Showering? OK...I'll TELL Ya ~!~
I get asked questions every day of how I do things, by now, you know
you ask...oki doki..i'll tell ya~!~ the question for today is..How do you
bathe? Key word? CAREFULLY ! Slippin & sliding to the floor in a
shower is NOT a good thing ! I've come close, Very close at times, to
hitting the floor and Trust me, it can be VERY Scarey.
I have a rather large shower, called a roll in shower, take chair and
all if you have one for a shower. My first bench, well I still keep it in
there, is a white plastic, fit my butt and half more..was narrow, & my
stumps stuck out past the edge of the seat. The floor in the bathroom
is all slanted towards the shower, so the bench of course is sideways
in there. I transfer to it and I automatically slide up to the far
end of it, up to the wall, where at the end is the mounted wall shower
head thingie, that slides up & down on a rod, You can take it off to
be a hand held shower if your brave enuff. Well , this is a plastic bench,
plastic when wet, gets slippery, VERY slippery, trust I have
to hold on to the bench most of the time or do a careful balancing
act so I dont slide off while im lathering my hair and body, if I use
both hands which, to get the soap out of my hair I have to. Now this
nozzle thing only sticks out maybe 8 inches from the wall, which
means I have to be up very close to the wall to be able to do my hair.
To rinse off the rest of me its one hand then the other, switching
back and forth to make sure Im all rinsed off...
Now, the bench being slippery, ive slid up under the nozzle, and
yes..Dutch sits on the bench next to me ! He loves water :-) i'm
trying to scrub my body, at the same time not slide off this bench,
so I'm holding on with one hand during this whole deal. Drop the
soap? well tuff ..Dutch aint gettin it.I almost slid off one day,
I mean REALLY close, if it wasnt for the rail around it I would
have sat on the stupid soap I was tryin to reach that had fallen
to the floor. (No shower grabber) This kinda was getting old after
2 half years of doing this. It was really gettin to me, by the time
I was done washing and fighting to stay in that chair I was so
wore out I just sat for a while and would just DRIP dry :-( till
I was ready to get on with the next phase of this shower.....
I applied and I got a new chair just for the shower. It looks just
just like a regular manual chair but has an open seat, like a
potty, plastic seat, back, armrests that tilt up. The whole chair
goes into the shower. Great chair since it goes right in, and
there is no transferring from my manual like before and
I keep the bloomin soap on it now that has a ROPE on it..
HA ! the soap has NO escape from me now. Anyway I like
this new chair being great it goes totally into the shower.
BUTT, its just that its HARD on the butt, it is THE most
uncomfortable seat I have to sit on. I dont know if its the
hardness of it or the way its maybe slanted, all I know is
it sure makes you take a FASTER shower. lol. Its alot
easier to shower now as both hands are free and I can
do this faster which is great, because by the time I transfer
out of it my stumps are screamin to get OUT of that chair
cuz they ache so bad.
I roll out of the shower, grab a towel and wrap around
then have to go back to my bed..put towels on the bed
to slide my wet butt across ..well? how else am I gonna
dry it off? So I transfer to my bed and there I dry off.
Hopefully I've been smart enuff to think ahead to make
sure Ive put my clothes on the bed so I dont have to
transfer back and forth again. So the drying process is
the same except for my butt, well its the roly poly
routine again, (like for puttin on pants?) to dry off good.
Dryness is important when your sitting for 15 hours a
day. Hey you wanted to KNOW lol. I have to bring my
powder & destinker, perfume, lotion all in there or its
transfer back to the chair put all this other necessary
stuff on back in the bathroom, then back here to dress,
so I have a basket I carry into the bedroom with all
this in. I get all sweet smellin, then have to move all
these towels (3 at least) or get powder etc on my skirt.
All this done, and I slip my skirt over my head, then
my top..and transfer back into my chair to haul every
thing BACK into the bathroom to start the routine
of fixing my hair. All in all time wise approx 2 hrs and
depending on how pooped I am by all this arm move
ment maybe longer. There IS a routine or your gonna
be so wore out that well you head back to bed then to
take a nap! This is NOT an easy thing to do... Some
days, well I look at the shower and say." Hmmm how
dirty can I get just sitting here? ok..its just BirdBath
day..when I fill the sink with water and sit in my chair
and wash all the main mandatory parts and I WONT
be specific, you guess... and this works really good...
The shower routine, for me isnt a daily thing, its a
maybe 3 times a week, depending on time of year
too..summer it gets hot and I tend to perspire if I
dont have the air on, and winter? well its kinda cool in
here , I keep the temp about 68. So that is a determining
factor in how often I go thru the shower routine...
