~New Stuff~
They had a really cute outfit, top and PANTS, on sale
at Meijers a few weeks ago so I had Penny get me a
set. Lavender. Beautiful... Well, I thought I would give
the pants wearing another try...know what? I will go
naked first !! :-) I tried them ALL day, and what I had
to go through to potty well.. good thing Penny was here
because I was pulling those flippin pants up, fell back
wards and was ON my arm.. I couldn't reach anything
to grab onto to give me the leverage I needed to lift
my body weight off my pinned right arm.. I was SO
MAD!.. I called for Penny and she came rushing in and
saw that I couldn't grab anything to get up and got
kinda behind me and put her hands under my shoulders
to give me the extra push I needed to reach the front
part of my chair! I was NOT happy....
How these women I see wear them, well for me, no.. its
not comfortable in the first place and as big a klutz as I
am its safer if I stick to skirts. Which those lavender
pants are being made into today. Its a great outfit and
a nice color and I REALLY needed something new :-) I
have clothes but to have new stuff is always nice..
Speaking of NEW stuff.. Laima phoned from APS and
Speaking of NEW stuff.. Laima phoned from APS and
said R & R will be delivering my new armrests and new
cushion.. My phone rang at 330 yesterday and was Bob
saying he was headed my way and would like to deliver
them. The sides of my chair come off and he attached
the new ones... You can see how bad they were and just
really irritated my arm, plus it scratched it too. I'm glad
to have the new ones.. My new cushion is great, my old
one had just gone through the mill and it was time to
replace it.. I have that spot right at the very bottom of
my spine that constantly gives me fits and that old
cushion didn't help at all..I can tell a big difference in this
new one.. The cover was cloth which I don't like so I use
my same one that's nylon, its slippier, and helps me to
transfer better. Now, all I need is that recliner and the
filter put in the furnace, the plastic up and the air con
covered or taken out and I'm good till next spring! :-)
Donnie phoned last nite and I asked him about the furnace
filter as Ive never had this kind of furnace before. So I
have NO idea.. KennyBoy did it last year. He was so sick
the other day when he was here and was sposta come back
that afternoon and take that screen off this living room
window, these new ones are double pane they don't need a
storm on.. He didn't show up so I am guessing KennyBoy is
sick sick... If I get it I will be SO mad. Anyway, Donnie said
if KennyBoy or Penny cant do it he will come over. I had to
remind him to get some plastic NOW from Mike, so I hope
he remembers to get some.. My bedroom windows are so
drafty..I asked about taking the AC out of the window or
to leave it in and cover it.. but he thinks it would be best
to take it out.. So I told him he better put my name in INK
in his appointment book then.. :-)
Penny came today, we are all clean for the week end. I get
a net flix today so you know what I'm gonna do soon as I
post this. Well after I get a snack :-) I have some peaches
in the fridge and theyre ice cold and VERY good so that's
my snack while I watch the movie, I don't remember which
one it is .. oh well I picked it out so its a good one :-) Its
that time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"...
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 11:00 PM, Anonymous said…
WOW you needed those arms rest real bad for your wheelchair...
So glad you won't hurt because of those pants, I wonder if you might be a bit sore from it all.And sticking to skirt would be a lot safer I think too.
The church is needing a little extra cleaning Saturday, I wanting everything looking extra clean for Sunday.Sometimes we can't get it all done in a day.
God bless you Lois.
At 10:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
ALL that make my Lois happy, make me happy!
SO, i´m happy!
Kisses a o
Your own
At 2:25 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes, it was time for new ones.. Pants on not for someone with no legs LOL... You must have a big church.. We did ours but was small it was the job of the ladies of the church..we cleaned and once a month we ALL cleaned..men too...
Hiya Rob~!
Im GLAD your happy, as hard working as you are and nice you deserve to be happy :-) We all do..
So Nice to hear from you..
Love N'Hugs
Always, Lois ****
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