
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, April 20, 2009

~Great Start for the Week~

Great starter for the week, rain.. and tomorrow
rain again.. I heard on the weather channel that
out west its snowing butt deep to a giraffe and
they say we may have more snow.. I look outside
and have been enjoying the ladies daffys across
the street.. I may plant some this year around
that tree out there, that would be so pretty next
spring.. I have some shoots coming up out of the
ground next to the back door by the gas meters.
I think its peonies.. I am pretty pretty sure that's
what they are, and boy they will sure be pretty
when they bloom.. only thing is they don't last long.
My mother had 3 peony bushes all a different
color.. beautiful things...

The lady across the road, I believe, has a twin sister.
I looked over there the other day and for a minute
I thought I was seeing double ! :-) They were dressed
alike and are identical... I don't think they both live
over there, but I'm not sure. Out by the end of her
driveway is one of my favorite bushes, a forsythia,
I had one by my driveway in Elkhart.. It is so pretty
when it blooms and they do for a long time.. Growing
up we had a flowering almond, now THAT was just
beautiful when it bloomed.. just solid pink flowers.
My Penny is very talented. She can crochet and make
some of the most beautiful things.. I had told her
my sister has some crochet things for her and that
she would bring them next time she came up.. she had
forgotten them the last time.. I had told Penny this
and she brought that gorgeous doily for my sister. I
will.. MAYBE.. :-) give it to her when she comes.. :-) I
know you read this Bev.. so SHHHH honeygirl :-) Bev
is my niece and my sisters daughter... special girl..a
a wonderful daughter AND niece..:-)
I have 3 others that Penny made for me on the back
of the couch.. but a different design..mine is the pine
apple, Shirleys is a pinwheel.. I don't have the pin
wheel... YET.. Penny made a tablecloth for her sister
that I would LOVE to have.. its something like the
one on my desk that a dear friend gave me when I
was in the nursing home and I wanted a tablecloth
for my bed tray..and she brought me that.. Needless
to say I was VERY happy to get it.. Its one of my
favs.. I'm very old fashioned and I like the froo
froo stuff.. :-)

I did a stupid when I was taking those pictures so I
thought I would tell you so you realize that although
I AM PERFECT 99% of the times, that 1% catches
me once in a while.. I took the photos from the window
here on the side of my desk. Next to my desk is a
floor lamp.. I rolled up to the window and my tire hit
the bottom of the lamp, the lamp tilted and guess where
it hit? :-) It smacked me right on top the head ! :-)
No damage of course :-).. never a dull day.. :-)

We made some chicken faijtas today, smells good, its out
in the kitchen waiting for me.. So- 3 guesses where I'm
headed? :-) Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "g'day,
g'day", post and EAT :-) wanna come for lunch? :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks..
ALways, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again..


  • At 4:17 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    i, Honey,
    Make sure you plant your daffies deep enough, at least a spade's depth, or else they will grow "blind" (without flowers) Ours are nearly over. Jonquils are good, too. They come a little later and have a heavenly scent. To-day, Ines and I potted on 4 gross of bedding plants, ready for the summer!! It was fun, working together and getting our hands black with compost! The weather is so good here that we had lunch out on the patio for the first time this year, in warm sunshine!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    OOoops, Sorry, GORGEOUS Weeble!!!!!

  • At 9:11 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Wow awesome pictures again Lois, love them all.
    I was sick last night, my stomach still up set tonight too.
    They are gorgeous doily Lois...so pretty. My aunts said when I get old I will be able to do thing like that...I'm just to hyper...I have play with it and that all...I do good to get my sewing in.
    My lab report all came back real good...sure glad about that..
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 12:29 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife,
    Sure Ines doesnt want to come over here too? :-) She has got to have 2 green thumbs !!! We have ugly rainy day today.. :-(

    Hi Mary,
    So sorry to hear you are not well.. I hope you get better soon.. To me crocheting or sewing are very relaxing.. I listen to music and just sew up a storm.. :-)

    Good to hear from you...
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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