesnt matter, its whats on the INSIDE.. its not good to stereotype people...

  • At 6:14 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    sorry I didnt sign off..
    Always,Lois**** :-)

    oh well better late than never!! :-)

  • At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Liebschen Sussigkind do bist so hubsch wie ein Angle von Himmel. Ohne dir ist mein Leben leer. Bitte bleise mir ein kleine Kossen um die Kilometern.


    Immer dein

    Hehehehehehehehehehehe ...


  • At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are a nice lookin' lady Lois, I know from last nights photo. Rachel ain't bad either.

    Tex Hartthrob

  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    LOL.. ok d, is this a test? I got it translated and it said somethin about fish in the sky :-D lol..too funny..

    Hey Tex,
    Thanks, and yes Rachel is as pretty as she is sweet..

    Thanks hey!!!
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I grew up in a segregated society. I hope I am over any racist feelings. The first educated black I met had his PhD in Education. When I have had to compete with blacks I find some are smarter than I am.

  • At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who is Rachel? Did I miss an update?

  • At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    Yes that tree is so pretty, God does make awesome wonderful thing for us to enjoy here.
    So sorry to hear about Monaco is closing its doors.
    Will make it hard on so many.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 7:14 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    I was taught to look at the inside and how I am treated is what I return.

    Rachel is my caseworker that comes by usually every thursday.Shes a single mom and yes she has a boy friend..

    Hi Mary :-)
    Its so amazing to see this world..never ceases to make me grateful... Yes times are getting really bad...

    So nice to hear from you...thanks!! :-)

    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Gorgeous,

    Well - I reread your blog and I find nothing at all racist there.

    So sorry to hear about the Monaco plant - that's a real tragedy. I'm sure a good diesel mechanic will have no trouble finding a good job. Good ones are hard to come by.

    Loved your 1000th post - thanks for your thoughts about being an amputee... Of course I've known some of them for a long time ;).

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Butty!!! :-)
    I didnt think so either, but well we all see things differently...Yes, Im sure Donnie wont have any trouble finding a job..his work history is amazing..
    Thanks honey, your a dear friend..and deeply appreciated :-)
    Love N'Hugs
    Always, Lois ****


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