
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

~A Roll OutSide!~ :-)

Great day yesterday after I posted the blog.. I went
outside with Penny. It was scarey and I got stuck a lot
but I had the best time.. I stayed out for as long as
I could stand the sun on me, plus it was time for Penny
to go. I saw Carls wife, her name is Joyce, shes very
nice and keeps an eye out on this place.. We talked for
quite awhile especially about this huge peony growing
out back.. I noticed that there are 3 different ones
all in that one spot. Joyce is anxious to come over and
asked if she could pick some to take home, which I
told her of course.
She told me about the black kittie that is gone, the
daughter took it.. She told me about the twin lady and
the 2 orange kitties are not hers.. She is 89 years old..
Can you believe it? I watch her, all day she is out there.
Bless her heart.. I bet though if she COULDNT get out
there that would kill her faster than anything. Joyce is
related by shirt tails.. by that I mean her husbands
brothers aunt or something.. I dunno.. but I am in awe
of that lady. Apparently there is a dog.. that lives in
that trailer or house on the side of the garden down
this end.. Its a pitt bull.. was loose, she was out side in
her garden and the dog bit her in the leg. They took
the dog, its against the law to have a loose dog, I think
its a good law, specially if its a pitt bull. I hope she is
ok.. The dog is under quarantine Joyce said..
Dutch wanted out too.. :-)
Don't ya just love gossip? :-) Anyhoway, she also said
that the lady that lived her before was a flower person
and she had lots of stuff planted. All out in front are
ferns.. it looks so pretty.. What the flowers are I have
no idea , Penny and I both thought they were weeds ! I'm
glad we or she didn't pull them out ! The iris's are just
By the time I got back inside I was tired.. Even in a power
chair, but I did help pull weeds that were by the climatis
there where Penny is. This yard is so uneven, even Joyce
said so, which she would notice too riding that lawn mower.
She said that she bet I had a little bit of a rough time in
the yard and to be careful there are some spots that are
bad but covered with grass.. We talked about the deck
too and she thinks Joe is just hesitant for fear I wont
stay here. But a deck I would think ANYONE would like.
And it would add to the value of this property which he
MAY not like .. could increase his property taxes.. But I
bet she goes home and tells Carl about our talk..
I mentioned to her I had a little list of things that I
need fixed.. Her face immediately changed from a smile
to a "What do you need?" look of concern. I told her
"was nothing major just small things.. like the kitchen drip
and the sprayer not working and I would like a rod put
in the bathroom doorway.. Little things." I said.. I have
a feeling she will bring it up to Carl.. specially since the
peonies do need done before they get too heavy. I hope
she mentions to Carl AND Joe that I sure need a deck.
Well the more people I whine to about this deck maybe
SOMEONE will take pity on this GORGEOUS WEEBLE
and build one for me so I can get out my back door! :-)

Today was a good day too.. I got little odds and ends
done and I still havent decided about the little desk
yet for sure.. I think I might keep it and move it to
where the small desk is with the hurricane lamps on
it and move that out into the kitchen .. I dunno.. I will
think of something.. :-) Decisions decisions..

you KNOW what my next one is .. LUNCH!! :-) Hope
you have a great SatDay.. Mine is :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya! and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
Im honored to call you "Friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What a CHARMING picture of you out in the yard. It is one of the best I have seen of you. That iris is gorgeous, too!! So are those ferns. I am SO glad you are able to get out in the yard a bit, now.
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What a LOVELY AND CHARMING picture of you out in the yard. It is one of the best i too have seen of you. That dress is gorgeous, too!! So are your smile. I am also SO glad you are able to get out in the yard a bit, now.
    Take care, Honeydear,
    Love you a lot...

  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife,
    Thanks honey.. arent you just sweet.. I saw the photos of YOUR flowers and the green house !! WOW... Ines sure is good.. you aint too bad either :-)

    Hiya Rob !
    Awww thank you too sweetie..Was good to be out there. I hope you are doing ok? Get in touch soon please.. :-)

    Good to hear from you ! :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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