~We Need Rain~
this morning.. She brought the camera back in and I went
to download them. When I opened the door to the card
part, well..there was no card in it!..So she had to go back
out and take some more, which she really doesn't mind
doing.. That photo shows how dry my grass is that I had
NOT noticed from inside here. We sure could use some
rain I think..Now that I think about it its been quite a while
since it has.. My snowball bush is in its last stages and we
spaced out getting a photo then.. We just stay so busy here.
were no glories on that side.. Next year we will put the wire
down to the bottom and all the way up to the top of the fence,
and I bet that whole thing will be covered for sure.. I didn't
have to replant every spring when I had them before..so I hope
I wont these... They are so nice to see out there...What ever
that green plant is its about to bloom too..By next week I am
sure it will be out in full... I will have to watch it.
I havent done anything special today and I feel like I have not
accomplished anything.. I feel sometimes just what purpose is
all of this. But then I think again and am so grateful for all I
do have.. Not everything Id like but..well this isnt too bad. I
appreciate what I do have, but I think if I was satisfied then
maybe I wouldn't try as hard to do or change things.. Then I think
I would just sit back and roll with the flow, so to speak.. Maybe
I just like to make waves once in a while to keep it more interesting
and a ride I don't mind taking..rough or not.. Its an experience..
To be like this, sure I wasn't prepared, sure wasn't what I wanted
To be like this, sure I wasn't prepared, sure wasn't what I wanted
at all..but well like I tell everyone.. All they were was legs, and the
very best part is still intact which is ME.. a GORGEOUS WEEBLE...
That's the main thing.. I am still surviving.. Maybe not the way I
really want to but well its better than the alternative isnt it?
I watched my netflix last nite and as much as I like the show on TV
of Stargate, this movie wasn't that great.. was hard to keep up with
where they were and the whole plot.. Its out waiting to be picked up
and by Monday maybe I should have the next one on my list.. I like
watching these, I just wish I could watch them in my bedroom and
then I could get out of this chair and get really comfy to enjoy the
movie.. But until I can I'm not complaining.. I get to watch them
and that's the main thing..so many cant see at all.. I'm most grateful.
I'm blind in my left eye so I half way understand.. of all the disabling
things I think blindness is the hardest.. How do you describe a color?
or the sky...you can textures, cuz you can feel them... but things that
can only be seen to be appreciated..I think blindness would be the
hardest ..
Well the hard thing for me to do right now is roll out to that kitchen
and get a Carmel ice cream Sundae that Penny got for me today when
she got my icee.. I LOVE Carmel sundaes... MMM good stuff .. I think
I will play some solitare and I have to try to clean out my inbox.. I
joined a group that just sends too much.. makes email a job then and
email is should be a good thing.. Time for my treat but not before my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"... :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you friend....
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 6:56 PM, Anonymous said…
LOL Monday is a holiday... no netflix....
At 12:18 AM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Bob finishing cleaning out Patsy MOM cellar today, it was full of water, the pump went out. They are hoping to sell the house next year.
Saturday hoping to get the house straighten up and get the shopping done for Labor Day...I clean out the freezer tonight, it's been needing it for a while. I found thing I had forgotten about.
Love the pictures you put on the bog.
Have a wonderful weekend Lois
We are getting rain right now.
God bless you Lois.
At 6:09 AM, Lois said…
ohhh CRAP~! It IS ~~ DUH.. ok..tuesday lol..
Hiya Mary,
thats not a good thing to have a watery basement.. You and Bob are such nice helpful people.. Im so glad you like the photos.. I enjoy taking them...
So nice to hear from you!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
At 11:37 AM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois,
I have just been reading your Blog & it was so very friendly & intersting I loved it thank you.
I must add that I loved your flower displays so pretty & colorful.
Thank you for your letter too I would love to stay in touch.
Hope you have a lovely holiday Monday over there.
LOve & Huggies.
At 12:10 PM, Lois said…
Hi Audrey!
So nice of you to stop by and to let me know ! I apreciate it.. Ya, I LOVE to take pictures.. keeps me otta trubble lol...
Hope your havin a good week end!
Always, Lois ****
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