
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I have seriously considered moving to a better place, one
that is more suited to me and where I can have a little
better lifestyle namely a garden or patio something better
to look at, a place even perhaps that I can have a dog. If
I cant move, then I think taking holidays would be good..to
travel here, there, anywhere...its been a LONG time since
I have been on a trip, many years..I do love to travel tho...

At one time I thought nothing of jumping on a plane or getting
in my car and driving thru Chicago to go to Racine up in WI
to visit my family there. or getting on a plane to spend a month
in Hawaii at my sisters..When I was young, in school, my parents
always planned a summer vacation for 2 weeks..going to the
Grand Canyon or Mt. Rushmore or Niagara Falls..Such wonder
ful holidays..I'll never forget Yellowstone Park and that geyser
there Old Faithful I think..But to do that now..well.. first I dont have
a vehicle.. I did..back in 2000 but I saw no need for a car so I
gave mine away..was just a small Plymouth Reliant a '86..was
my parents car, as sick as I was I had no plans to get out of the
hellhome back then. I dont think I could use it now anyway it was
a very small car. I know how to drive but would have to learn all
over again using hand controls and I think my drivers license
has expired lol. I would learn tho if I had a van and I could get
in it..one like ive seen that has a ramp etc...I would travel I
wouldnt hesitate, to take off and go and visit someone I know.
I had thought of taking that train ride. Its always been a desire
to ride the train..I never have..

The Neighbor problem seems to have risen its ugly head again.
While Raelynn was out washing the door one of my "neighbors"
lets say another resident here..came up to her and said a few
things that I am still debating to call and ask her about, but I think
I better wait until tomorrow so I can count to 100 a few times and
just say TOO much..The apt manager will be here tomorrow and
I am just really fed up with this person and I think after 4 years of
harassment from them that its time something was done..If I
was the ONLY one complained about them be different but I know
I am not..No one in here gets along with these people and to have
to endure my caregiver coming in here and telling me this person
said this kind of stuff that is none of her business- well..its just
not acceptable..and today was NOT the best day as far as me
staying in a good mood I had a run in with another friend for a
while in chat that I TOTALLY disagreed with and got me a bit
riled and then this..and a few other choice circumstances..well
wasnt the very best of days.Ive counted to 10 so many times I
lost count lol.. thats not good ...

HOWEVER..lol..now..there was ONE goodie today tho..Becky
did raise my hours again..can you believe THIS??? yeahhh I
mean I am so pleased..lol..yup I now have get this...this is so
good..36 hours... AND 24 minutes a month.. We know how
we will divide up the 36 hours but we are just having a hard
time dividing up all those whole 24 as in TWENTY FOUR
minutes!!! GEE..all in one day? or hmmm maybe a few
each day lol.Is that something? 24 minutes? HOW can they
figure that it will take the same amount of time to, say..wash
a skinny person..as to one that is quite heavy? In NO way
can it take the same amount of time!! It is just amazing..BUT
I am NOT complaining..Im laughing at 24 minutes lol..I dont
dare complain or I will go back down to 16 that the COA was
going to give me...So I learnt reallll fast SHHHHH :-D

I had the best surprise today too..I have a dear friend..we have
chatted for over 3 years I think..and we're the bestest of friends
never have talked on the phone..well - my phone rang awhile ago
and WOW I almost fell out my chair. it was my friend.. What a
great surprise.. I did NOT expect that- was so nice to talk ..just
made my day and they let me vent about my "WONDERFUL"
neighbor lol...Was such a wonderful treat... I like hearing from
my friends..just makes everyone seem so real.. All my friends
live in this machine of mine..and when my phone rings or I
see a card or letter in my snail mail box ..well It just makes me
happy ..well so does getting email..I LOVE it.. To know these
few 2 cents of mine that I have NO trouble coming up with
every day, are read and liked..well It means alot and I want you
to know how much I appreciate it.

I had Raelynn pick me up one of those big juicy Angus Burgers
from Burger KIng ..they are so good I dont know what the sauce
is but they are so juicy and a great taste and I ate EVERY bit
of it ..well no I did let my nosy boy have a bite..he was in the bag
before i WAS..lol Raelynn set it down and he was on it like
white on rice lol.. yess just that fast too!!! he loves that burger..
So I am not real hungry-- the fries were a bit salty and Im not a
salty person ..when I have to much I crave water..I have some
in the fridge all nice and cold so i'll grab a couple cookies and
some water and see what is on the tube... Dutch is already
out there on the sink looking at me as though " ok ok come
on..lets have a snack " kids..you know how they are..lol..
always wanting something lol nitey nite..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya & thanks..!!!

Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    It sounds like you are really ready to think about havine a new place. I wish you luck. It sounds fun in a way, figuring out exactly what you want and where and how to get it. It's certainly a big project. Good luck and keep us all posted on what you are thinking about it.

    You have always talked about traveling. I hope that you get to do so soon. You have talked about trains before, but I did not realize that you have not been on one. They are not as glamorous and nice as they ised to be, but I still enjoy it. Part of me wished that the trains were still like the one Carey Grant rode on in North by Northwest.

    Congratulations on the 36 hours and 24 minutes.

    Wait, are you sure that wasn't 24 minutes and 18 seconds!

    Have a good night!


  • At 4:08 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,,I guess I have to make up my mind exactly what it is I want to do and I seriously think moving may be the best solution for me in light of the attitude of the other resident here. Its just gone on too long and it has gotten to be harrassment and that to me is abuse. I shouldnt have to put up with that, and I wont anymore.

    I cant rush into anything since the cost of moving would be alot but I have to do what I have to do, I always have and will..

    A train ride is a hearts desire just like living on a lake..I doubt if either will happen but its nice to daydream ..

    Thanks, I have to take what I can get, Ya pretty sure 36 & 24.. pitiful..but oh well some is better'n none i guess.

    Hope you have a good day, I'm up early again ... lets hope today is better. the apt mgr will be here today it may be time to 'Have a Little Talk With Jesus' you know? about what to do ...:-D....

    Always, Lois ****

    PS. Chicago or Canada look pretty good Or maybe even back up to the Great North Woods... :-D . . .

  • At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There so many different possibilities when one thinks of moving. If I would be moving - I would think of moving to up state NY. I have satellite radio and tv so I would want to garden and have more living space, but actually I would love to keep this house. in NYC

  • At 7:31 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Momar. A nice garden and yard would be lovely..and upstate NY I am told is beautiful country. You could always hire someone to manage the house in the city for you and then when you wanted to go there for a over nite or what ever you would be guaranteed a place to stay.

    Moving is a major expense, and alot of work. Lots to take into consideration now . before I would have thought nothing of it..I have to consider ALL the possibilites..I just miss the outdoors and the companionship I think. Donnie and my sis are very busy..and I cant take them away from their familys to be with me, I probably would see them more online than in person than I do now.. I am not complaining I LOVE when the come to see me...I enjoy company...:-)

    Have a good day ...get that garden started :-) plant a rose bush for me ok? or some lovely Hollyhocks..
    Always, Lois****

    (yellow) lol...the GORGEOUS ones to remind you of me :-)

  • At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Come to lovely Exmoor!! If you do, I promise to take you on a train ride AND in a Black Cab to tour London's famous landmarks. I've done it with my lovely Russian friend, so I know it's a good trip.
    Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Raife.. I know how lovely it is there by you- I have seen the proof. I would love to... When are you coming to the USA? Michigan is a lovely state and Of course you know you are most welcome my dear :-)

    Hope you have a very good day and NO carrots for lunch today please!!! lolol... had them yesterday ..so glad Raelynn got a burger for me lol..Today lunch according to the menu will be quite ugly so I plan to make some chicken breasts with sauteed onions and toe-ma-toes lol..:-D....over rice of course :-)

    Luv ya!!!
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Exmoor? What a great place! I love my cabin in the woods on a lake in New Hampshire, but your area is definitely one I would consider living in.

    I lived in Bath for many months- in a flat in the Circus no less. It was one of the best times of my life. I visited Exmoor several times, although I know Dartmoor better.

    Of all you plans, a train ride seems like one of the easiest to achieve.

    Have a great morning!


  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray~~!!! yes Exmoor is a wonderful place..I have seen photos.. I would not mind a trip to england..to find family I know I have over there in Cambourne or Cornwall? over there anyway..I would love to meet them..

    I would love a train ride..I called and inquired about a train trip to Las vegas..4 days there and back..I had thought about it..lol.. I still would like to have that bus..what a wonderful lifestyle. I could be a happy camper :-)

    Hope your having a great day!!! :-)
    Always, Lois****


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