Every day I get a email called Morning Coffee.. It, to me,
is very encouraging.. and I agree with it every day. It said
today about how we all need someone, something.. to believe
in.. something to encourage us.. not just amputees or dis
abled.. but everyone.. The story was about some residents
in a nursing home.. they were given plants to care for.. And
every one of those patients that had a plant, did better
than those that didn't.. Why? Because they had something
ELSE to worry and care about.. OTHER than Themselves..
I was talking to a lady I know and I had relayed some of
the problems I was having to her.. She wrote back .. this
was in chat... that she was sorry BUT.. quote " I have too
much on my plate now, I cant worry about someone elses
problems..".. It kind of hurt my feelings.. but I wrote back
and I told her, very nicely too I might add.. :-) I wrote
and I quote "Hon, maybe YOU NEED to think about others,
not just me.. but other people that are in need THEN it
will take the worry off YOURSELF, you may NOT need
to hear THEM, but maybe someone else NEEDS YOU to
hear them". That's how I look at things. I always have time
to stop and listen to my childrens or friends problems..
When I do, I'm not dwelling on MINE ! I have more than
I could even share.. but I always have time to listen, or
to offer my 2 cents worth..But I don't care what MY
circumstances are.. I always have room for Jello :-) I
think that phrase just works for everything.. Just like
the energizer keep on goin' rabbit...We need to care
about others needs first... THEN ourselves.. It will help
US too !! :-)
Carl and his wife, I need to find out her name :-) I do
honestly think she is related to the twin lady :-) they
came over yesterday and cut the grass again.!. I am SO
pleased to see this.. my yard looks wonderful.. Carls'
wife is a go-getter on that rider.. I mean this lady cruises
around my yard like its the INDY 500.. :-) Sadly though
I notice she sure doesn't smile very much.. I know sitting
and riding all over 3 yards is a lot, but I think Id be doing
a bit of smiling.. Just being able to do it.. If she couldn't
get out there and ride that thing I bet she wouldn't smile
then either !! Food for thought... :-) Take NOTHING for
granted.. tomorrow you may NOT be able to do what you
can do TODAY....
My peonies are so full of buds I cant WAIT to see it bloom.
Penny came today, late, as she stopped by Wal Mart and
Meijers to check out and look for some double Impatients.
Theyre so much prettier than singles.. Apparently my flower
Theyre so much prettier than singles.. Apparently my flower
box I had on the front porch of the little house got left
behind... so she is looking for a new one and getting half of
flat of flowers so we can plant some in front in that container
out there and put some in the back too.. This place is so
wonderful.. If I had the money and talent I would put a raised
bed AND sidewalk all down the side of this house.. I bet I
could do some gardening then!! The twin ladys garden is just
wonderful.. I will enjoy watching it grow..
We have a rainy gloomy day today but I don't care.. I have
some things to sew that I am most anxious to get done. I
talked to Penny about doing a table during the Magic Week
but we havent decided yet for sure.. I might call Abbotts
today to see what the scoop is on it and where exactly they
will have the tables.. By the Village Market with the big
parking lot would be a great place.. I will let you know :-)
I better post this and get some lunch.. What- I have NO idea.
Penny is making something out there and going to surprise
me. I hope its not the surprise of NO LUNCH !! THAT would
be a surprise :-) Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE greeting
for today.. "Keep Well AND Happy" :-) Life is good :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 4:53 PM,
raife said…
Hi, Honey,
How right you are!! That is one of the things about going to Church. When you are praying to the Lord about someone else, there is no room for ME!! In fact, I usually forget to mention me, but I guess the Lord knows about me already. Our Vicar said that the Lord likes to be asked, all the same - just like a Dad likes to be asked.
When we lived in Petworth, I always used to mow the verges. They are strips of grass about six feet wide. It just kept the place up together, looking as if someone cared. But I did it with a light heart, and I hope I smiled!!
Any spelling mistakes are down to my new "Varifocals"!! They take a bit of getting used to!! I haven't fallen down stairs - YET!!!
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 2:12 PM,
Lois said…
Hiya Raife,
Yes, when you put others first thats what makes YOUR problems seem less.. I try to do that. It helps me forget all my stuff.. Be careful on those stairs.. and dont step on Holly!! lol...
Good to hear from you Sweetie ! :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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