Ive been asked a lot of times when someone notices
that my stumps are different lengths.. Questions like
does it matter that one is longer, does it help that one
is longer? My right is at least 6 inches shorter than the
left. I have to say that all be known that I am GLAD
they left the left longer.. Its the one I use to start
out any move or transfer. It gives me more stability
when I make that final swing over onto what ever, the
bed, couch even the potty. I'm glad its longer. The
right is just too short to feel secure when I lead off.
I was told when I saw the length of the left, why they
didn't even them out.. The nurse told me, Jan, was her
name, very nice lady..very good to me too.. But she said
the doctors are only permitted by some rule I guess,
that they cannot amputate farther than what is exactly
needed... To do cosmetic stuff that would have to be
done on my own if I wanted them perfect..
Well.. . . I DO like PERFECT.. but, I aint going back to
Well.. . . I DO like PERFECT.. but, I aint going back to
let them make them both alike !! NO WAY!!! :-) They
look just oki doki to me :-) well I do like the right one
better. Where the left was so horribly infected for
that first year on my own, that's the reason the scar
looks so big and ugly, a raging infection that almost
drove me insane, no wonder that stump looks like it
does.. I just baby it and make sure I keep a CLOSE
eye on it.. That infection came back.. well I dunno if
this PERFECT GORGEOUS WEEBLE could go through
that again.. I cried every single day, for over a year.
That's too long and I sure don't want to go back to
I had company today, the lady from COA that handles
this area.. Beverly, very nice lady.. She used to work
for a Dr here that I am going to call and see if he will
take me as a patient ! Would be better than the clinic
in Three Rivers, and his office is just down on main
street. Beverly is very nice and I'm glad she told me
about this Dr. I like seeing a Dr Dr. At the clinic we
had to go on Wed. afternoon if we wanted to see a
Dr Dr. I'm going to call and find out if he will see me.
She thinks he will.. I sure hope so.. Anyhoway......
Penny came and we are all clean for the week end..
We don't mess up too badly.. and I do try to keep
things up... I had promised the boy a meat pie when
he came IF he let me know, well he didn't, so Penny
made the pie today. :-) It is ALMOST done, so is
this post.. :-) I know, first my GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"G'day, G'day". Want some meat pie? :-)
"G'day, G'day". Want some meat pie? :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
The length of your stumps is perfect.... They had been perfect what ever length they have had, long, short, middle, fat, thin as long as theyre a part of you... Well from your point of view, it might have been better with legs? But when worse come to worse i am glad you are so wellshaped as you are, from MY point of view....
Kaos to you my friend
from your
At 1:18 AM,
MaryC said…
I figure everyone knew the doc could only take of what he had to and no more.that could be a law suit if he took more then needed...
Saturday my family going to be here most of the day,will see what happen with the computer time.
Take real good care of yourself Lois, we all need you...
Did you get the Easter Card yet???
God bless you and keep you safe my friend.
At 8:56 AM,
barebuttbob said…
Hi Gorgeous,
Well, as you may have figured, I've been away for awhile. Wasn't really able to even keep up with your blog. But now I'm back.
Of course I had always noticed that your lovely little legs were of different lengths. And they are absolutely perfect the way they are. Having them even would not be better from my perspective.
I hope to be sending you a couple emails today. Glad you are doing well.
Bare Hugs,
At 1:46 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Robert,
Thanks.. and good to hear from you :-) The condition my legs were in even though they were GORGEOUS then too.. This probly was best than dragging around dead weight.. :-)
Hi Mary,
Ive heard some horror storys that they took off the wrong leg even !! I
hope you have a wonderful Easter Mary and yes, I did get the card !! ..
Hiya Butty !!
Didnt take me long to figger it out!! Glad your back..front and all here !! :-) Thanks for the mails !! *wink* :-)
Love N'Hugs !!
Always, Lois ****
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