~Watching The World~

I was thinking back to my first year out on my own
after my amputations..when I got my new apartment. I
was still very sick with a raging infection and all of
my time I sat and looked out that window. I got up, had
a coffee and I would roll into the other bedroom which
I had as my sewing/craft room..It was all set up but I
didn't feel much like doing too much I was in so much
pain all the time..My most favorite thing to do was to get
my dads binoculars and watch the field and all the animals,
birds and wildflowers.. There was a building, a phone place
I think and I knew every car in the parking lot and could
tell when someone new was there, that's how much I
watched what was happening out there.. I was watching
the world .... you can see the field and businesses way
in the back ground.. don't look at the messy room..its
a craft room meant to be messy :-)
The ground hogs I enjoyed the most and the hawk. I
worried about them after they bulldozed the land and
built those apartments what had happened to them. I
never saw the hawk again but I did see one of the 10
ground hogs one day. I was looking at the apartments
and saw one run for his life past the window to get
where he wouldn't be seen.. When the wildflowers were
blooming it was just totally awesome as they drew the
butterflies and the field just seemed to come alive..
I remember when I was growing up when my grandma,

when she lived by her self in her apartments, I remember
2 she had, one above a store on the main street and one
in the upstairs of a house .. Gramma had her chair by
the window in both places and whenever we went to visit,
we would find her there "just watching the people" she
would say... When we took gramma with us to shop mom
would always park the car on the main street, when it
came to get out of the car, gramma always refused and
said "go ahead dear, I'll sit in the car and watch the
people"... and that's what she would do... As I got out of
the car and looked back at gramma sitting there all by
herself I would feel bad sometimes, that maybe I had
best stay and keep her company, but she always said
to go, she was fine.
When I would go down town shopping on Saturdays with
my friends, I would always stop by and visit with her
while some of my friends did their thing. Later, I would
catch up with them at the Walgreens for my favorite
lime coke from the soda fountain they had back then.
I asked her one day why she always sat by the windows
and why did she like to sit in the car and "watch the
people" as she always told me... Gramma sat back in her
chair and smiled at me, put her hand on my arm, and
said "Lois, dear, I love to watch the people, I guess
what they do, I quietly tell them hello, some see me
and will smile back, Its like watching the world..and
knowing its a busy place, I enjoy watching how busy
some people are, see their faces and try to figure out
who and what is happening.. The smiling people I
know are happy, they walk faster, then there are those
that look down and are walking fast as though they
don't want to see whats out there and are just
hurrying thru the day. I enjoy it..try it someday, Lois,
you will see what I mean."
That was when I was probly about 12 or so..and I
remember that day.. I never worried about leaving
gramma in the car after that, I bet that's why my mom
didn't either cuz she knew gramma better than ME~
When I sat and looked out my apartment windows
for almost a year, lots of times when I was enjoying
the birds and flowers and animals, I would think of
gramma, her chair rocked, so mine rolls...but I really
KNEW why she enjoyed "watching the people"....
I saw life, living, happy busy things outside my window.
If I wouldn't have had that I would have probly sat
and watched TV, and which is really better to do? I
think looking out the window, I still do that.. I have a
nice west window now, right on the side of me here,
when I sit at my desk.. I steady am watching and
seeing life out there and I enjoy it still.. Windows are
really a great thing.. I'm glad I don't have to wash
them, poor Penny does, being short does have some
perks I have to say :-D
What a rainy day satday. Its rained most of the day,
and let me tell you my stumps feel like theyre gonna
explode they feel so tight..Its only raining and I'm glad
its not storming.. We 3 here did not do one thing all the
day. I cleaned out my Inbox and got caught up on all
my mail I think except for Julie and I plan to write
that when I finish here ! The boys have snoozed all
day but we 3 did get up early..Dutch decided at 4:45
that it was wakey wakey time and steady walked back
and forth across my chest till I just sat straight up
so he would fall off .. Kids I'll tell ya.. he got me up,
I fed them, they ate and have been snoozing ever
since! Now, that's NOT fair! :-) Ive not eaten all
day and I think I'm gonna have a fav of a PB&J -
I love those things and come to find out so does
my grandson Tyler..hes like his Nan! :-) Time to
end this and say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"nitey nite".. :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes ... the world's greatest pleasure: people watching. I'm told the best place for a retirement home is across from a school where the old folks can watch the young folks runnin' around. I always wanted to make an avante guard flick setting up a camera at Randolph and State in Chi town, photographing passers-by for like 8 hours. I soon travel to WA. Maybe I'll get lucky and a flight delay will let me watch the hurrying crowd for an hour or two. Maybe there will be a WC or sticks ... that's always thought provoking ... what's that life like?
So there ... bestest
At 2:40 PM,
Lois said…
Hi d.. :-)
Picture taking is a great thing to do..it makes you really SEE whats there I think.. I have always been a photo taking person and videos.. I had a nice video camera took those tiny vid tapes.. Its fun.. going to WA on holiday are ya? Well I hope you have a great time but HURRY BACK!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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