
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

~What a Beautiful Tree~

That tree is on the other side of the garage over there by the
driveway. I saw part of it sticking out and sent Penny out with
my camera and she took the photos for me. I was gonna go out,
but I was just plain tired yesterday. When I hit the point that
the stress is too much and I'm ready to explode, I have to not
do anything and going outside yesterday was one of the not's.
Was a beautiful day, but I had to take advantage of Penny
being here. She felt better and we agreed she will come back
on Thursday and go to her other client that she missed besides
me and let her get caught up at their place too. So Thursday I
may venture out. But is that a beautiful tree? We think its a
flowering crab.. not sure though..
I have NO idea what kind. But I did talk to Joe yesterday and
he gave me Carls phone number so I plan to call him and ask
if he could come over and switch out my curtain rod brackets
from single to double. Was the first thing my sister mentioned
when she was here, "you STILL don't have your new curtains UP?"
So I need to put them up.. Penny could do it, but I prefer Carl
does. Shes so tiny I worry she would fall off the step stool :-)
But I would like Carl to do that and THEN I want to ask him if
he would do some detail work on the flower beds and the side
walks, theyre grown over and need edged. They'd look so much
neater, then I can ask what kinda tree THAT one is.. My sis
loved the one across the street so I dont know if she even SAW
the one by the garage!.. Im not sure which way they come here!
Well down which street, since Stanley parks out front, everyone
else does out back. Doesnt matter both doors work :-)

There is a small planter outside the front door that I'm going
to put some Impatients in that. They like shade and their is
none in the front of the house. So they should do quite well
there. I used to be out every single day when I had the condo
with David.. I miss it.. If all the beds were raised I could go
out and do them.. I watch the Twin lady and you know.. I THINK
the twin ladys twin is Carls WIFE!! I looked closely yesterday
at the twin lady and she DOES look like Carls wife.. And I did
see both of them cutting her grass when they did mine ! I
may have SOLVED that mystery :-) I still want to find out who
the person is in the wheel chair is too ! Carl should know :-)

Today I cut out and put together a bag for Tyler to carry his
Power Rangers. I have been made aware that he LOVES that
Spiderman too.. I KNOW my sis has some of that cuz she told
me.. So maybe she will share.. I gave Penny the bag with the
crochet thread in it and she was MOST PLEASED! She said
she is almost finished with MY doiley :-) And will start one
for my sis, but I told her Shirley forgot to put the thread in
of the one she REALLY wants a doiley made out of, that she
said she will bring it up next time they come up.. Maybe THIS
week end ! That would be a treat! I KNOW Stanley better
NOT forget his guitar next time.. He plays really well :-)

Well sitting here at this puter isnt getting the things made
for Tyler or Alex or Trina.. I have lots to do.. SPecial people
are waiting :-) I'm waiting for my lunch..I hope its good today,
they've hit it pretty good lately the lunches arent half bad!
I don't say anything tho for fear they go back to the other
cook and THAT would be awful.. Now, the food not only LOOKS
edible but it IS edible !! :-) The supper sacks are great.. This
new cook makes the best bean salad.. I never liked it that
much before.. I do NOW !! :-)

OK, Post Time !!! and for my daily GORGEOUS WEEBLE
greeting.. Cant think of a new one .. hmmm.. "Smile, Jesus
loves you and so do I".. THATS a good one :-) Cuz its true!

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger MaryC said…

    So glad you had Penny take that pictures for you to put in here for all to see...I was hoping Bob would come in here to see it...he watching TV and won't get up till he go to bed...he as work hard today.
    Hope you get those new curtain up soon, that will make you feel better I know...
    God bless you Lois

  • At 1:22 AM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Bob think it is a ornamental crab tree too.Mary

  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Isnt it lovely..what a treat this time of year is.. Yes, I agree with Bob.. A flowering Crab.. Lovely tree.. its so lush and pretty outside , I noticed how all the trees are leafy..!!

    Keep Well...good to hear from you..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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