
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

~Chess Anyone?~ :-)

Doing all this unpacking I have found things I had forgotten I
had..that I really hadnt looked at in a long time..This is one of
them..my jade chess set, yesterday I was telling a friend about
it, I got it back about '72 i think.. its really an unusual set.. You can
see the box it comes in also serves as the board to play on..
its a very high lacquered wood..shines beautifully..It has the tiny
hook to keep it closed..

Inside you can see the little flippie things to hold down the
wooden covers over the pieces..where it says Made in Korea.
the wood feels very lightweight..I dont know the kind of wood .
you can see the tiny delicate hinges.. what the writing is I have
no idea..but its just so nice..a beautiful set..

Under each flap are the pieces..They are Jade. One side is
the beige..each piece is carved and on the bottom is a piece
of, to me, looks like red velvet. inside each little box is lined
as well with green velvet.. each piece is carved..

The other side, or color, is the green jade..I managed to get a
little closer so you could see some of the nice detail of the pieces.
These wonderful things just sit in a box over there on the desk..
its such a unique chess set..and I know no one that plays..I dont
know why my friend gave it to me, she wanted me to have it..we
were very close..one day she just up and left..no word, nothing..
I didnt know what to do. I never did find out what happened to her.
She was a sweet lady..and this set reminds me of her every time
I look at it..

I have all these great things..and I think a collector would really
appreciate them more than anyone else having them..I would like to
do that- see if someone would be interested in them. the birds,
this set,the cookie jar all the other things I have-that way I'll know
they are safe and will be appreciated for what they are..beautiful
parts of the past.. I love old stuff lol.. *wink*

I found the kids of Winnie the Pigs..2 little boys.. lol..they are really
the salt and pepper shakers..They are detailed as nicely as the
cookie jar.. My Aunt never got them, maybe because she got the
boy cookie jar , the boy pig..and since mine is the woman..well then
I guess she would have the kids!! lol.. they are nice..One sadly did
get broken but I saved every tiny sliver of it and glued it back
together..as OLD as this cookie jar is and as MANY times I KNOW
i was in and out of it when I was little- ALL the moving and packing
her up..shes not gotten damaged once. Im very pleased.you see they
are about the size of a pepsi can...not very big....

I sat and stared at my shelf in the kitchen trying to get up enough
courage to put the sugar and creamer up on that top shelf with
my grabber and decided.. "patience Lois, Penny will be here
tomorrow, she can do it" .. I get so antsy..I want it done..and I sit
and look at something and PLOT ways to do it .. many times just
KNOWING i could get in deep dodo lol.. and just go right ahead
and do it anyway..just to see if I can. WHAT is wrong with that
picture lol, maybe is why I get myself in CRAP all the time.. :-)

I have not heard one word today about my power chair..that pic
there shows you my hand from rubbing trying to push this chair..
The constant pushing so hard to move my hand rubs against
the big black inside tire..its caused now 4 bad spots..they are
red almost perfectly round but hurt and itch and are really sore.
Look HORRIBLE..all because of putting so much pressure to be
able to move this chair.. I need my power chair..badly..or these
floors fixed.. I get mad enough and I will tear the carpet up my
own self..lol..ya.. like I could do that too lol..dream on Lois.. :-)

I got todays paper and there wasnt anything in it about yesterday,
so possibly there wont be..I have no idea..It may be in tomorrows.
I guess by the time the little story was written and the photos etc.
would take time..so maybe tomorrow.. if so I will see if its online
and put the link here..Im dying of curiosity tho..

Well today it rained all day, and I made a zillion phone calls trying
to get all these new bills straight, making payment arrangements.
lets see 140, 93, 80..kinda alot.. but I called them. its the electric,
phone and trash..ya..80.oo trash bill cuz i got in on the weird end
of the 3 month billing cycle- I have to pay 3 months..plus half more.
thus the 80..she was nice though and is letting me make payments..
which is great..but then still I have to worry with it every day..
The joys of living..well I got my ramp..my house, my boys, food, and
this puter..life is good..the rest? well it will all be there tomorrow too
just like me..dealing with it lol.. Nitey Nite.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya..and thanks..:-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am not into chess - It is because I am so impatient with time. I used to have a russian roomate who played a lot of chess and was a master. It all takes time. My calalloo finally froze and that is the end of the 2006 crop.

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    No Ive never played.. I think everyone of those pieces move a different way lol. lots do play though. solitare or majonng..that works lol..

    well your just about out of 2006 so lasted you a long time lol.. :-)
    Hope your doing ok..good to hear from you..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My brother Leonard played a lot of chess, and he was good at it...I use to play some but not very good...I am so impatient too...or hyper...or A.D.H.D. same thing. I had a real good day today, keep busy all day. You have a good night Lois...Mary

  • At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    That is a lovely chess set, but more for ornament that playing. You are right, most of the pieces have different moves.
    You know the tale about the Eastern Gent who invented chess? His king was so pleased with the game that he offered this guy any reward he asked for. So, this guy points to the chess board and says "I'll have one grain of rice on the first square, two on the next, four on the next, eight on the next-------" . There was not enough rice in the land to give him his reward. I bet the King had his head cut off!!! That's the sort of thing they did in those days. Mind you, the guy who is supposed to supply power chairs in your part of the world could do with the threat of similar treatment!!!
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L & G.B.H. from

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I played chess at lunch in high school are was one of the better players in school. When I got to college I found out very quickly that I was not very good after all, and stopped playing in frustration.

    Ouch, your poor hand. Good luck with the new chair- I hope that it comes soon.

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife,
    I think it would be pretty set up like Ive seen some do on a little table..that wouldnt go here..Dutch will slap at anything to see if it moves..well, slap it and it will..he can clear off a desk in seconds.. hes good..lol.

    My caseworker comes today, Sandy, I plan to tell her my intentions..this isnt right. and no one is doing anything but blaming each other. I quit playing.. TCB now.. this is gonna be fixed ONE way or the TUTHER lol.. :-)

    Hi Gray~!~
    I tried playing it once..and its like canasta too many cards, chess has too many weird moves lol.. interesting though Ive seen some movies about chess players..bobby something I think..i dunno..

    Hope Y'all have a good day, I have to balance my checkbook ARGHHHH... I have a headache before I even start lol.. Ive been putting it off for 4 days lol .. :-)

    Always, Lois ****


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