
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today is NOT wednesday you know

I thought today was wednesday. Hmm thats not good.. I keep losing
days like this ill be at Christmas before anyone else ! that wont be
good ! The apt. mgr. comes on WEDNESDAY...i have NO idea why I
thought today..Penny must have thought I was NUTZ..i told her when
she sees him tomorrow not to tell him to come by..well now aint that
cute no wonder she looked at me funny and said"ok , sure Lois.." and
walked away !!! How could she he wasnt gonna be here!!!

I was all primed and so anxious to find out if he is going to come and
fix this useless toilet, hoping he didnt, so I could really do some
yelling..Its just really discouraging.. It IS funny tho I sure got some
cute IM's today, telling me they thought I was funny and liked I
didnt mind sharing these joyous occasions with everyone lol. These
are just the truth. I guess i could say I tell everything i know..well..
no just stuff that makes me mad... This isnt right..and I feel its not
fair that this goes on..and they cant find a part for the flusher
handle , there are NO replacement parts cuz its too old? These
apts are only 7 years old..something isnt right here i think.. lolol...
Dont say call HUD,, dont work..they know Penny and I by our
first names and the lady answers the phone recognizes our
voices.lol..yeah..they know us..but doesnt help... and HOPE
NETWORK owns this place..HOPE? ok..for? our repairs to be
done? to not have our mail box keys open everyone elses?
We are all disabled here..all sorts of us..most in chairs ranging
in age from 20's to 80's . Complaints go noticed but filed away.

I had the best surprise last nite..My curtains were fixed.
Jane , my caregiver did it... I had my curtain rod
in my bedroom fall only thing holding it up was the middle
support..The nail came out of the bracket on the left side
of the window..DUTCH did it..not me..He fell out..and
pulled the curtain. I tried to use my grabber to reach and
do this..welll.dont work and i have a LONG grabber..so.
I piled the pillows up..and climbed up them to get me
higher up..Ok ok no mind visions here ,, this is serious
work.. I have to get the nail in the little hole up there.
So I scoot..yes in a skirt..and i lift the left stump up first
cuz its longer.. and then lift up and have to lean way
forward cuz im going at angle here..and i get to the top
of the pile ,, dont ask where the skirt is...and I reach
for the grabber, which is still down on the bed..u see
where this is going?
So I lean over..to get the grabber, and ya ya i fall over
onto the bed..i WAS smart cuz i did move the table
that was there . . i had considered climbing up on
it to put that bloody screw in.. and the under where
I kept my snacks, all were moved ....... i was gonna
fix this curtain now im sick of it..I reached.. and yup
I leaned to far , well i had nothing to hold on to other
than the curtain already hanging at a bad angle..so
i hit the bed, i bounced , no biggie. i didnt hurt my
self at all ..in fact to be honest I laffed.. cuz Lord If
anyone could have seen me ,, thank GOd there
were curtians on the window..lol.. so i hit the bed..sat
back up..and had to repile the pillows of course ..the
bed is in a corner. I sat for a minute said well one more
time..of course you KNOW Dutch is right there and
hes playing with the curtains brings me a string to
play tug with him..So..I climb back up there I already
described how..And I try for 20, 30 minutes to get
that nail in that hole..i was pretty close but still cant
reach..did NOT work..so i said well ratz,, and just
started back down..this shortness just didnt cut it..
and my arms were tired from reaching...

when I finally shut this puter down I rolled into the
bedroom and something was wrong..And wow my
curtain wasnt at an angle! Jane fixed it..what a treat.
It had been like that for 2 months? EVeryone is so
busy..and have lives and they love me, and when they
cant help me they feel bad,, and I feel bad cuz i have
to find someone else..but you know I think this is alot
of the problem why alot of us arent out there..at least
not really alone..i think cuz we have to ASK..i know its
a problem for me..I will once..and maybe 3 , 4 weeks
later give a reminder. This wheelchair life sure isnt
great..and Ive been around it since i was a hospital
volunteer in high school..I didnt think about that,
how hard it really is in so many different ways... for
even the slightest thing..

It was really fun tho to fall off the pillows..lolol sure
i coulda bounced right onto the floor!!! LOL...I
think that would have hurt but my chair would have
stopped me its the same height as my bed. I have
everything here same height as my chair. lot easier
to transfer. So now I have to wait till tomorrow for
the saga of the broken toilet handle..will Chris fix
the handle or NOT?? ONLY the Shadow knows lolol
well he better. Any plumbers out there????
Well got some mails to write..and i HAVE to say again,
I am just pleased to know that this is being read..Thats
just so great..I dont mind sharing with you at all .. This
is just a life. Just tell it like it is. This is me. and what its
like to have your life totally change. Its not easy BUT
it IS DOABLE . . . just have to do the best you can and
what you cant do ......well find a WAY TO DO IT THEN.
Y'all have a good nite..thanks for reading this .*
Always, Lois


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