
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I was listening to Brooke Benton..What a voice.. I love his songs..
You know.. -- because your 60,70, 80..do you HAVE to be OLD ?
I had a dear friend tell me "Lois, I'm 70 years OLD",can't you be
70 years YOUNG? I refuse to get old... I'm sorry..I get SO mad
when someone refers to anyone over 50 as OLD. I beg to differ.
NO NUMBER is OLD.. not if you don't let it be...Its HOW you feel.
you can feel bad physically, but no matter WHAT number you are
age wise, well that doesn't mean anything... I tell myself and every
one, how do I know they didn't lie on my birth certificate? well?
HEY.. I feel like someone is playing a real joke on me here..well..
something is seeing how much ribbing I'll take..keeps poking at
me..well..how do I know that number that says when I was
supposedly born TRUE??? :-) well that's MY story anyway...
I REFUSE TO GET OLD...and if someone , anyone has a problem
with that..well..all I can say is its YOUR problem lol..I like me..and
I aint OLD..I NEVER will be.. NOPE..nahhh..not me..My body may
age but me? noooo THAT day will never come..These invisible
feet will keep right on dancing to the MUSIC...so OK..ummm who
wants to dance with me? :-D ... Go to JD Crooners on the net..
listen to some of the wonderful oldies there...Some great songs.
I go there all the time and listen to everything there ..there is a
song for every mood that could possibly enter your mind...some
thing to cry with you or make your feet just do a happy dance-
whether you have feet or not.. :-)

But anyway- who made the rule that a certain number you reach
you have to be considered old? That's like saying because those
of us living in a chair- we are called DISABLED..Ummm EXCUSE
Im just shorter now.. thats all.. My legs just shrunk on me and I
have to see things from a different angle..well..LOWER..and Thats
ok..well..its very nice if you sit if you converse with someone in a
chair..thats just courtesy..Consider the crink in the neck for the
person in the chair looking up, so I DO hope you would do that..
But I am NOT disabled OR O-L-D. I wont be Im sorry and If that is
how you see me..then clean your glasses ok hon? lol...:-) I KNOW,
and thats who's opinion really matters isn't it? I, me, myself,
...so..NOW ---that THAT record is straight... YOU KNOW TOO
:-D now, we ALL AGREE on that YES??? lol...

Raelynn was here today and we are all squeaky clean. She is so
nice, and does good work. My apartment looks really nice. I got
so tired before she left I had to lay down. I fell asleep last night
about 6:30, woke at 11 pm and stayed up until 6 am then back
to bed till 10am...I was tired by noon..I had NO choice but to lay
it down and went instantly asleep, I didn't even hear Raelynn
leave, the phone rang at 4:30 a little while ago and woke me.
By the time I scooted into my chair and to the phone, it was in
the dining room, who ever called had hung up..If you call ....
Please let it ring more than 4 times ok? Sometimes takes me
a while to move..There is nothing worse than hurrying to get
into a chair trying to hurry so you can answer the phone.. ok?
lol..Well, I hate to miss a phone call..and today is usually the
day my friend in Australia phones.. and what a sweet dear
man he is.. Hes so nice..and to hear his wonderful accent..I
thoroughly enjoy his calls... He lives in a hostel? like a nursing
home except he has a private room which is so nice.. Here
I think they deliberately have 2 to a room just so they can
have 2 people in them that are NOT suited to be together..
Thats what they did to me..

I Had to share a room with another patient..If the other bed
in my room came empty,, They would always put someone
there even if there were 4 others open..And Usually the person
they put in with me was someone that required total care or
was bed bound, and had to be tended to all during the night.
It was how they did me there. They had NO regard for my
feelings at all..They wanted me out of that nursing home as
badly as I wanted to go..but I wasn't capable of taking full care
of myself..and I had NO where to go.. I got called into
meetings ..hmmm 3 times I can think of where they asked me,
" perhaps you would be more comfortable at another facility,
more people your own age or food you would like better". That
is what they would tell me...They hated the fact that as I did
improve mentally I SAW what went on there and how so many
residents', as we were called, were mistreated and I told.. ANY
ONE that would listen..Usually I would go to a family member
and tell them..Watch your mom or dad- things arent right here...
2 'residents' I know were taken out of there by their familys and
moved and I think probably just in time...It was NOT a good place
and I cant go back there.. I tried once, I got a ride, was taken out
of the van, pushed thru the first doors and I could NOT go past
the 2nd set into the facility..I KNEW what was past those doors
and I just could NOT go thru them..I had to catch the driver, so he
didn't leave and come back in the scheduled 2 hrs.I had to leave.
THATS the effect that place has on me. I get almost sick thinking
that I would ever possibly have to go back there. If I got alot worse,
and couldnt live alone, I would have NO choice but to be sent
back to that place, where I KNOW I would surely die..and within
a short time I bet...its a horrible place..

Since I didn't eat all day, I am a bit hungry, I don't know what I
want..I am just plain lazy today..No, just so tired.. I guess I go in
spurts of energy and then just go go go and wear myself OUT,
and then it takes then a couple days to get my energy built
back up...Tomorrow will be a better day..so..kitchen, here I
come...food search time...Hope your dinner was good.. and
your supper good and in a few minutes I'll be good too...So
until tomorrow..Nitey Nite.... :-)

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya, and thanks..
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is amazing - life that is - we all wake up in the morning and then the fun begins - hurry do this and that - what do we really get accomplished all day. One of these days, I want to stay in bed most of the day and only get up to eat and a few other things. rest the whole day.

  • At 11:28 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    hi Momar, your up late..like me..I was asleep for awhile then just got up again. My sleep schedule is way out of hand..lol...A day of doing nothing but sleeping and eating is VERY good for you..and I HIGHLY suggest you try it..I think you may then devote ONE day a week to doing that.. I do but I have NO choice.. I just run down like one of those rabbits with the wrong batteries in LOL...:-) good to hear from you as always Momar..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:12 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    The hardest thing about my first two years in college was sharing a room. The lack of privacy was very difficult for me. I can;t imagine how much harder it would be in your circumstances.

    It's beautiful here today. I hope that you have a good day too.

  • At 9:45 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray, Wouldnt have been too bad if they matched the residents better but they didnt..Not for me anyway. Every room mate I was given was one that required constant care, The lack of privacy in those places was horrible..there was NONE.. Im just glad I escaped..:-)..now Y'all gotta put up with me lol..
    Hope your having a good day today...
    Always, Lois****

  • At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    May I have the next dance with you? lolol ;o)
    Trouble is, I KNOW that my birth certificate is right, because I can remember seeing an aircraft (sorry, airplane) that only flew in 1934.
    I'm lucky, the privacy thing doesn't worry me too much. At boarding school, you just have to rub along with whoever. Same in the Airforce. In my billet there must have been twenty of us, and some of the lads would go out on the town and come back pi--(Sorry) incapacitated!! and go down the room tipping beds upside-down - I screwed my bed to the floor in the end!!! lolol ;o) But they were a great bunch of lads.
    Trouble is, inside this 76-year old there is a 38-year old trying to get out and live it up with the Birds!!!
    And, yes you are GORGEOUS and SEXY and wonderfully up-beat and generally lovely.
    Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife,
    Of course I will dance with you any time... Well let the 38 yr old out too !! lol
    Thanks for agreeing with me! :-) Hope you had a good day today...Start up the band!!! :-)
    luv ya....
    always, Lois...


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