
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

~Alex's Birthday Today~ :-)

Today is my Great Grandson, Alex's birthday. He is
1 today. A whole year has gone by since this precious
baby came to join the family... Hes a very friendly and a
happy boy... and loved dearly... Specially by his Gran :-)
Isnt he just a Cutie? I got this photo yesterday of him.
Tomorrow is my youngest son, Mark's birthday, he will
be 42... Time HAS flown by.
See him/her on the porch railing, sitting there. This wasnt taken today.

I'm worried about the black kittie, Ive not hardly
seen it for about 3 days now. I saw it out there only
for a few minutes while it ate, then it disappeared
around the house.. I'm wondering if it has babies? I
hope its ok.. Ive seen the yellow one out there but
the black one is usually always out there. He/she seems
friendly, it would run up to the people when they pulled
in the driveway, Ive watched this cat and the people
just walk past.. Ive only seen the girl one day, when she
came home from school..she stopped and I could see
her petting it and I think she let it inside. But other
than that time, well I did see the lady pick it up and
sort of toss it aside, I feel sorry for this cat, yet I
guess it is theirs since it seems to stay.. well he visits
next door as you can see him laying on the driveway
while he visited that lady. He/she seems like a good
kittie, I did see him/her go after a bird one day
though.. he had big fun... I'm watching this cat like I
watched those 2 dogs across the street at the little
house :-) Gives me something to do and see, I'm so
anxious to get outside this year.. and I KNOW I can
at least 3 days a week.!.
I might have to practice a few times while Penny is
here backing out the front door. I figure I have to
do it that way so I can watch the boys.. I know if
they see that door open and me going through it,
theyre gonna go too.. So I figure backing out is best,
IF I'm here by myself, then I can make sure they
don't escape. I have a hard time backing up just
in the living room so I know I need to practice.. I
do back out of the bathroom, and I have a few
spots on the door facings to prove I am NOT the
best backer upper.. But to be truthful I think I
put more marks on the wall going straight through!
I was a much better driver of a car.. really :-)

I only had 2 problems, backing up and pulling into a
garage.. :-) specially a narrow garage.. oh.. one more,
I cannot pull, OR back up a trailer, specially one with
a boat on it.. :-) That poor boat Sid and I had, boy,
that thing just took a beating almost, you might say,
the things that happened to us with it. From floating
off the trailer, to sinking with the trailer to pulling
up along side the car on its own.. that was when we
got stuck in the flood in Houston... That day I was
glad we had it.. It was a wooden boat, old one but
VERY well kept up.. Bought it from an old man out
side of Houston... She served us well and we caught
lots of fish out of it.. no matter how carelessly we
treated it.. We did learn though and spent lots of
time in it.. specially in Galveston.. I loved that town..
Some of the best and freshest fish and shrimp..
right off the boats, and we knew a spot to wade out
to get some of the very best oysters.. and NO one
knew about this place, cuz we never met anyone
there, we found it by accident while fishing..

Sid and I went to Galveston about every weekend
to fish, and would stay from Friday after work to
Sunday nite, then head home. We stopped to fish
by an old oyster restaurant.. it had been closed
for a long time, I don't think anyone was even safe
to go in the building. It had a concrete dock like
thing and we used that to walk out to deeper water.
This was before the boat... Sid slipped, fell off and
cut his hand really bad.. he pulled it up to look at the
cut and the water was really kind of clear, and he
saw what he cut his hand on.. lucky he didn't cut any
thing else !! The whole bottom was covered in oysters!
He reached in, and started to pick them to see if
they were any good.. They say only a month with an R
in it is a good month for oysters.. He opened a few
and saw they were just fine.. We filled an ice chest
full of these things.. I DONT eat them.. no.. they
just are not appealing to me to see.. But Sid? he
LOVED them. We shared with our friends and of
course we went back many times.. I wonder if its
still there? Was a great spot...Lots of great fishing
in that town....

Well I think the next spot for me is to go and do
some more sewing.. I'm cutting out a pattern for
shorts for Alex. His birthday is today but the party
is Saturday and big doings planned.. I know Kelli will
take lots of pictures... she better !! :-) One year old,
where has the time gone.. Kelli, when I close my eyes,
I see her dragging that bench around to watch me
cook, telling me I was "the best cooker in the world".
and now her son is a year old.. Time sure has gone fast.
When you see the kids, having kids, having kids, you KNOW
the time has gone by TOO fast..

Time to post this, I am late again, but been lots of phone
calls this past hour.. Explain tomorrow :-) This BUSY
GORGEOUS WEEBLE says "g'day, g'day" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 7:30 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois love the pictures you put in here....
    Time sure does fly fast, Alex's 1 year old now...
    Tell Mark happy birthday from me then. So happy thing have worked out for you all...great to have family.
    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary.. :-)
    The time is going TOO fast Mary and I think the older we get we realize it.. not when we were young.. we were so axious to "get older"... if we only knew then ..lol...
    Yes, I am most grateful Mark has been so accepting of me. no hesitation at all and this mum is sure happy about that :-)
    Hope the stomach is better Mary.. keep well ..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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