~Bloomin Glory~ :-)
Do you see the bloom..? Penny wound some ribbon
around the post..first one was red.. DUH.. I know..Well
you see the 2nd ribbon is white.. :-) I thought it was the
red glory that I saved the seeds from...surprise! its the
purple one...I don't mind, it can be any color it wants..I'm
just pleased its growing and blooming.. I planted those
seeds in that container my self..Penny only moved the
pot out there..so I CAN say I did it myself! :-) I'm gonna
Look at the birdbath bowl.. NOW... knowing me.... you
KNOW... me not knowin what that lump floatin out in
that water is..well its making me worry.. I HOPE its NOT
a BIRD! I'm thinkin, HOPEFULLY, that its a pine cone.
I enlarged the picture but I still cant be sure..I wont be
able to find out till Penny gets here tomorrow.. :-( I
HAVE to think its a pinecone, not a baby bird like the
Whats floatin?
one that was out there on that concrete..THAT was
awful..I had to stop watching that..
It was bad last evening again, more storms.. I sat in
the doorway and watched as the sky turned dark..
looked down and there was Stinky..I felt so bad for
this cat..He just must NOT have a owner. Hes here
TOO often.. I would LOVE to keep him. get him
neutered, cuz he sprays, Ive seen him..But, I'm hoping
Penny will take him..She really likes him and he likes
her too..Hes so lovey..I bet Pennys guys would like
him..Only problem is Pennys 2 dogs..They don't really
like cats and the first day out there, I guess they had
a field day chasing the 5 Penny says are out in the barn..
She has a minpin and a beagle.. I wish he would get
along with my 2 guys..They ignore me for hours if they
smell one of those cats on my hands. I know they are
spraying outside the door and THAT has to be swept
and rinsed off now..Why do people NOT get their cats
or dogs for that matter spayed:? I don't understand
that..If you PLAN to be a dog breeder is different, but
just for a pet..GET YOUR PET NEUTERED ..whether
hes a indoor and SPECIALLY if hes an out door one..
I go to the ARF site every day and click on the blue
bar to donate to them..Helps the animals.. Go and
click on that link to go, then click on the purple thingie :-)
I talked to the boy last night and he has me worried..He
may have to let his house go back or try to sell it..Sign
of the times..Hes working, but hes had it really rough
now that he has only his income to pay all the bills Dawn
left him with, plus a $1000 dollar a month mortgage pay
ment.. Hes talking to someone tomorrow to see what
they can do..I wish I could help him..but I just barely
make it myself.. I told him to sell it, buy another and rent
it to me! then I could pay at least half the mortgage..I
cant buy it..the grant wont let me do that.. I plan to call
Rebecca tomorrow about that section 8 crap..that
bothers me..I don't know what to do to help Donnie.I
hate to see that kid give up that house..He loves it
out there..has his lake, his garage.. I just don't know
how to help him...Maybe this loan councellor hes going
to can come up with some logical solution..
Well..other than watch it rain and then see the sun..and
try to stay cool..Its been horrible ..up over 100! Today
only up in the high 80s..weather says rain every day
this week..:-( This is gonna be a hetic week..Penny of
course, then Travis on tuesday..possibly Rebecca and
then I am expecting company on Thursday for the day...
Busy week..:-) But I don't have any plans for today..:-)
This GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post this then
go and watch my yard..:-) Awful TV on Sundays :-) Id
rather watch my yard. My eyes are still swollen and
they hurt, but I can still see all the critters..I better enjoy
them while I can :-) Hope you're having a good week
end..Stay cool.. I shall return! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great pictures Lois.
So sorry about your storms Lois, we got very rain here...and we need rain...
God bless you Lois.
At 11:53 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Seems when it rains it pours..I have more new problems..never ends..
Take care Mary..
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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