
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, May 15, 2009

~Aprons~ :-)

It hung on the other side of the door that went down
to the basement in a short hall that went to the steps.
That's where my mom kept her apron. I got an email
today from Audrey, and it was about aprons. The old
pattern up there, was in the email, and I used to have
that pattern.. I made LOTS of aprons my self and I
usually wore one. Theyre handy to have and sure save
the clothes !... When my mom headed to that door and
came out with her apron you knew it was time to eat.
She had quite a few of them and ALWAYS they had
at least 2 pockets. In one was always a hankie in the
early days, till mom switched and started using Kleenex.

When I read that mail, I remembered both my grammas
wore them, aunts. Most women did back then.. but I do
think they are getting popular again..My gramma always
wore a very plain white one with a square front and she
wore it most of the time, cooking or not.. It was handy.
I saw gramma many times use it when she went to the
garden whether to pick flowers or veggies, she would
grab the hem of her apron and use it to carry her
harvest inside, the pockets held clothes pins when
she did the washing or little things she found outside.
But Gramma wore hers all the time. My Grandmother,
very seldom wore one as she had a housekeeper that
did all her cooking and cleaning, and the ones she had
were half aprons and very frilly, mostly for looks when
it was her turn to have the Ladies Aide meetings or
the DAR meetings. My grammas were not alike at all
as to what they did. :-)

One Christmas when David and I were together I had
NO idea what to give to the nieces. David had 4, all
about the same age. At the time the oldest was about
10, Tia, then Danni, Alisha, and Cassie, the youngest
was about 7 I think. I decided I would make them aprons
and matching ones for Mom... When the family got ready
to open their gifts they always each one of them opened
the one from David and I first.. they knew it was going
to be something that was special just for them AND hand
made.. David helped a lot making things.. When it came
time to open gifts, of course, the kids always went first,
one by one, and the girls knew that what one got they ALL
got something like it.. maybe a different color or some
thing.. BUT they ALWAYS opened the one from us FIRST.
We made everyones gift, I bought nothing but supplies to
make things and they appreciated that fact.. But I think
most people do if they realize the gift was made special
'Just for Them'. And ours were. Davids mom LOVED
when it was time for her to get a gift from us for birthday
or holiday.. Most of the family did.. :-)

Tia being the oldest went first.. she got the package from
us and opened it and at first was confused as to what they
were.. So I had her come over to me and I put this really
cute frilly lacy apron on her.. Then proceeded to show her
that Mom had one in there too .. that she was to give THAT
one to her mother... which, she ran over to Laura and MADE
her mom put it on... All that day each of the girls made their
moms AND gramma wear their aprons.. At the end of the
day Karalee looked at her apron and saw how it HAD spots
on it from cooking and she had a lovely silk outfit on under
neath.. so just THINK if that had gotten on her dress.. She
was GLAD the girls made her wear it... :-) I think she hangs
it on her basement door too :-) I wonder if she still uses it...
I hope so and thinks of me.. She and I got along quite well..
we were good friends and I miss her, but I never have
heard from any of Davids family once I left him. Which I
guess if your moving on with your life you have to do that,
sometimes its best to cut away your past.. if that's the only
way you can move on...

Almost graduation time.. I'm wondering when it is here. The
high school I can see from my front door. The graduations
up north at the school I graduated from in Stambaugh, the
ceremony was held outside, all of the graduating class would
walk, 2 by 2 about 3 blocks to the football field where all
the chairs were set up for the ceremony, the band was there
playing pomp and circumstance that just echoed-the familys
sat in the bleachers... We would walk all the way through
the park and go out onto the field from the end. Walking
that field in high heels was NOT easy, but we all wore them
anyway. We went to our seats and waited till our name was
called.. THEN was the test.. We had to walk in front of
GOD and EVERYONE , ALL the way across at LEAST half
of that field it seemed to get our diploma.. That was one
of the hardest walks I ever made. I wonder if they will
have this schools outside.. I don't know if they still do
that anymore up there now, they moved the high school
to the next town of Iron River when all 4 of the little
towns were made into 1.. Stambaugh where I was raised
is no more, neither is Caspian or Gaastra the other 2
little towns.. Lovely place up there tho.. Id LOVE to go
back for a visit.. I have family still up there. Want a
great holiday.. Go North Young Man .. Go NORTH !!! :-)
I think that's from a movie or something.. Just trivia..

Well I've gone on long enough and its time to get some
thing done. Penny was here and we're clean but I have
in fact, an APRON to make :-) Penny wants one for her
grand and herself.. OHHH and she has a birthday the
17th.. She will be 50.. Shhhh don't tell her I told :-)
Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Hi!", post this and
get busy !! :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again...


  • At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Yes apron was a hot idem when I wear dresses when I was younger, but when the long pants came along just didn't like wearing apron anymore. Apron are so cute now, you know they are hard to fine anymore.
    They said storm late tonight, sure hope I sleep through it.
    I have make apron for gift too, a long time a go.
    We got a new hot water tank today, been needing it for a while...
    Have a great weekend Lois.
    God bless you.

  • At 7:53 AM, Anonymous momar said…

    My dad was raised in Sheridan,MO up near the Iowas border. It was horse breeding country. Then the family moved to St. Joseph and then Kansas City. I think the towns are still up there, but people go shopping in either St. Joe or Kansas City nowadays.

  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I used them even when I had jeans on ! I have a tendency to be a sloppy cook. :-) I hear that not many places you can find them.. If you want one I will make one for you.. Hope you have a good week end too Mary.. Hope all the flooding has gone down !

    Hiya Momar !
    I have a couple friends live in kansas.. I think ive been through every state. Lived in LOTS of them !! Be interesting to make a list lol..

    Good to hear from ya !
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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