~Early Post-I'm Tired~

I had a conversation with Rae friday about Devotees and
tried to explain to her about them.. When I stated the words..
"there are men and women that are attracted to disabled
people".. her initial reaction was a frown and a look of distaste
like EWWWW...thats what I saw on her face..and I automatically
and immediately went on the defensive...I will defend devotees...
NOT ALL..no.. but there are some..let me tell you..are some of
the dearest friends I could ever have..
I sat and looked at Rae, and asked her."WELL... WHY is THAT
initial attraction to a person any more wrong than a attraction to
someone because they have big breasts..or big shoulders.. or
whatever, that makes you notice them and FEEL an attraction
to them?" Because of the general assumption that has been for
centuries that people in chairs are totally DEFECTIVE? For an
example I said that when I was in my 30's and in Hawaii at my
sisters for Christmas, saw two of her guests..an older woman,
very nice..and her husband was alot younger, and I thought
WHAT does he see in someone OLDER than him.?..He saw the
person..the inside...once you see the initial attraction..and you
continue to delve into that person to KNOW Them and see
past the initial attraction that there is a person inside there and
that is what a devotee does.. MOST of them...some cant get past
the initial attraction , which is the disability ...
MANY devotees once they see the initial attraction- the disability-
continue to see only that... and then it turns into a fetish, a control
issue..that they see only the stumps or affliction and ONLY that.
IF you chat and all you talk about is how your appearance turns
them on ..but when there is NO OTHER talk thats the BIG difference
I know many devotees that I chat with when I can, we talk about so
many things.. its amazing..but we both know the attraction is there.
But there are many I have chatted to or emailed and all they want to
talk about are sexual things..or want photos or videos as many as
they can get and there is NO other talk..about me the person, and
the other parts of my life..and never talk about theirs, I can tell...but
Are not the disabled person attracted to the devotee/admirer?
I think we are...So what does that make us?
I think we are...So what does that make us?
I personally think there is just too much of an issue about all
this myself...I know Im gonna make some enemies with what
I am going to say next , but the devotees that have this wild
OBSESSION.....This is such a 2 edged sword...and the
bad part is...no one can really SOLVE it...The MAIN thing is
we all just respect each other..Not play games..be honest..
and true.. and just say what the hell you think...And IF some
one doesnt like what they see or hear..well then DONT LOOK
and DONT LISTEN..thats what I say... IF your a dev, a amp,
whatever.. IF YOUR happy, honest, open, then WHERE is
the problem? I can pick out the players..sometimes it does
take me awhile and I will admit I have gotten my feelings really
hurt.. BUT I am not going to base how ONE Treats me- that ALL
are going to be that way..Law of averages says that is NOT
Those of you that are the honest, loyal..good guys/gals lol...hey
what the ones that dont understand its THEIR problem...I made
that statement years ago..about the young guy wanting the older
woman..a FYI ..my last husband and I were married 12 years.
lived together for 2, and guess what? I was 20 years older than
him...go figure I KNOW what that Hawaiian guy saw ..HER..the
sweet lady she was. I dont begrudge ONE minute of that time with
him even though he turned out to be an ass..lol...ahhh live and
learn.. I guess I have it easier with all these ups and downs..
and the roller coaster crap out there since I am in this chair...
lol.. All I'm saying is..Guys/gals..cuz your devs? THAT is NOT
a BAD thing...there are good and bad people no matter WHAT
categories theyre in... I'll stick up for you good guys...those that
I KNOW are buggars..well.. I'm NOT in touch with them either
OK enough.. 2 times now some deep subjects but I really get
so upset with all this added CRAP..when its ALL hard no matter
WHO or WHAT we are..we just have to make lemonade when
we get these lemons thrown at us.. well lemon pie would be
good too~~!! At least Rae's nose lifted and her ewwww changed
to .."Hmmm yeah..thats right, people ARE just people"...
And thus endth my sermon for this sunday lol...Im starved, tired
and ready to lay it down and get the weight off this weebly butt..
Hope y'all had a great week end.. My sis called all is well on her
home front, all is well on mine too I hope it is on yours.Nitey nite...
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA...& thanks :-)
Always, Lois****
.May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Allo Lois,Very interesting and informative.
Well said.
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
Thanks for the Sermon!! Being a Dev, I feel that we have to be SO careful to treat every one, including amps with the very greatest respect - I suppose, just good, old-fashioned good manners. I find it is a big responsibility, but one I know I have to live up to.
The big problem with so many of the sites on the net is that so few of them tell you anything about the lovely ladies in the pictures. It would be SO great if there were somewhere to find biographical notes about these ladies. That is what really interests me - the person inside the beautiful body and how they came to be as they are. I am sure this is one of the things that makes your posts so very interesting, we feel that we know the lovely person inside.
Sorry, that's my two pennorth, for what it's worth.
Take care, my dear, lots of love and hugs from
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well Sweetie - I thank you for sticking up for us devs. And you hit the nail on the head - for some it is an obsession. But the mutual respect is the thing. And - well you know me well. And I thank you for accepting me and my idosyncrasies (oh yah - you know all about those). And I love you the way you are. I treasure our relationship. We do have some fun at times...lol.
Very well said hon - you does rite gud. lol....
Bare hugs as always,
At 11:28 AM,
Lois said…
Hi :-) thanks thanks...well I appreciate all of you..theres good and bad in everyone no matter who you are...the keyword is respect ...
Always, Lois****
At 12:03 PM,
Gray said…
It is always interesting to hear about the reactions of people who are neither amputees or devs to the concept. I have only twice involved in such a conversation, but both cases were with families of amputees and other issues were operating in those contexts. On one hand I am not surprised that people are astonished because it is a new concept, but on the other hand it makes me a little frustrated. Why should people be so surprised if some people find any particular type of person sexy and beautiful? There's lots of room on the earth for many different types of peopel and different sexual and aesthetic preferences.
There is logical sense in the big breast analogy, but I think that is it s little disingenuous when devs cite that example. The attraction to amputees is stronger and I think qualitatively somewhat different from the more common preferences, and devs experience a stronger imperative to seek out amputees. Perhaps the origin if this difference lies in our variance from deep cultural attitudes like Lois mentioned, or it could have its origin in the relative scarcity of amputees. I have never quite decided what I think about that.
In any case, female amputees as a group have a role almost like a gender to me. The class of people to whom I am attracted sexually and romantically is simply a different group than the "gender" attracting most most men, the group of woman who have amputations and similar physical differences. Within the group of female amputees there are some whith whom I share values, interests, and personality and am compatible. It is not really that amputations attract me, but it is close to a prerequisite for sexual and romantic attraction for me.
Within that broad class, the "whole" person defines who I am attracted to, not the missing limb. I have only recently begun to develop my thoughts about the "gender class" model of my own feelings, and can't yet articulate it clearly. I don't know if any of you can follow what I have said so badly, or if you agree with it to any extent.
Anyway, that was yet again an interesting post. Lois. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply.
Have a great day everyone.
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