
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

~Monster Wasp!~ :-)

I was sitting and watching my favorite show, Deadliest
Catch, and I saw this big black bug crawling inside my
lace curtains I have on the window in the bedroom. My
only TV is in there.. anyway, it was too high up and when
I REALLY looked at it, it was a wasp. They WILL sting
you.. So.. I had to sit for a minute and of course figure
a plan of attack.. I cant just go after it bare handed, be
my luck I'd miss and it would bite me.. THAT wouldn't be
good.. So.. I went and got the MOP!.. its like a window
squeegy kind with a rubber blade on one side and a
sponge on the other... It took me almost an hour to kill
that stinkin thing.. :-( I think it was made of IRON! :-)
I hit it behind the blind, behind the curtain, on the wall,
even on the floor and that bug kept getting up and going
back up the curtain.. While I'm banging away at this thing
I KNEW Dutch would hear and him being so nosey would
HAVE to come and see.. Well I didn't want that thing to
sting the cat! No telling what effect it would have. Then
THAT would be all I'd need a cat going insane and a killer
wasp on the loose! THIS was NOT GOOD ! :-) I was
getting really upset that I just could NOT kill this wasp..
I even thought of calling Carl! No way I would just let it
go.. This is the 2nd one ive killed.. The first one was in
the living room window a few days ago...
I heard a crash and my blinds rattle, the mini blinds I
have on all the windows.. I rolled into the living room
and there Dutch was sitting on top my printer and had
knocked everything OFF of it while he was trying to
get up in that window.. I rolled up to it and pulled the
blind up and saw that huge wasp, I bet these things
are at least an inch long! I had a napkin on my desk, I
grabbed it and of course MISSED! When I did, that
wasp swung his stinger around and was REALLY tryin
to sting me.. And worst part, while I'm fighting this
stinkin wasp I'm fighting Dutch at the same time !
He WANTED that wasp! We have such fun here ! :-)
Well I got rid of the wasp finally, I think it got in
when Donnie came by. He had Jerky with him.. He
has split custody of the dog.. :-) Dawn is living with
some one else, but Donnie goes over and gets the
dog while she works so the dog is not alone :-) Plus
his cat isnt so whiney when she has Jerky there to
play with.. Jerky was limping, he has a bad front leg,
he hurt it when he was a puppy and I guess Dawn's
new roomie, plays kinda rough with him and has made
it sore again... Donnie wasn't too pleased, but he said,
Jerky likes to play rough, only way he knows how to
play...We had a nice visit, and of course he raided the
fridge, you see proof! :-) He hadnt had supper yet
and was starved, so he took the mostacolloi or what
ever, home with him, plus a few other donations from
my fridge and cabinets.. Donnie hates goin to the grocery
store. So I get some things for him when I know
hes coming up.. Hes going by Kelli's tonite so he took
our boys new stuff to him.. Hes gonna help Jorge
baby proof the cabinets :-) That's a good thing to do.
See all the birds on the bath and the ground? Id like to clear
all that grass from the cracks and edge it.. Any volunteers? :-)

I want you to know, this male hummer, Hummy is a
stinker! He KNOWS I'm watching him and he teases
me I think! He came by this morning while I was on
the phone, but sitting in the doorway, that little thing
SAT on the post to WAIT till I got the camera out..
When he figured I had enough time to get it ready,
he zipped up right in my face again.! I bet if I was
out there he would come right to me.. Hes not afraid
of Dutch either.. This is so neat.. I LOVE this.. 2 great
things I have out in this yard the birdbath and the
hummer feeder :-)
Penny planted some of the sunflower seeds that were
in the birdseed.. I figured they would get to be the
big TALL kind.. Well look.. do you see the buds on it?
I think its gonna bloom.. I didn't know they grew short
ones.. :-) There are fields of sunflowers in the UP.. I
loved riding out to Broznowski's farm to get eggs when
the fields were blooming.. Take Gibbs City Road off US2
up there outside of Iron River, one of the nicest rides
you will ever take.. Some beautiful scenery from flowers
to streams to national forest, not counting all the places
to fish. According to my Dad, and I agree it IS God's
Country, and not too many places can compare. But I
think every state is beautiful, in their own way. :-)

Well, its time to check out my back yard again and
see what comes into camera range :-) I gave Donnie
my left overs so I will have to see what the lunch
driver brings, it wont be Chris today, Vinnie, I think
will bring it.. Hes very nice too and been here before.
Looks like rain.. Yard sure can use it.. I never did call
Joe .. I hate to pester him.. but I want this place to
look nice, theres gonna be a lot of people outside and
I want this place to look as nice outside as nice as it is

Time to post and put my daily GORGEOUS WEEBLE
"I'll be back" !

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 4:56 PM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    That looks to me as though it's a wood wasp. What looks like an enormous, long sting is an ovipositor, to lay eggs in some poor, unfortunate caterpillar underneath the bark of a tree. Egg hatches inside caterpillar - fresh food for it right where it sits. Ain't nature horrible!!!
    Love the pics of Jerky. He would get on SO well with our Holly, who, at 10 months, is about as hyper as Jerky!!
    Take care, Honey.
    Luv Ya,

  • At 10:34 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois you do have a nice looking yard.
    I was hoping to get some rain tonight, the garden sure would love that kind of water...Our treated water I don't think is good for the garden but better then nothing.

    Bob show me he can pick up the walker and walk without it...I told him to use the walker for now till the Dr say different. I sure don't want him to fall, and he walk fast now with the walker too. I think he healing good...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife,
    I know ifn you make one of those mad it will sting you! You cant see it but there are yellow stripes across its butt.. :-)

    Hiya Mary,
    Yes I do and I sure appreciate having it too.. I really enjoy it.. I prefer to watch it than anything... Guess im goofy :-)
    Im glad Bob is improving..

    So nice of y'all to stop by!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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