
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, May 27, 2006

~Body Scan~

When I woke up this morning I laid there for a few minutes just
doing my own, I guess you would call it a body scan, as to how I
felt and what I felt.. Of course my back still was hurting although
it has moved up higher between my shoulder blades now..maybe
it will work its way out of my back up to my head, and out the top
you reckon? lol... Would be nice..Its a buggar when I go to roll its so
sore now.. Anyway... I concentrated on my stumps, they didn't feel
too awfully bad, considering we had storms last nite and tornado
warnings. They felt pretty much ok. I scanned the invisible feet, each
one, I concentrated on just my right foot, then the toes. As I laid there
the harder I thought about moving my toes, which I had NOT been
able to do before, I gradually noticed the harder I thought about it..
my toes DID move..not a huge lot..but each one I felt them move.
Amazing. I laid there for the longest time..did first my right foot then
the left..The more I thought about it the more my toes would move.

It is so just unbelievable that this is even possible to me and I just
sometimes am awestruck at the sensation that this has on me. I can,
if I concentrate, swing my invisible leg side to side, like a pendulum
but to kick it out, I can very very little at all.. it just refuses to go.. But
when I had my first amputation below the knee I hated it.. I felt so
uncomfortable.. it hurt all the time.. and I could NOT no matter how
hard I tried straighten it out.. It always stayed bent at the knee. I dont
know why it did that I think maybe the doctors cut the tendons too
short or something it would NOT straighten out at all...and the more I
tried the more it hurt..and then it got so infected that I gave up trying
to do anything with it..and just hoped the infection would go away but
of course it didn't.. They didn't take enough off that first time..besides
it getting infected I dont think the gangrene that set in first of all from
the first amputation had completely gone and then the 2nd infection
that was a main reason they did the 2nd amputation above the knee.
At lease thats my logic anyway...

I will admit the part I did like about being a sak..I handled that no
problem at all..I could still stand..I did NOT use crutches tho I was a
disaster waiting to happen with those.. I went down the hall one day
with those crutches..and I was like a big stork and I hit anything and
everything that was in the hallway and in my way.One of my Dearies
made the mistake of coming out of his room just as I was coming up
to his doorway and as he took a step into the hall I made a swing with
my left crutch to take a step and I put that crutch right on his foot..WOW..
I have NEVER heard an old man SCREAM so loudly..you would have
thought I hit him in the head with it. I apologized and yelled for the nurse,
she came running, then she explained to me that he had just had his
toe removed.. Boy, did I feel like a big meanie..I didnt use my crutches
after that.. lol Poor guy and of all the toes he still had..I had to step on
THAT foot!! I started using my chair after that.. Those bloomin crutches
were HELL on my arm pits..by the time I would struggle the
length of the hall I was exhausted and talk about sore.. I preferred my
chair.. I did use them off and on just for some exercise, and it was
something different to do as well. I did hate when they made me do the
physical therapy which all it involved was using a walker (as a sak) and
hopping down the hallways, that was so horrible..hop hop hop..all it did
was jar my teeth and brains..I dont see what good it did at all..maybe
strengthen my left leg..but it was already bad and I had been in a chair
for almost a year by the middle of 2001.

I have been in a wheelchair since the summer of 2000.. I was using one
because of all the bypasses my legs had gone thru and the neuropsy as
well, my legs could not be trusted to hold me up at all.. The first rehab I
was in after my abdominal and leg bypasses, was really good..the
people there were just wonderful I liked it there. Other than it being so
small...the rooms we shared were smaller I think than the hellhome..but
the staff were so good and I mean bent over backwards to really try to
help you in any way they could. Moreso than the other. The PT guy there
was from Norway or Sweden or somewhere and what a doll- I mean he
had ALL the women in there wanting to have PT with him lol..he was
very good at his job and VERY dedicated. Its a shame that these places
are so corrupted for wanting every dime a person has and then the
person has to not have that first bit of privacy..its really sad. At the first
rehab they did have a couple rooms that were private..and quite large.
But I can only remember two. The hellhome had NO private rooms and
all were super small. I always liked the bed by the window, then when it
got so hot in there, no Air conditioning you know. I would get a little air
in there. My sis brought me a little fan and I would clip it by the window to
bring in some cool air..then once it got hot I would put it blowing out and
pushing the hot air out of the room hoping it would cool it off.. The hall
ways had some AC and the dining room and nurses station did. I never
did understand why the dining room did when all it did was make the
food colder by the time some of those dearies ate it was ICE cold.
Otherwise the hellhome felt in the summer that it was just that HELL..
I am so glad to be OUT of there.

And..I am so glad I have a kitchen LOL. now to decide just what I want
to eat.. I called my sis this morning and she is all by herself. Stanley went
to Haiti with his church and she is Spring Cleanin. and going thru all her
closets..so you KNOW what THAT means.She will be here tomorrow
she said..and has some things for me.I did ask her to bring me some
potatoes tho...I m hungry for some potatoe salad again, and I did NOT
have enough to make my fries n gravy last nite..so..pooh.. I was upset..
I was all primed and ready to taste some good gravy and of course
those fries... I hope the day NEVER comes that I dont like them I have
been eating that since I was 2 years old I bet, I loved them then and I
still do..glad my tastes for that havent changed- they say your tastes
do that though at least twice in a lifetime, foods you didnt like that all
of a sudden you would..I STILL dont like CARROTS..lol..

Kitchen time..food time..and I am off and rollin...Cant wait till my sis
comes tomorrow to see what she has for me.. I sure wish she would
change her curtains and let me have her oldies lol well ok..time to quit
readin..and Im gonna quit writin... nitey nite,,,
OH..and DONT say.."well its about time she did" to your self either :-)

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? Luv ya & thanks... :-)
Always,Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 1:12 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    That was pretty interesting, willing your toes to "move." It's hard to imagine.

    Thanks for writing so much about your experiences as an amptee and wit health care.

    Enjoy your Sunday!


  • At 5:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There is an alternative medicine called reflexology where certain parts of the feet are rubbed to help upper parts of the body.

    I wonder if you rub the inside of your wrists or elbows it would help your phantoms.

  • At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    That was an interesting post. I hope that back gets better. The best thing for that is massage by a young Norwegian PE instructor!!! lol
    That would certainly floor a reflexologist to be asked to work on you. It would almost be worth it, just to see what they said - or perhaps I have a warped sense of humour??
    Was raining here, all day yesterday. The poor folks coming down to start their trailer holidays looked SO fed up.
    Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from
    Raife. XOX XOX XOX

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Just a Sunday hello!

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Happy Sunday!!!
    Boy Am I late answering hey? Lazy lazy I am..lol.. Im glad you all liked my telling of this phenomenon.. it is really SO very interesting..What I am curious to find out is If I feel my legs and feet, if someone was here actually touching where they feel to me..would I feel it? NOW THAT would be most interesting..and the reflexology I bet that would be interesting if you touched another part of my body and I felt it on my invisible parts? hmmmm...Very Interesting... but Im glad you liked that post.. Was interesting to me as well :-D

    Happy Sunday!!!! :-D
    Always, Lois****


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