~I Need Adopted~ :-)
I have not made but one phone call today and
that was to my bank to see what they had
deposited what they said they would and they
did.. I will have to work up a new budget that
will be even stricter than the last one. With
my income down and my rent and premiums I
will now have to pay I will have to totally redo
my budget to see what I have and where I will
be by the end of the month... If anything more
changes, well... I may have to put myself up for
adoption then :-) And WHO would adopt me? :-)
The boy phoned me yesterday.. he was trying to get
to his email.. Google mail..which is the best... he forgot
his password and wasn't real sure about his ID either.
So I gave him his ID and code, and told him he has 3
new emails.. confirmation for a camping space at a race
for next year I think... Being on dial up he is SO slow.
I had forgotten just how slow that is.. I have high
speed now :-) He got it all figured out, he did get a
new monitor, so I'm glad.. got a slim one like mine.. I
have a 19 inch.. I love it... :-)
Penny is making meat loaf today, she had to make a
2nd trip to the store, bless her heart.. just to get
the boys their treats.. They get so pissy when I
don't have any for them... She loves these cats and
spoils them when shes here.. LB waits for her by
the door cuz he knows she will use the brush on
him and he loves that...
I had a choice between a roast, which I love or
meat loaf which is my 2nd very best fav... I love
that stuff and Penny makes the best.. Other than
than I am not doing anything today, I was gonna
call the drs office and decided I didn't want to
deal with that today and may put it off till a
different day... I dunno.. This week should be a
quiet one as its not one that Rebecca or Travis
will be here.. so Id like to keep it quiet, unless
I get something ugly in the mail.. and the only
thing I am waiting to get is my electric bill to
see how much its gone up! I hope its not much.
Post time and to check on lunch.. But.. this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE will return! :-)
Always Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my, what an offer!!! Wish i could adopt you, that would sure be lovely. And you should get a fine life... But that is in the best of worlds, and this isnt.
Well keep on dreaming over there, and i will be dreaming here.
Sometimes dreams come true!
Kisses all over
Your ROB
At 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
Yes we got about 4 or 5 inches snow Saturday night...Becky needed more milk so off to the store we went...and I don't have to work this week for Becky...just didn't want to get out at night when it so cold outside.
I know my electric bill will be higher next month. having to warm up my bedroom to play with the computer.
So glad you got Penny, always good to have good worker.
I worry about the girls worker being able to get to work with all the snow and ice we had...most live in town and that a big help...
God bless you Lois.
At 11:22 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Rob :-)
All we got are our dreams.. something to work towards.. :-) good to hear from you :-)
Hiya Mary! :-)
We got a bit more and were spared again.. South Haven, over by the lake got a foot an hour.. They is snowed IN ! :-)
Keep well and in touch!
Love N'Hugs,
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