
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have not done one thing today and feel lazy as all get
out.. I have to say I am kinda bored. I did do some knitting
on a dish cloth but I kept looking at that sewing machine
and I want to sew. I dug out my pattern for slipper socks.
I made them a long time ago and everyone loved them.
Everyone that comes here takes their shoes off at the
door, which is nice, but this floor, being cement is very
cold.. Penny brought a pair of her slippers but I thought
if I made a few pairs of the socks it might be nice. Then
if whom ever wears them likes them they can have them.

Feet get cold and these are made out of polar fleece
and if you are familiar with it you know its some of the
warmest, light weight material you can get. They use a
thick polar fleece to line hiking or hunting boots. David
bought them till I started making him some of mine. I
even made them out of camouflage material, well he
HAD to match ! :-) I wish I could make some for the boys,
I feel their little feet when they lay down by me and
theyre so cold sometimes I feel bad.. I know they
wouldn't wear them but be cute to see them with little
socks on.. I do plan to make some soon as I get this
machine fixed right or a new one.. you know, even my
invisible feet get cold sometimes? Yup.. drives me nuts,
cuz I cant warm them up ... but they do :-)

I was telling a friend there is not a whole lot can really
go wrong with a sewing machine, other than it just wearing
out or you break something off that cant be fixed or cost
more to fix than the machine is worth.. My sister has a
great machine that almost talks to you.. She has all those
fancy stitches, but she hardly uses them.. She and I
discussed mine and what could be wrong with it and we
both decided that it would be better to just get another
one.. which is what I have been searching for.. I checked
Craig's List and some other places I know for just a
basic machine. I honestly prefer a Viking, they don't vibrate
very much.. but any kind that I can do some sewing would
work.. I will get one.. just a matter of when.. And WHEN I
do, it will be put to good use. Maybe even make some extra
money with it to cover this gas bill.. That bill just eats my
lunch .. I am holding my breath waiting for the next bill
to see if its gone down, since the windows are closed.. I
sure hope so..

Well, like I said was a lazy lazy day, so theres not a whole
lot to write about and nothing going on outside, I maybe
will torment the boys for a while and chase them with
the lazer .. they love that thing and its good exercise for
them.. Ive no idea what dinner will be.. nothing sounds
very good.. I'll find something, I always do.. :-)

Time to go and be lazy again and to post this.. watch the
snow fall outside and be grateful I'm dry and warm and
not out there in it.. We are getting an inch an hour.. and I
bet we have about 8 out there now.. so anyway..This LAZY
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is VERY Grateful.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest dear one, how i miss you!!!!
    I am also kinda bored... This coughing and fever that never go down really... Well i for myself is rather good now except the nightcoughs, but the worst thing is the one i share the newspaper with... SHE SLEEPS IN THE COMPUTERRROOM, BECAUSE OF THE COUGHS... And she is at home all the time, good one could think. BUT I DUNNO, i think i like freedom and loneliness better, and that gives me more time with you. WELL next week hopefully better, cause im at work again. Hope i feel so fresh that I CAN work.
    Miss u ma hon!
    Kisses until
    From your ownie

  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Hi Lois
    Love the picture of your snow and glad it there...the snow is always so very pretty to look at. How many inches or feet of snow do you have???
    Have been real sick, feeling some better...
    Have a great weekend.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    It would be really great if you could get a sewing machine going again. You are full of so many good ideas in that line and if you get a name as a good seamstress, people will beat a path to your door - no more worries over gas bills!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 12:34 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob, :-)
    I miss you too~! I hope we can chat soon..Just take good care of yourself..and get better :-)

    Hi Mary,
    We have way over a foot of snow, some new photos on today (sunday) and its STILL coming down.. I hope you are ok Mary ! Take good care...keep me updated.. you maybe are over doing Mary.. need some MerryMary Time.. :-)

    Hiya Raife,
    Just to have something constructive to do.. puters are great but.. I need to feel that I am doing something, not just sitting. I will get one soon I hope.. my birthday is next week lol...

    Good to hear from y'all ..thanks !
    Love N'Hugs,
    A Snowed In GORGEOUS WEEBLE lol.
    Always, Lois ****


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