
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

~Changing Seasons~

My tree is almost fully changed color, its so pretty almost
makes it glow out there when the sun hits it.. The ones that
are across the street from the house next door havent even
started to change. Our weather has been typically fall, very
cool but sunny. The boys lay in the kitchen window during the
late afternoon and I leave the blind up so they can lay in the
sun. They love it.. When I touch them they almost feel hot
from laying there so long. The change of seasons to me is
just wonderful, I missed that the most when I lived in Texas.
It snowed once the whole time I was there and that was just
a few days after I moved there, I felt I brought it with me.
They didn't appreciate it, talk about a town almost closing down,
from people not knowing how to drive on snow covered slippery
roads.. Wrecks everywhere and I have to say some of the footage
they showed was hilarious of what some did.. I'm glad I'm up
here though where I can enjoy the seasons.. I can stay cool in the
heat of summer and I can stay toasty warm in the winter, I try to
keep the same temperature in here all the time.. Well I may not
turn the heat on right away and just wear sweaters for a while.. I
do when I feel that the boys feet or fur are really cold, then its
time to just grin, get warm and wait and see how much my gas bill
goes up..
My gorgeous Blue Jay was back and I was ready this time.. Isnt he
or she beautiful.. I looked it up on line as to how to tell.. They are
both identical, you cant tell them apart, well we cant anyway. :-)
But I just have the best time sitting and watching all these great
birds. I havent seen the cardinal..but I sure notice the squirrels.
They are really busy.. So that may be a sign of a severe winter.
When we would go to David's (my ex) mothers, she lived on the St.
Joe River in a wonderful house.. They had a deck and in the winter
Karalee would put different things out for the animals.. Corn cobs
hung on the trees, lots of seed for the squirrels and birds. Some
times the snow was so deep they would almost be buried under it.
The squirrels would help as they just seemed to enjoy plowing thru
the snow to find the food.
The whole wall of their living room faced the deck and the river,
and from anywhere in that huge room you could see the deck. The
year just before David and I divorced they added a whole extension
and made the room twice as long with it all glass facing the river. It
was a beautiful room. When they asked David and I to come and baby
sit their house for the week end, to take care of the birds and cat,
we never hesitated, summer or winter, it was beautiful there all the
time. Summer we fished all up and down the river on the pontoon and
in the winter just lit the fireplace and enjoyed a nice cozy room and
a great huge TV.. was great... I think of that house now, and its all
one floor, well no there are 2 steps from the entry up to the kitchen.
but easy to do. The rest would be ok for a wheel chair... I think of
that now and how my house I had in Indiana would be very easy for
me to navigate in this chair.. was one step, up to the porch.. the rest
was all one level... great house, I wish I had it.. but that would be
living in Indiana and I hear the help there is not nearly as good as
Michigan, and its not that great here either anymore.

Theresa was due to come by but couldn't make it and to be honest,
I'm glad. Its been a very hectic week and something going on EVERY
day and to be quite honest I LOVE days when I don't have to do a
bloomin thing, but write this blog. I think we all need those quiet times
though.. I do.. When I don't get a message from someone to chat, or
I have replied to all my emails and sent the daily things I send, I
really enjoy just doing nothing and the quiet.. I enjoy going to Google
maps though.. If you havent tried it.. Do the street view, its like being
there and driving down the streets ! Its amazing... I cant go to these
places and its sure fun to look at these towns.. Most of the bigger ones
they've done this, I have heard though that some complain as it makes
it so much easier for burglers to see homes and businesses with out
leaving their home ! Which I can understand too.. but I would miss it.

Time to post this and have a late lunch, what I don't know as the COA
lunch was its usual iccky stuff. I have one tomato left and I may have
a good toasted tomato sandwich.. They are so good.. Penny said she
has some green ones so I'm hoping she will share.. Hopefully she will
bring them tomorrow. Time to close this for today, the new comment
part was changed by blogger to make it easier to leave a comment
for me which I hope y'all do. I love reading them... Post time and for
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow Lois wonderful colors in all your pictures...fall is so pretty.
    We having more of the tree turning color too, got to take some pictures for sure.
    It back to the old way again on the bog...might take a while for it to make the change for all times.
    When I write I always show the original post anyhow...the new way also show the pictures and I like that way the best.
    We turn on our heat Wed, but we turn it off at night for right now.
    Bob get real cool easy when in the house, but out side he does not complain about the cold at all...
    I complain about the cold outside, I know how to keep warm inside.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What wonderful pictures of your tree and the Bluejay. Our jays are not nearly as colourful, though they do have a splash of blue on their wings. They are pretty noisy, too. They will sound a warning to everyone as you walk up through the woods.
    Our clocks go back this weekend, so I guess, just for a week or two, we shall only be four hours apart! and a few thousand miles!!
    I see your Blog has reverted to the old format. Could you have had anything to do with that??!!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I love to take pictures.. From what I hear on the weather you and us are gonna get snowed on...I hope Bob and the everyone are doing ok..

    Hi Raife,
    I didnt do anything its blogger they do what they want... I have NO idea I dont mess with anything.. lol

    Good to hear from you.
    Love N'Hugs,
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Gorgeous One,

    Wow - what a gorgeous Jay - almost as gorgeous as you (Nah - you are much more gorgeous)...... Thanks for the pix. We get Jays here too - along with lots of other little birds.

    Well - yep - heating season definitely here. Was 35 this morning. Guess the gas bill will be going up - no doubt. Have a programmable thermostat here, so it goes down at night - then comes up in the morning so you can get up to a warm house...

    You take care. Slowly getting caught up here.

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Butty,

    I love birds and the jays and cardials are so vibrantly beautiful.. I enjoy them alot..

    So nice to hear from you and thanks !!! :-)

    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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