There...what did I leave out? lol. OH- that at the end of all this
washin and dryin and fumin, powderin, dressin, that I look
and smell like the sweetest thing there is? :-) lol hey....this is
true!! I'm lookin good.!. I do miss my White Shoulders tho..I
love that stuff ..But I have some White Diamonds by Liz Taylor
a gift from my sis, that is preeeeety sweet smellin, got my silk
skirt on, and a nice "matching" top and ok..lets get this show
on the road and I head back to this computer .. :-)
I'm earlier here tonite my nap didnt last real long I think every
telemarketer phoned today and I just gave up..I got a rest
which I needed I got up at I was ready for a nap after
lunch, which today was NOT a good lunch day, Dboy HAS to
have a smell & taste of any food I go near..well when I took
the plastic off this , guess what lunch, he acted like he was
gonna bury it? no no I am NOT eating it, no way, so I'll fix
some soup or something here in a minute. LB doesnt eat
people food very often, but he HAS to have coffee in the
morning, when I make coffee he sits there and waits for me
to give him some of the coffee out of the cannister and he
eats that, hes done this since a baby. Told you we're a odd
lot here :-)
So there you have the SHOWER routine, hmm routine?
well yes i guess but more like a challenge, its not easy, but
do it right and you have the right things you need, its not
too hard I think the hardest is all the tranferring.. So now
when YOU take your shower, and just jump in and out..
remember YOU got the EASY
Well, I'm off to the kitchen and we here at the funny farm
bid you good nite I hope this answered the shower question
got any more? lol, just call me the picky answer lady here :-)
Nite..and THANKS for the nice mail I'm getting with all the
sweet words..If you dont want to post a guess here for the
contest you can send it to me at
I'll put it on to the list..Y'all are guessing pretty much the same...
doing good and Im pleased so many of you are taking the
time to "Play" with me lol...
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ***
you ask...oki doki..i'll tell ya~!~ the question for today is..How do you
bathe? Key word? CAREFULLY ! Slippin & sliding to the floor in a
shower is NOT a good thing ! I've come close, Very close at times, to
hitting the floor and Trust me, it can be VERY Scarey.
I have a rather large shower, called a roll in shower, take chair and
all if you have one for a shower. My first bench, well I still keep it in
there, is a white plastic, fit my butt and half more..was narrow, & my
stumps stuck out past the edge of the seat. The floor in the bathroom
is all slanted towards the shower, so the bench of course is sideways
in there. I transfer to it and I automatically slide up to the far
end of it, up to the wall, where at the end is the mounted wall shower
head thingie, that slides up & down on a rod, You can take it off to
be a hand held shower if your brave enuff. Well , this is a plastic bench,
plastic when wet, gets slippery, VERY slippery, trust I have
to hold on to the bench most of the time or do a careful balancing
act so I dont slide off while im lathering my hair and body, if I use
both hands which, to get the soap out of my hair I have to. Now this
nozzle thing only sticks out maybe 8 inches from the wall, which
means I have to be up very close to the wall to be able to do my hair.
To rinse off the rest of me its one hand then the other, switching
back and forth to make sure Im all rinsed off...
Now, the bench being slippery, ive slid up under the nozzle, and
yes..Dutch sits on the bench next to me ! He loves water :-) i'm
trying to scrub my body, at the same time not slide off this bench,
so I'm holding on with one hand during this whole deal. Drop the
soap? well tuff ..Dutch aint gettin it.I almost slid off one day,
I mean REALLY close, if it wasnt for the rail around it I would
have sat on the stupid soap I was tryin to reach that had fallen
to the floor. (No shower grabber) This kinda was getting old after
2 half years of doing this. It was really gettin to me, by the time
I was done washing and fighting to stay in that chair I was so
wore out I just sat for a while and would just DRIP dry :-( till
I was ready to get on with the next phase of this shower.....
I applied and I got a new chair just for the shower. It looks just
just like a regular manual chair but has an open seat, like a
potty, plastic seat, back, armrests that tilt up. The whole chair
goes into the shower. Great chair since it goes right in, and
there is no transferring from my manual like before and
I keep the bloomin soap on it now that has a ROPE on it..
HA ! the soap has NO escape from me now. Anyway I like
this new chair being great it goes totally into the shower.
BUTT, its just that its HARD on the butt, it is THE most
uncomfortable seat I have to sit on. I dont know if its the
hardness of it or the way its maybe slanted, all I know is
it sure makes you take a FASTER shower. lol. Its alot
easier to shower now as both hands are free and I can
do this faster which is great, because by the time I transfer
out of it my stumps are screamin to get OUT of that chair
cuz they ache so bad.
I roll out of the shower, grab a towel and wrap around
then have to go back to my bed..put towels on the bed
to slide my wet butt across ..well? how else am I gonna
dry it off? So I transfer to my bed and there I dry off.
Hopefully I've been smart enuff to think ahead to make
sure Ive put my clothes on the bed so I dont have to
transfer back and forth again. So the drying process is
the same except for my butt, well its the roly poly
routine again, (like for puttin on pants?) to dry off good.
