
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, May 09, 2009

~Kind Are They?~

Outside my front door to the left are some flowers
that are really pretty but I have NO idea what they
are and even if they are FLOWERS and not just pretty
weeds :-) Theyre a beautiful green and you can see
how pretty they are, but they look just out of bounds..
Like they have no set place to be and just spread around.
From what Steve said there hasnt been anyone living here
that has really taken care of this place. Well I will.. it may
be Joe's house, but I live here, that makes it mine, and I
will treat it that way.. Makes me mad that some people don't
care about other people's property that are graciously letting
you live there and they tear it up. I have to say, I'm a good
renter :-) I wish Joe had a place over on the lake ! THAT
would be nice.. :-)
WINDY today, said 40 mph winds.. The boys went nuts with
the stuff blowing around out there. Its not cold but its been
cloudy. Just one of those threatening kind of days to make
you wonder if you SHOULD go out ... then when you do and
get caught in something you wish you had stayed home! :-)
Ive been making some bic lighter covers and I worked on
Tylers bag for his power rangers so I can get that sent to
him. I made a few other little baggies to go inside the big
bag for all the accessories these things have.. I figured it
would keep this stuff better so it wouldn't get lost. Then
the boy would be upset.. From what Mark says he likes
Spider Man too. :-) I know my sis has some of that material
too... Shes been so busy making purses.. She designed one
for her grand, Amy and liked it so made one for herself..
She took it with her to the beauty shop and came home with
orders for 6 of them :-) She was very pleased.. She sells
them for $30.oo each.. Washable too... :-)
I have to say I am VERY glad the phantoms have eased.. Well
theyre gone, the really bad ones.. The daily ones I'm used to
and I can ignore those. I honestly think that stress is a major
factor with them.. For ME anyway.. Last month was VERY
stressful, and I decided I would NOT let this one be the same
way. There is nothing I can do other than what I am doing. If
that's not good enough, well tuff. :-) Most of this stress crap
will work out I just have to let it do it on its own. Not rush into
trying to fix things before theyre ready to be fixed OR need
to be fixed.

My Dolly has a birthday this month.. Kelli.. I look at her and see
her with our boy, I am just amazed at where the time has gone.
And so fast I didn't see it going so quickly... I remember I
had not gone home to see my parents in a VERY long time, Years
in fact... I had decided I needed to go.. When I got off the plane
and walked into the terminal and saw them standing there smiling
and waving.. I looked again and I saw gray hair.. lines on their
dear faces that werent there before.. My parents had gotten older.
As I got up to them they said the same thing about me...That I
had changed. During my visit I took lots of photos... and I even
recorded them while we were on one of our trips to Marquette.
I'm glad, I still listen to them talking. I miss them. They were
good parents and taught me well...

Dad was telling stories about the town and how he remembered
it. When he and my mom would ride up there he would drop her
off at the mall to shop and he would ride out to Presque Isle to
watch the ships at the ore docks. There is a Lifer Prison there
that is right on the shores of Lake Superior that has the most
beautiful gardens.. There is a shop where the inmates make
and sell things.. By Lifer I mean the inmates are in for all of
their life, no parole or ever a chance of getting out. It looks
like an old huge castle.. Its a very pretty place and been there
a LONG time. I would guess its still there :-) Been so long since
ive been up there I don't know.. I hope that great restaurant
is though.. was the BonTon.. Some GREAT food..

I liked Marquette. That's where I went to nursing school at the
NMU. And that's where I met my first husband, Danny. He was
in the Air Force there, stationed at K I Sawyer. Those were the
days. Marquette is on the side of a big hill and right on the shores
of Lake Superior which is the meanest and biggest of all the great
lakes. A storm can whip up on that lake and if you don't pay close
attention you could get in trouble.. What was fun was driving there
in the winter.. That whole town was a hill, but I have to say they
did keep those roads clear. I never or we never got in an accident.
The Island, Presque Isle is a wonderful place in the summer.. lots
to do there, swim, a zoo, picnic spots all around.. each one prettier
than the other.. Its a great place. Get to go up North ..visit there.

Its time for me to visit my kitchen, I need some lunch, what, I
dunno.. but I never have trouble finding something :-) That IS
the trouble ! :-) I might splurge and treat myself to some fries
n'gravy, Ive not made them in awhile.. Decisions decisions.. :-)
Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Hiya!" hope your're having
a good week end :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya ! and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:09 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Very nice pictures Lois
    Yes they are fixing the power chair for Becky so it won't speed on her.
    We had a wonderful day here with the family...not as tried as I use to get either. Sunday will be a quiet day for us, we will be picking Becky and Michael up for church AM and PM...but not bring anyone home for the afternoon either...Going to have left over unless we change our mind...I don't like long line for a meal, and that what Mother days bring.
    Happy Mother day Lois, God bless you.

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    HI Mary,
    I have NO idea what kind of flowers those are IF they are even Flowers! But theyre kinda pretty.. I have no plans for Moms day..Everyone is busy.. which is good..

    Have a good week end Mary and enjoy your special day :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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