
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Because I really enjoy sitting at my front and back doors,
and prefer doing that rather than watch TV or even be
online, I wonder does that make me "odd"? When I turn
on my TV, even with all those channels.. there are VERY
few shows I watch. I prefer to notice all the different
things I see out side. Trees for one.. There are at least
4 different pine trees I can see and 2 are in my yard!
The one closest, has pine cones, and the needles are
sort of soft.. The one closest to the road, I do LIKE
that tree, which usually I don't like pines in a yard,
its too hard to grow grass under them even if you keep
them lifted up which mine are... The bottom branches
were all trimmed up. Up north along US 2 they plant
pine trees to keep the snow off the roads, but they
don't clip the bottom branches.
Over by that trailer where the amputee man lives,
next door I think they have a pool behind that
fence. If I look I can just make out some flowers
sticking up.. Hollyhocks.. Lovely flowers.. There is a
pine over there that is a short needle kind they use
more for Christmas trees.. My dad found a sapling
of a Tamarack tree during one of his treks through
the woods.. Its not legal to take trees out of the
woods, if you get caught you could be in trouble. same
with taking the wildflowers. But he wanted this tree
as they are hard to find. He took it home and planted
it, the needles on that tree are like velvet, so soft
and just beautiful.. By the time I moved back up there
in 89, it was quite big. I hope its still there...
Over by the trailer guys there is a weeping willow
out front of his place that you can just see some of
the branches.. I really like the willow tree, when I was
little my mother told me I said whipping willow.. not
WEEPING :-) Willows are a very messy tree and can
give you fits cleaning the yard when it decides to shed.
Plus they are water hogs.. and unless you live by water,
well they could mess up your water lines :-) Having a
tree service for so many years and growing up among
3 national forests.. I got to know trees.. The birch is
very popular up north.. The Native Americans used it
for everything from canoes to writing on it and Carl
has one of those, the Robins nested in it :-)
Next to Carls house, that big dark green one, its a silver
maple, when the wind blows the leaves on the underside
are kinda white, so it changes color when its windy.. :-)
I KNOW you want to know this stuff :-) But watch and
check out YOUR backyard.. See just what is out there.
You might be amazed.. I saw one of the little birds was
eating some bread I put out there, I saw a little white
butterfly go by and that bird flew straight up and I
could see him aiming for that little flutterby.. that bird
had him for desert!! :-) Theres a lot to see IF you
LOOK for it.. :-)

Well time for me to look for some lunch. Penny was
here and we are all vacuumed and dusted and clean.
She does good work, Penny has been with me almost
3 years now. We are anxiously waiting for her cat to
have her babies.. She has a Siamese, that is VERY
mean. But most are very moody. When they eat by
themselves she is going to bring one here so we can
see how the boys like it.. I kinda think they will like
having a baby kittie. Someone new to play with :-)
This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is ready to eat, I'm kinda
hungry.. Its raining again today and I SURE know it!
But, "I shall RETURN! " :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You ", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:59 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    When I was a kid, there was a giant sycamore in the yard behind us. 30 years later, I visited that house where I grew up and somebody had cut down that tree.

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Great pictures again Lois.
    I love all the shade of green with tree, well I love all the colors of trees or anything else too.It so nice to hear and smell the outside.
    I love setting in a park car and watching everyone busily do there own thing. Or how they inter act with each other. Mother not getting real upset with there children are acting up...

    Now day it real hard to take when little children act up in the store...if you smile at them, they stick out there tongue at you and say bad words...

    I love the early morning when it nice and cool outside, it always bring back when we done a lot of camping by the river...
    Our car broke down today, we got it back home...we were only about 5 blocks from home...not for sure what we going to do with it yet.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 10:09 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois we have a big Pecan tree in the middle of our back yard.

  • At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Grandmother told me that trees anchor the sky to the earth ... should all the trees get cut down the sky will be loose and will fly off and we will all die from no air. Is that true do you think?


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Momar, Mary, d,
    Trees are a valuable thing for property value and all the fresh air they give. Up North where is 95% trees the air is so pure and clean it takes awhile to get used to breathing it :-)

    Things have changed so drastically Mary, I plan to do a blog post about the difference in the games WE had and the ones now.. Just NO comparison, the ones now I wouldnt let my cats play, I wouldnt let them play video games..:-) Too much violence...

    The good old days were the best, its scarey to look ahead, I dont, one day at a time works for me :-)

    Pecan Tree? Donnie had 2, and they would put them out in the driveway so the cars driving over them would shell them, was easier than by hand :-) Theyre so delicious :-) Nothing can compare to homemade pecan pie :-) MMMMM

    So nice to hear from y'all !!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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