I watch as people, kids and adults go by on bikes, well no,
bicycles.. bikes I guess mean more like a motorcycle. I have
a friend that lost his license and boy was he glad he had
his bicycle.. he still never missed a day of work, he peddles
his way every day, this is choice though, he likes the exercise.
Now in the winter he has a friend he rides with. But I watch
these people and I think to how many times I rode mine when
that was my only means of transportation. My mother knew if
I wanted to go somewhere and couldn't get a ride, well I had
my bicycle and I was gone. I never did ride it downtown tho.
By downtown I mean Iron River, I lived in Stambaugh, we
were KINGS of the hill as we taunted the other high school
down town. I did once, and the trip down was fine, but I
had to push that bike of mine all the way back UP that hill.
I only took it down there once.. I did ride it out to Ice
Lake though, many times, but it was all a flat ride.
The ride there was easy and I hurried fast as I could.
The ride back, was slow and deliberate, I had such a
The ride back, was slow and deliberate, I had such a
great time swimming and I always brought a lunch, so
by the time I headed home I was already tired and
that ride back seemed endless...
I have noticed an increase in the bicycles and bikes,
plus it seems more people are walking. This is a nice
area and only 2 blocks west are all the major stores.
I see many as they head up there and see them on
the way back carrying their bags. I think now and
again about I bet I could do that.. If the pedals
were already rigged with legs..and I just slipped my
stumps into them.. They still move and work like legs
so why wouldn't I be able to peddle a bike? Even
a stationery one would be good exercise for me I
think.. Ive never seen anything like that but then again,
think.. Ive never seen anything like that but then again,
Ive never looked.. I should. I wouldn't have room to
have one here its too crowded now, but I think it
would be great.. Just like a pool.. I think the feeling
of standing would be wonderful.. They have a pool down
at the Health Track just down the street that I am
sure I could go to if I wanted, but I don't want to that
bad, I'm just too paranoid of infections even though
they claim its ok.. My own pool? Id probly never stay
out of it.. I have enough room in this yard for one,
theres plenty of room out there.
I heard this noise that I recognized as a chain saw. I
looked out the window, saw a city truck with a chipper
on the back- a young guy standing with a chain saw and
was cutting limbs off my cedar tree! I opened the door,
asked him just what he was doing, said his boss told him
to trim the branches hanging over the sidewalk so that the
street signs can be seen. They sent no notice they were
doing this much less ask permission to come into my yard.. I
get upset about this kind of thing. What ever happened to
doing the right thing? This town feels it has you by the
padoobies.The man I phoned says we have the right to trim
any trees that are extending over OUR CITY SIDEWALKS..
So, knowing me I asked him.. well if theyre YOUR sidewalks-
YOU clean them in the winter, why do I have to if they arent
mine? You say theyre yours then YOU be responsible.. He had
no answer for that at all.. From what he said I am NOT the only
one that complained, the electric company at least asked they
did a crap job, but this town feels they can do anything and
just cuz you live here you have NO rights. That's how I feel any
way and I let them know it.. If they want or need to come into
MY yard, they need to ask permission if they want to change,
alter or fix anything.. NOT just do it.. I was so mad.. how rude.
And not a thing I can do.. I didn't even take a photo of them I
was so mad. What are happening to our rights? its like we have
NONE at all anymore.
Well Penny came and we are clean she will be here again tomorrow
and do some shopping.. The boys were glad to see her. Rebecca
came today as well.. plus the lunch guy which was good today, meat
loaf and strawberry shortcake for desert.. I will say the cook does
know how to make meatloaf. Its a fav... I didn't eat it before when
it came I had a bad headache so its gone and now I'm hungry :-)
You know what that means.. yup.. time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"nitey nite"....
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 11:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Was a bit cool this morning 43F they said...but it warm up real fast.
Watching people is very entertaining at times.
The middle of this month going on a trip to Rochester Minnesota with Patsy, she going to pick up her daughter old car she gave her...It sound like a lot of fun for us. 15 to 19 of Oct. Patsy want me to help with the driving and she going to pay for everything.
Plus she want to show me around a bit, sound like fun. We will be staying with her daughter Donna.
Donna is the same ages as my daughter Beth, and they are friends.
I told Bob he might have to use the washing machine before I get back...he was wondering about that.
God bless you Lois.
At 6:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois,
I think I was too early yesterday looking on your blog for your latest letter, lol It was a UK time difference thing I suppose, well I have just been reading it this morning & sooo enjoyed it .
Reading about the Bikes ! I used to have one, during my childhood, teens, & even when we got married we both had them & so enjoyed the freedon of it. We even had a Tandem with a little sidecar for our first born to travel in Tee !Hee !! Oh that sure was fun.
Well our temps have fallen quickly this week, it is down to the 40,s so out come the sweathers again lol
Have a lovey day today Lois dear.
Thanks for all your enjoyable letters.
Love U.
At 12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Gorgeous,
Thanks for the bicycle memories. I used to ride a bike all the time. Have an old one in the garage - need to clean it and fix it up. Would be good for me to use it more.
Shame the way our rights are being constantly eroded by governments at all levels. Not just the local one.
Bare Hugs,
At 2:13 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
VERY cool here, frost warnings for tonite even.. I dont mind really I just hate the big gas bill I know will be comin... That sounds like a nice trip for you and Patsy I bet you will have a great time :-)
Hi Audrey!!
So nice to hear from you.. see how well you write? you can do it too..:-) I loved to ride my bike I had one of those big ones with the fat tires.. great bike...
Hiya Butty!
It is good exercise just to coast around your neighborhood, its kinda relaxing. I am surprised at how many familys I see doing that. Its nice getting back to the basics..
So nice to hear from y'all Thanks :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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