
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, May 18, 2009

~Post 1300 & HB to Penny~ :-)

Well we are all clean, Penny was here bright and early.
We got a lot done. Today is her birthday, shes 50 years
old.. Doesn't look it at all I think. I gave her a ciggie case
with matching cover, she really liked it.. and these little
cases can be used for anything really.. I steady nag at her
about smoking.. and I cant force her or anyone to..but to
see me and what smoking has done I would think THAT
would be enough to make even the most hard core smoker
quit.. Not worth losing legs or ANYTHING.. They NEVER
warned me about this though..

I only just LATELY on TV see where they are advertising
it, but calling it PAD.. Peripheral ATERY disease..when I
was told it was called PVD.. or Peripheral VASCULAR
disease, which is the same thing.. I don't ever remember
being warned about possible leg loss from smoking.. They
tell you about lung cancer, or throat, but not this. Yet,
smoking, high blood pressure, and cholesterol..and STRESS
are major contributors to this disease. What I was told.
And it wasn't put on cigarette packs or OUT where it was
seen, not till lately. I wonder why?

I was diagnosed with this in 97. I didn't I hate to say, quit
smoking ciggies until 2000, AFTER I had to have the triple
heart bypass. THEN I did and havent smoked another ciggie
since. I don't miss it.. and the time I quit was the best cuz
I was in and out of hospital and on so many drugs and things
I really didn't notice the nicotine withdrawal at all... :-) I
had quit once before, for 3 years.. and like a dummy started
back.. It was easy to stop at first,, but the more time went
on at about 6 weeks, I would say THAT was when I REALLY
missed smoking.. but once I got past that, I was good to go.
My sister smoked too.. she quit... :-) Its NOT a good thing !

I specially like when I can be around kids.. There was a young
girl at my doctors office one time when I had to go for some
thing.. She had a cold and was really sick.. I'd say she was
about 15 or so.. I was sitting right across from her.. and I
deliberately started to pick on Penny who was sitting next to
me.. But Penny knows I do this and she goes along with me...
But I proceeded to go on and on about her smoking and how
she WILL end up like me.. The whole time I'm watching the
girl.. shes elbowing her mother to listen to me.. nodding her
head in my direction and I saw her lips move to say "listen".
When I saw them sort of eaves dropping I turned to them
to include them in the conversation which was the POINT
in the first place.. I said "I hope y'all don't smoke, you see
what it did to me". Then I would smile and watch their
faces, the sort of shock and kinda guilty look.. I HOPE the
mom or the daughter if she smokes have stopped.. But I
don't miss a chance to tell someone... That's my job !! :-)

Well Penny has made us some spaghetti sauce with angel
hair pasta.. It smells great, and of course I'm hungry..
well its almost noon so I'm allowed.. :-) This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE says "Happy Monday!".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS...
ALways, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again..


  • At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alls I can say is that every night before I close my eyes in sweet repose I thank the Dear Baby Jesus that I never got attracted to smoking.

    It's the only vice I avoided ...

  • At 10:08 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    They had a woman named Maria on TV in NY city. She lost portions of her fingers and toes and left leg below the knee before she quit smoking. I had a physical recently - I still need the doppler to see if I have atheriosis.
    I sure had a great yellow split pea soup at a loft party Friday night.

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Very nice picture of Penny, she look younger then 50.
    Thank you for my picture you did for me.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Day ~! :-)
    Many still smoke knowing how bad it is for you.. Some wake up too late..After the damage has been done..

    Ya, Penny is very young looking, plus shes no bigger than a minute.. 90 pounds soaking wet I bet lol...


    Hope your having a great day !~!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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