
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

~See What I See~

We, as in Dutch and I, were looking out the kitchen window watching
birds and looking at the glory bloomin on the stake out there. That was
so pretty to see.. While we were sitting there I looked down and was
looking at my stumps and thought it might be an interesting photo.. So..
I took one just so you can see what I see ....
The right you can tell is smaller, flatter and shaped more
cone shaped. I know when I first started this blog I put
a photo here of the binder I had to wear. I went and dug
out the photo to put it here again. Helps to show the cone
shape. I had never seen a leg put on or knew what I would
have to go through until I talked to my friend in there that
was also a DAK.. BB was his name, a very dear friend.. While
I was wearing this binder, BB had already gone through it,
he was in the process of being fitted for his leg.. they were
only going to do one at a time.. His right leg first. I went
with him a few times when they helped him put it on, I watched
and noted all he went through.. It wasn't easy.
They had his leg on and he had a walker. They made him walk
down the hall well hop I guess.. He went to move that leg and I
don't know what he did wrong but he went down with a loud
crash.. He hit the floor and almost knocked himself OUT! I
saw that and I think that's when I kinda started to make up
my mind that I really didn't want fake legs! It was about,
June I think and HOT... and wearing that binder made me
sweat.. it was rough material too.. the only soft part is that
white area in the center..that was facing the inner part of
my thigh.. When I sweat and moved, that binder would slip
and try to slide off with every movement.. drove me nuts! I
was steady diggin at myself to get that thing to stay up..was
like a small pair of panty hose that kept sliding down.. I hated
them too !! I wore them only cuz they looked nice :-)

BB and I had some long talks about his legs.. He was due to get
the 2nd one soon.. By the time he escaped he had both of them,
but once he got into his apartment , he never used them.. if he
went out to shop or something he would wear them.. at home he
said it was a pain in the butt to put them on every day. BB was
very athletic and could move very easily and was VERY strong.
He also was a careless diabetic and challenged it.. he ate candy
and sweets, drank.. and I told him many many times to stop.. He
died at 47, I found him dead in his chair when I went to check
on him that Saturday morning.

When I was in the HellHome I was one of 2 women and 6 men
and we all were amputees and above knee ones.. Yesterday when
the lady from the church brought my angel food she told me of
her next delivery to another dak amputee that lives where I
used to. It might be the same lady that Theresa wants me to
meet.. Theresa thinks I should meet lots of people specially
ones that are discouraged.. She thinks I could give them a good
pep talk..I could too.. This aint easy by no means.. but Hell at
least TRY!.. some don't.. Darryl was a the HH.. he didn't care
at all.. he just sat and whined all day and half the night.. Only
time he didn't complain was when he was sleeping.. Darryl was
45.. and a diabetic... He died before I even left the HH... I
wish he had tried harder... But when you give up.. it seems to
just finish you.. and that I WONT do.. NEVAHHHH :-)
Well I'm done for today, and of course I'm hungry.. I always
write this post first before I eat cuz if I eat first I get tired,
then I don't feel like writing .. I wear down like that rabbit,
and when that happens this GORGEOUS WEEBLE has no choice
but to say "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Wonderful day here weather is very nice.
    We were able to go out to eat after church, so nice just to relax with old friends.
    Yes binder would be very hard to wear. I don't like anything tight on me at all.
    My sister Helen will be 75 on Monday, all of us going out for supper that special day .
    God bless you Lois

  • At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    Just been reading your letter from yesterday( Sunday)
    All your letter,s make such good reading & I enjoy them all, thank you.
    I have to agree with you wholeheartedly about Never giving up on things . You are such a wonderful example.
    Both Don & I always think you have to try & do your best to "bounce back" or get on with what you can from life, never ever give up on yourself.

    Bless you.
    Hugs Audrey

  • At 2:05 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary:-)
    Yes, to have a nice outing with good friends a nice meal..always good..I miss that.. Im the same way Mary I dont like tight fitting clothes. Happy Birthday to your sister!

    Hi Audrey! :-)
    Thats the keyword in anything you do.. TRY.. How do you KNOW you cant do something until you try it. Only thing I HATED to try were those bloody CARROTS my mother used to make me "TRY THEM LOIS".. lol... THOSE I did NOT TRY! lol..

    So nice to hear from you...
    Love N'Hugs,
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois
    I know most people who love you wont say this but that was a great photo of your stumps. Im only being honest but they create all kinds of fantasys. If there could only be more.

  • At 6:54 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi A,
    Gee does that mean YOU dont love me? boo hoo! lol. Private photos are sent privately when asked nicely... :-)
    Nice to hear from you...:-)
    Always, Lois ****


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