
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, May 22, 2009

~Summer Time ~ :-)

Its close to graduation time and this graduating class
over here at this high school is celebrating. I heard a
car horn, then two, three of them. I looked out the
door of course and just caught the end of the long
line of cars with paint all over them congratulating
the class. One was a pick up truck with the school
flags in the back.. I watched as they circled the
high school then started back down the road, but
added a couple of farm tractors to the parade !
Was nice to see these kids having good clean fun.

When I was on summer vacation, my mom was always
home.. If she went shopping or where ever I went
with her.. If I couldn't well Daddy was right out in the
back yard in the garage. I never saw him watching me
but I KNEW he was.. I found THAT out the hard way.
I thought I was being really cool..

ok... beginning... I wanted to try a cigarette.. so I
went to Cavadias's store, lied, told them my Uncle Telfer
was visiting and sent me to buy a pack of cigarettes..
Lucky Strikes of all kind ! No filter nothing! But what did
I know of that. I was about 12 or so. I got the ciggies
and couldn't smoke one, or try to cuz it was late, supper
time so I crawled under the back porch and hid them
there. Went in, had dinner, and went outside after.. I
went to get the cigarettes and they were gone !

I looked everywhere, and they were NOT there, Now,
WHAT could have happened to them? I had NO idea,
I thought maybe the cat dragged them off or something.
I went back into the house and noticed up on the counter
there was something under a Kleenex.. I lifted and THERE
WERE THE CIGGIES !!! I didn't know what to do.. I just
froze and then I hear my dad say "Lois, those are NOT
your cigarettes are they?" I was scared speechless..
what do I say? I just blurted out Very Loudly...and
said "Yes, theyre mine, I wanted to smoke one and see
what it was like". I always figured even back then just
tell the truth get it over and get on with it.. I asked him
"Dad, HOW did you find them?" he told me he saw me
go under the porch, which I NEVER did, cuz it was dirty
and spiderwebby so he KNEW I was up to something
and he went under there when he saw me go in the house.

I never did get to smoke that cigarette :-) I did get in
trouble about lying to Mrs. Cavadias at the store though,
and I had to go and apologize for lying about them.. THEN
I had to tell my Uncle Telfer.. he was great.. he just laughed
and said "That's what kind I smoke too ! You pay attention!"
I never did that again.. the repercussions of having to go
around and say "I'm sorry" was almost worse than getting
grounded ! :-)

Great day here and Penny and I are going outside before
she has to leave. These past few days have been so nice.
Summer I think has arrived.. :-) Pennys waitin and I'm
anxious to see the flowers.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
will give you a full report tomorrow :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS !
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 12:30 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What a wise Dad you had!!
    Hey, that is one smart computer desk!
    Even if you don't use it for a computer, it is very useful storage.
    The cloakroom at my Sis's is well under way. You should have seen the look of relief on the builder's face when he discovered that he didn't have to do the job. He reckons he's no plumber!
    I'm having a "rest day" to-day! Next Tuesday, it's back to work. Shouldn't take long to finish it, now. Then I can hand it over to the decorator (Ines!!). It will be nice not to have to walk all the way up stairs just for a P!!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 2:59 PM, Anonymous barebuttbob said…

    Hi Gorgeous

    It's beautiful weather here today too. Have spent some time in the sun room - and am going to get in a nice walk. Hope you and Penny get outside - have her take a few photos of my favorite gorgeous lady!!

    Enjoy the sunshine!!

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife,
    YEs, he was.. very smart. I havent decided on the desk yet.. But it is nice... Good , you need a day off I know theres probly LOTS to catch up on..

    Hiya Butty!
    We are having some great weather for a holiday week end.. We deserve it ..

    So very nice to hear from you!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****

  • At 7:34 AM, Anonymous momar said…

    When I was 12 or so I used to go to the drug store to buy cigarettes for our maid. I think they were 11 or 14 cents a pack in Missouri. I never smoked much. I never liked the taste it left in my mouth.

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Momar,
    I didnt inhale till I was 17, that first one I thought I was gonna die for sure, but kept on.. That first pack I bought I think was 25 cents.. Here they are now over 6 dollars a pack I think Penny said.. AND you will get arrested if the cops catch you buying them in Indiana.. lol...

    Good to hear from you ! :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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