~Holiday Weekend Ahead~
Its our Memorial Day week end here. I got to thinking of all our soldiers
over there that have been hurt and brought back missing limbs..I wish I
could help them.. Maybe especially if they are having a hard time to
adjust and to be accepted.. I see shows where the first thought a new
amputee has is "who is going to want me now" more worried about
being accepted, which is understandable..But you have to accept
yourself first before anyone else can.. Only You know what you can and
cant do.. I know my limitations..I hate to admit that I have any, yes, but
being in this chair now I have many. And ones I have NO choice but to
accept.. Perhaps its because all this happened to me at an older age,
where I am more secure in myself and know my capabilities moreso
than say a person in their 20's or 30's.. They dont see things as some
one like me would... I dont see next week or next month.. only today. I
do look ahead and plan as far as money or financial matters I have no
choice..I HAVE to..but as far as anything else..I dont really like to have
SCHEDULED things.. I like doing as they happen.. call last minute say
"hey I'm coming over" or the like..is fine with me.. When I have had
appointments to the doctor or where ever I would wake up worrying
about it..and plan every minute so that when that scheduled appoint
ment was due I was ready...I hate to be late or make someone late,
just like I hate to wait.. lol...I know im an odd duck...ok weeble lol...
I have a friend that went over to Germany to help our soldiers that
came back from the war, he is a specialist with artery problems..
He relayed to me how many there are..and I feel so badly for them
since this is NOT easy to accept.. Your life changes so drastically,,
not only yours but those that are close to you as well.. because its not
that your different really...you are still you..but your being is altered..
like me.. I require more care now if someone were to come and take
me out.. They have to handle my chair.. there is no horn blowing out
side with me running out the door..I wish..but thats not possible any
more.. I think THAT is a major issue..for me anyway. Not having my
own vehicle. I would love to have my own-even if I didnt drive it.
I know a few amputees dont even drive..but have a van..so that their
caregivers can take them out or their friends.. I would love that.. And
Raelynn has already said she would drive it.. doesn't have to have
hand controls even... it would be nice..then its more MY taking some
one if its my vehicle.. I would love to get in a van..take my boys and
go and visit friends I have in other states.. that would be so nice to do...
ahhhh wishful thinking on my part for a vehicle..I priced those puppies
and WOW..I mean mega bucks.. I Think having the bus and living in
that would be the way to go..Then I could travel all over for the rest of
my days LOL..Id really be a gypsy lol.. Would be nice to travel like that
though...OK..who's got a bus, they can lend me ? :-)
There are going to be so many barbecues this week end, all that good
food, the bratwurst and burgers, n chicken n ribs..and potatoe salad....
MMM makes me hungry just thinking about it.We had such good times
with my ex and his family on holidays we always gathered at his mom's,
she lives on the St. Joe River with her significant other..Lovely home.
overlooks the water, from a deck and its wonderful..she has a swing
out there that I made a cushion for..with matching back cushion.. I put
a little like skirty ruffle that hung over the edge and as you went back
and forth would hit the back of your legs. I remember when I was little
sitting on my grandmothers porch on her swing..and the feel of that
ruffle as I moved my feet to keep the swing moving. I enjoyed the deck
and the whole time, well in the summer, we all stayed out on the deck
was a great place. In the winter was not accessible but from the inside
Davids mom kept all sorts of bird feeders out there for the cardinals
and chickadees that fed there on the deck when she would put a pan
out there with birdseed on top the snow. That deck was a joy all year
round.My ex and I never hesitated when his mom asked if we wanted
to babysit the house for them for a weekend.. We were ready, willing
and very able.. especially having the pontoon AND hot tub lol... Usually
at the closing of these get togethers it seems it always ended with a
ride down the river to the dam, which took almost 2 hrs, one way if you
didnt rush...and we didnt.. everyone except Davids mom & her friend
would go..she had 4 kids.. and we all piled on that thing and off we
would go..just having big fun.. radio going..laughing, joking..and some
times we even stopped to let the kids fish.. Davids sister had 3 little
ones..and his brother had 1 , his other sis 2..so we were a boat full..
but it was a big pontoon and made for alot of people... Was big fun
for all the summer gatherings and not to mention Jims'. great cooking
on that grill he loved..
Seems I always end these writing about food..Hmmm I wonder what
that means? think some underlying thing I have with food? lol...naaah
we ALL like food..only a few other things better lol.. :-) I am NOT going
to be specific on THAT either..even though I do say alot hahaha...well
lunch was as Raelynn said.."Lois, I don't know exactly what this is..but,
dont look real good what shall I do with it?" :-) ok..3 guess what I told
her, first 2 don't count :-) I am not sure what I want. Its the week end.
and of course my standard treat, my fries and gravy, I think tomorrow I
will have those tho..I had thought of a pot of beans for the weekend - -
sounds good.. I'm hungry lol.. ok hitting publish.. Y'all can go
get a snack now too, your done reading this :-) nitey nite !!!! :-D
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya!!! and Thanks!! :-)
Always,Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 6:52 AM,
Gray said…
I remember sitting on my greandparents' porch on Memorial Days, watching the parade go by and drinking lemonaide. Funny how immediate and real those memories are.
At 8:59 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Gray, Arent you glad that you can remember them? Its funny how little things can trigger a memory you thought you had forgotten about..Why they are so good for you... :-)
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