I grew up with the sound of a cuckoo clock and I loved it.. My
parents were given a Black Forest one from Germany by my
cousin when he was stationed over there. Since the day they
got it, hung it and pulled the pendulums..the only time that
clock did not run was when my sister came home from Hawaii
for a visit, she hated the sound of it...I bet that was in the 50's
when they got it. Mom died in 90..it ran a long time...
When my mother died, I requested the clock..my sister refused
When my mother died, I requested the clock..my sister refused
to give it to me and since then I have said I would one day
have a chimer clock as I call them.. I think they are so great..
The Pastor's wife of a church I belonged to was blind. had a chime
clock and always said how grateful she was that someone thought
of doing that, it helped her to know the time.
My ex mother in law, Karalee, had one hanging in her dinette. One
day we were talking about this same subject, cuckoo clocks or
chime ones. I mentioned to her.."I love the fact that your clock plays
a different tune on the hour and half hour"... Karalee looked amazed,
said "WHAT?, no it doesnt"... we laughed and for the next hour we
sat there and listened for the cuckoo clock to play its little tunes.. At
the half hour, she looked at me and said.."Lois, I have had that clock
for 15 years and NEVER noticed that it played 2 different tunes."
Is THAT cute or what? lol.THAT is paying attention hey? She really
listened good to it..she does now!!! We laughed about that for a
long time.. Last I talked to her I mentioned it too lol.. :-)
My reason for writing about these clocks is because I had a dear
friend from England send me a clock..He restores them and is
quite knowledgeable on them... He sent me a lovely one, this was
at least 5 or 6 months ago..I took it out of the box and it did not
work.. I felt so bad..I loved it though its just lovely, and I know was
sent so lovingly to me..and I am so pleased that he thought enough
of me to send it..
Last nite, about 4 am.. I am laying there and I hear..BONG..BONG..
BONG... then TICK TICK TICK and I sat straight up in bed..the cats
jumped down and ran..and I said "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT???"
Scared me so bad! I had NO idea where the clock was at that time.
I know was here in the house..but not in the bedroom.. I sat and
listened and the ticking continued.. i then heard the single BONG!
I said to myself..'THE CLOCK IS WORKING???' I got up .. put
the light on..and proceeded to listen to boxes..and at the foot of my
bed..I read the one that said "Fragile, Clock" and that box was
TICKING! I smiled and opened it and there it was.. I was so happy.
Now, why, all this time..it decided to work? Maybe the move but it
had been sitting there for a few days..was first stuff brought here.
I have NO idea why it did..but I am SO enjoying hearing it.. I guess
it knew it wasnt home..and now maybe knows it is.. :-)
I did not one thing today but watch the food channel! It is probly a
good thing I cant cook lol.. I would gain all that weight back that I
lost!.. Although I will admit.. I DO know where my deep fryer is..
and I DO know where my potatoes are..sadly I have NO gravy
mix..I bet I do in the next few days.. lol.. I miss them...Thats one
problem I KNOW I can fix lol...Nitey Nite...
Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya! and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 10:05 PM, Anonymous said…
Oh Lois I love you taking about the clocks. It just nice to hear what other are doing. I am not good at writing or with words.It nice to hear you taking about yourself...So many are not able to do that...You are a blessing to me Lois..I am on the run most of the time, helping Pam and Becky.Love cleaning the church every week. Some of my friend are in the nursing home now..Life sure does change as we get older... but we can still be a blessing to other, even it just a smile...Life does get hard at time, God is there always to help us, he never leave us alone...Mary
At 5:45 AM, Lois said…
Good Morning Mary,
So nice to hear from you..Im so glad you can come here and spend some of my day with me in a way.. I enjoy the company! :-)..My door is always open and the coffee and tea pot are always at the ready :-)
Today is another busy day but I will admit I am enjoying setting up this new house.. It is fun..I just wish I could do more :-)
Hope you have a great day Mary,
Always, Lois****:
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