Dryness is important when your sitting for 15 hours a
day. Hey you wanted to KNOW lol. I have to bring my
powder & destinker, perfume, lotion all in there or its
transfer back to the chair put all this other necessary
stuff on back in the bathroom, then back here to dress,
so I have a basket I carry into the bedroom with all
this in. I get all sweet smellin, then have to move all
these towels (3 at least) or get powder etc on my skirt.
All this done, and I slip my skirt over my head, then
my top..and transfer back into my chair to haul every
thing BACK into the bathroom to start the routine
of fixing my hair. All in all time wise approx 2 hrs and
depending on how pooped I am by all this arm move
ment maybe longer. There IS a routine or your gonna
be so wore out that well you head back to bed then to
take a nap! This is NOT an easy thing to do... Some
days, well I look at the shower and say." Hmmm how
dirty can I get just sitting here? ok..its just BirdBath
day..when I fill the sink with water and sit in my chair
and wash all the main mandatory parts and I WONT
be specific, you guess... and this works really good...
The shower routine, for me isnt a daily thing, its a
maybe 3 times a week, depending on time of year
too..summer it gets hot and I tend to perspire if I
dont have the air on, and winter? well its kinda cool in
here , I keep the temp about 68. So that is a determining
factor in how often I go thru the shower routine...
There...what did I leave out? lol. OH- that at the end of all this
washin and dryin and fumin, powderin, dressin, that I look
and smell like the sweetest thing there is? :-) lol hey....this is
true!! I'm lookin good.!. I do miss my White Shoulders tho..I
love that stuff ..But I have some White Diamonds by Liz Taylor
a gift from my sis, that is preeeeety sweet smellin, got my silk
skirt on, and a nice "matching" top and ok..lets get this show
on the road and I head back to this computer .. :-)
I'm earlier here tonite my nap didnt last real long I think every
telemarketer phoned today and I just gave up..I got a rest
which I needed I got up at I was ready for a nap after
lunch, which today was NOT a good lunch day, Dboy HAS to
have a smell & taste of any food I go near..well when I took
the plastic off this , guess what lunch, he acted like he was
gonna bury it? no no I am NOT eating it, no way, so I'll fix
some soup or something here in a minute. LB doesnt eat
people food very often, but he HAS to have coffee in the
morning, when I make coffee he sits there and waits for me
to give him some of the coffee out of the cannister and he
eats that, hes done this since a baby. Told you we're a odd
lot here :-)
So there you have the SHOWER routine, hmm routine?
well yes i guess but more like a challenge, its not easy, but
do it right and you have the right things you need, its not
too hard I think the hardest is all the tranferring.. So now
when YOU take your shower, and just jump in and out..
remember YOU got the EASY
Well, I'm off to the kitchen and we here at the funny farm
bid you good nite I hope this answered the shower question
got any more? lol, just call me the picky answer lady here :-)
Nite..and THANKS for the nice mail I'm getting with all the
sweet words..If you dont want to post a guess here for the
contest you can send it to me at
I'll put it on to the list..Y'all are guessing pretty much the same...
doing good and Im pleased so many of you are taking the
time to "Play" with me lol...
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ***
At 6:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I do not like showers - I like baths - to fill my tub half full of warm water in the winter heats and steams the bath. I have three kinds of soap - shaving soap, face soap and body soap. In NYC we can get soaps from all over the world. I like Mexican or Dominican Republic soaps. My shaving soap is german. It is funny - most of these soaps are from Colgate or Palmolive subsidiaries. I also like Greek and Spanish soaps.
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mmm... not only a fast woman but a clean woman - what more could one ask for..........
Bare Hugs Sweet Woman
At 2:34 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar, good soap is such a treat, I get mine from the box they bring it in lol, with all the other freebies .yours sounds great tho...
ahhh butty,, fast & clean is good anyway u look at it LOL ..
Thanks guys..
Always, Lois ***
At 4:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
Thanks for the info about showering, I'll remember and think of you to-morrow morning when I have my shower!
My guess for your height is 3 ft 4.5 in. of pure gorgeousness!!!
Can you butt walk, you know, swinging between your arms? Can you climb stairs - I guess you don't need to in your apartment? Guess I'm just a nosey old bloke!! :-)
Love & cuddles
At 4:30 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife.TYTY :-) I'm curious myself as I have NO idea. And your kidding about swingin between my arms yes? hon.. I think I may be a little draggy there lol.. I have tried in my chair tho using the arm rests but I dont have the strength to hold up for long enough to be measured lol.
No never tried stairs either but I can picture myself trying tho and HEHEHE thats a funny image..I think my dragginbutt would pull me over backwards LOL...
hugs n cuddles back at ya :-D
Always, Lois ***
At 8:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
you in the shower,i want to see
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