
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, April 17, 2009

~Happy Birthday Mark~ :-)

Today is my youngest son, Mark's birthday. Hes 42.
He was born on his father's and my 3rd wedding
anniversary.. Danny, his dad, said to me right after
he was born "Happy Anniversary, you can name him".
He named our first son. I had a name picked out I
wanted to give him, but wasn't allowed. So when I
had Mark I decided I didn't want to name him after
anyone, let him be him, so I picked 2 names that I
had always liked.. very strong names to me. Which
later during his life would prove he was very strong
too... Mark David is his name. Hes my youngest son.
And I have to say I am so glad hes back in my life,
that I can share mine with him and of course share
his.. That top photo is what he looked like the last
time I saw him in person.. Beautiful child...
That's Mark, 6 years ago.. when he married his
wife Cathie.. They have a son, Tyler, hes a minimark.
Acts like his dad, looks like his dad, and is just all
boy, just like his dad.. Some of the stories that Mark
has relayed to me that Ty has done.. Not quite as
bad as some of the things Mark did, but kinda close ...
Cathie is his 2nd wife, he has 3 by his first wife. 2
daughters and a son. Beautiful kids too..When we talk
I relay stories of things he didor said that I remember.

Richard had gone to his grammas one day and just Mark
and I were at home, he had been busy playing in his room.
He destroyed that room, he had toys everywhere and it
was a mess.. I walked in there and told him he HAD to
clean that room before Dad got home and to get busy.
About 45 minutes went by and I realized I hadnt heard
a peep out of him, no noise at all.. so I HAD to go look..
Mark was sitting on his bed waiting for me I guess to
come in and see his CLEAN room.. It was.. EVERYTHING
was GONE ! The toys, the bedding, clothes, some of the
drawers were empty .. where was it?? I asked Mark..
"honeyboy, where are the toys and things?" He put up
both his hands, smiled and said "I CLEAN my room!!"..
he was so proud !! I was baffled.. where was it? I
looked everywhere thinking maybe he took it to the
other room and I even looked down the basement!
That stuff was GONE.. The boy was a magician !! :-)

As I turned to walk out of the room I felt a draft on
my back.. I turned and noticed the curtain on the
window was moving.. I thought to my self.. 'this isnt
possible'. then I noticed the little rocking chair pulled
up to it.. I walked over to the window and it was open..
Do I need to tell you what all was laying out in the
yard below the window? And.. this is WINTER.. snow
on the ground.. I turned and looked at Mark.. "what
did you do ?" I said to him.. He just gave me a huge
smile, put his hands up and says "I CLEAN MY ROOM!"
Bless his heart he sure did.. SPOTLESS..

So.. Mom goes out and after about the 4th trip hauling
all this stuff back IN to the house, here comes their
dad.. he looks at me carrying toys and clothes and asks
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???".. I explained that I had
asked Mark to clean his room.. Danny says to me.. "You
know that boy, next time be specific...maybe he wont
throw the stuff outside next time !! ".. He did help me
carry it all back in.. I learned.. What a kid.. Never a
dull moment.. These special times, I didn't know it then,
would have to last me for over 35 years.. Now. I get
to make new ones and I'm most pleased..... Hes reading
this.. Happy Birthday Mark... Mum loves ya honeyboy :-)

Now I'm closing this for today and of course its food time.
Seems it always is :-) bad thing is I always find something
to EAT.. Well.. GORGEOUS WEEBLES need food to stay
GORGEOUS.. :-) "G'day,G'day"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and thanks..
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 4:43 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Many Happy Returns of the Day to Mark!
    What a nice looking boy he was/is. You are blessed, Lois.I'm SO glad that you two are together again.
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Very nice looking young man Mark is, you have lots to be proud of...So happy for you Lois...And so glad my son didn't clean his room like that...gave you a lot to talk about then and now with a boys like that...I bet you could write a book about your kids...I wish I could have written one on Pam, she was always doing something different...A lot of wonderful memories she gave us...

    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife, Mary,

    Yes I most certainly am.. All my
    boys are good guys... and handsome !!

    Hope you both are well.. So nice to see you here again Raife..:-) keep well..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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