
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The picture up there is of me when I was about..hmm 2
maybe? not sure..not long after I was adopted..If you
look closely by my eye you can see a dark spot and see
that it is shaped like a butterfly. I think its rather pretty,
for a long time I didnt- but that day my dad told me why I
had it I accepted it better..the link to that story is over
on the right over there- says My Stories.. But growing up
with that was not easy..Kids are very honest and to the
point. I was Very self conscious since I can remember,
to when I remember the very first things..Which is hard
to say what I remember myself and what I was told..

I do know I remember kindergarten..that was awful I
had to sit next to a boy that used to pull my hair and
make me yell and I would get in trouble.I Know thats
my memory lol...When you grow up with any kind of
stigmatism..or something out of the ordinary I think it
makes you able to withstand looks and the likes. I
am not saying that you ever get to like it..but you
know that people are going to stare at you..Perhaps
that is why I am so outspoken I might as well be I
stick out anyway..and NOW? well fooey I stick out
like a sore thumb now no matter where I go..So
maybe me starting out with this birthmark..was a
way to start the wheels turning so to speak :-)

Talk about a rainy, gloomy day today ..wow..I mean
I KNOW when the weather is going to change..these
2 stumps sure let me know..My right hand isnt very
far behind either it lets me know as well..I dont mind
rainy days as the rain hitting the air vent in the bath
room I can hear and its like rain on a tin roof that
sound can make you so relaxed..Rainy days are like
snow days you get to stay in and just do stuff or not
do nuthin at all except be lazy.. I phoned Donnie a
bit ago and hes not well..sinus..hes miserable. they
act up on him alot, Ive never had that but I guess its
almost like that cold I had a while back..I still have
NOT gotten rid of that cough..Neither has Raelynn..

I was trying to think of a way to take the slipperyness
off that chrome part in front of my chair that I hold on
to when I move back and forth , it is so slippery..Its
why I slip so much I think..I found 2 things on the back
of my chair last nite.. I had reached around to see if
Dutch's string was caught on the back of my chair and
there are 2 things back there that are so sharp it cut
my finger when I touched it..I got out of my chair and
looked and it seems they used 2 of those zip ties to
anchor down the sides of the back of my chair and
cut them off..they are hard plastic and left a VERY
sharp spot back there..If one of the boys hit that they
could get seriously cut.. I did my finger with just a
light touch on it..I will have to have that checked as
well..Oh they didnt come to fix my chair..this week
they will let me know..Now you see why it took 8
months to get this chair from them.. They dont have
a very good reputation..but none of these medical
supply places do.they know there arent that many
that our insurances will approve.. *sigh* joys of
chair life..what can I say? lol..
I do know what to say :-) its time to eat..I didnt all day
today I didnt know what I wanted I was going to make
barbecue but I didnt have any bread or rolls and well
you have to have that for bbq..well manwich is what
its called its pretty good...I like it. but I dont know what
I want so I know what will happen I will open the freezer
and sit and stare at it for 10 minutes trying to decide
what I wanted and which was faster to fix lol..I know but
thats the joys of single life..I can eat what I want when I
want and HOW i want lol..and I want..but I JUST dont
KNOW WHAT lol..decisions decisions..i'll ask Dutch,
he will know, and hes already headed that way ..I think
he can read..:-) knows Im almost done here... Nitey Nite

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear ? Luv ya & thanks !!..
ALways, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bon soir.

  • At 4:16 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good nite Robert..sweet dreams..
    Always, Lois****

  • At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess our world begins around us and is ever growing outward. In your world - it starts with a wheelchair and the world usually begins with you seated and looking ahead of you. Who would ever look behind the chair.

  • At 7:38 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar.. I have to keep a steady check on this chair as Dutch has elastic string he likes to play with and he carries it all over like a dog.. I was checking to see if it had gotten around the wheel thingie..and thats when I hit that cut off plastic. I guess if I file it would take the sharp off..just not good .. Raelynn could hit it when she washes it..its very sharp...

    Hope you have a good day today :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:59 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I love that photograph of you. Thanks for posting it.

    My worst memory of kindergarten is haveing my teacher make me drink warm milk at snack each day. I hated it and sometimes threw up, which did not endear me to her.

    I wonder if you could put some kinf od tape over the chrome on the chair, like athletic tape?

  • At 10:05 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Gray.. ya wasnt that a cute kid?

    WARM MILK?? ohh YUKKK ickka ..I would remember THAT too..

    I had thought about tape..but duct tape lol..I had thought of roughing up the surface to make it give me a grip..Its how I slipped last time..and in a hurry well it can be NOT good lol

    Hope you have a good day :-)
    Always Lois****

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Duct tape?

    You're quackers.

  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    LOL Quackers??? :-) is it duck tape? lol..I dunno that tape that fixes everything lol...that gray stuff Gray !!! lol...
    Always, Lois **** :-D


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