
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

~A Reminder~

I dropped a box on my head..lol..Penny picked up some
ham salad for me at the store yesterday, and I wanted
some of it for lunch. and I wanted it on some crackers I
have, like Ritz, well they were, of course, up on the 2nd
self of the cabinet between the kitchen and bathroom ..
I cant reach it, I tried..then I went and got my grabber..
and of course the wrong one, that I can twist the end on.
that makes a difference you know..otherwise you have
turn hand and the whole grabber to reach a square box
or whatever..my good grabber I twist the end and then
i still grab straight..not over to the side.. well..I got the
straight one and kocked the box out and dropped that
puppy right on my head..I couldnt escape..no room..
didnt hurt but..thats why I never put glass stuff up there
or canned..just in case..I worry I knock something out
and one of the boys is down below could really hurt
them..so Im very careful..well MOST of the time..but
I know they wont get hit from that cabinet anyway I
fit side to side..its very narrow my chair only JUST
makes it through..Thats why there is no door on my
bathroom.. Anyone has to go..I tell them just to sing
loud.. lol.. didnt hurt but ..see? something everyday to
remind me..just in case I might forget :-)

I am glad that the photos I put here and the daily progress
of my Little Weeble House, seem to be liked.. I really have
fun with it.. I look back at the first photos I put here ..and
it sure has changed..and its not done yet..Donnie noticed
last night that it needs to be finished painting . Just the one
corner over by the recliner needs done and the ceiling.. It
really woudnt take that long..but I dont think I dare try to do it
could you see me with that pole in here and a drippy roller
doing a ceiling? i did a little line on the wall and had more
paint where it shouldnt be than where it should!!! Painter
is just NOT in my job description.. and I dont mind painting
at all~!~ I guess it doesnt like me..I dont know how I do it..
all of a sudden its ..well drips everywhere.. I got my tablecloth
even..floor..wall..my chair .. hands. just to paint one strip? lol
im not meant to paint....

I unpacked all my old hurricane lamps..and Penny washed them
they are so pretty..sparkle and shine.. the hard part was to keep
bending and digging all these things out of the box... depending
how big or heavy if I have to hold on to my chair to pick something
up.. If I do..I usually reach behind me and hold on to the back of
my chair and then lean all the way forward , folding in half..to reach
the floor.. My fingers just barely reach the floor you know.. Im not
well wasnt very tall..I did have long legs but not alot of length body
wise..from butt to my head..lol So I have to hold on when I really
have to reach the floor..I worry sometimes that I lean too far that I
will take chair and all.. but I dont, I had my chair made longer and
wider so I could sit farther back if I have to lean forward.. and then
when I want to side sideways just to change position I can and
have enough room..I stay in this chair the whole time I am awake
I got that electric recliner to get in to watch tv..but it wont work either
still have to have weight on the foot thingie..

I think all the bending and stretching is tiring but I dont think its
all that bad for me in fact I think I need to do this..its like a daily
exercise program..bend , stretch, lift..50 times ..Id say thats
pretty good exercise. I still havent initiated the house with making
my favorite food ..french fries n gravy..I was telling Dawn..before
at the apt.. I could take my food into the bedroom and watch tv
while I ate..now I sit at the kitchen table by myself , well unless
Dutch is there..but its different..and I dont really like that. When I
sat by the tv and ate it was like I had company..and I enjoyed
not eating by my self so to speak.. I notice I dont eat as much and
i hurry and eat just to finish..where in front of the tv i took my time.
Amazing when I think of it.. just little things..but..it does make a
difference.. I think thats why they invented tv trays..lol..I guess I
could get a little tv for the kitchen! ive seen those little ones..be
cute lol..

I went to bed early about 10 ..and I woke up about 3 am wide
awake..on my own too..the boy didnt wake me..I stayed up till
5 then went back to bed till 9..I havent done that in ages.. I get
these tired spells..lol..I got tired this afternoon and put my head
down on my desk..my mother called them "taking a five" as
in a five minute break.. I can hear her asking that "taking a
five Dear?" Time for me to take quite a few Fives lol.. I did
nothing today but I am tired.. I think my mind keeps going on
all I have to do and thats what makes me tired..my bunny
doesnt stop lol... nitey nite.... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So sorry Lois about you dropping that box on your head...it sure make it hard for you to be in a wheelchair...thing to high or low or to far to either side is hard to get for sure. It doesn't give you much space to work with.
    Did I tell you I got my new len for my glasses, I can drive now.
    Someone clean up the church for me, now that was nice. They must have heard I fell on the ice and was a bit sore.
    Maybe you need a monkey that train to bring thing to you...that would help maybe. Now the cats might not like that at all.
    I love all your pictures, you are a blessing...Mary

  • At 8:03 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary.. :-)
    so nice to hear from you..Im glad you got your glasses, I hope you get over all the damage from your fall.. There are alot of good people out there, you are one of them my friend.. :-) I would help you too if I was closer ...

    No, I dont think they would. Donnie brings his 70 pound chocolate Lab, named Jerky, and LB wont budge, stands his ground, glares at that dog and growls so fiercely that Jerky doesnt even look at him..lol.. no they wouldnt i dont think. as bad as Dutch is, he runs from the dog unless he sees LB go for him then they team up lol. I felt sorry for my councelor the other day Dutch drove her nuts, he embarrassed me,I was steady telling him to leave this poor woman alone lol..was pathetic,

    Im so glad you like the photos, I have the best time taking them. and
    thanks Mary, your too kind.. :-)
    hope you have a restful night and lots of sweet dreams.. :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest dear one!
    I am leavin for a week again, and i hope i get connection so that i can read about and talk to the dearest weeble in the world....
    Take care, and KAO´s

  • At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What you need is one of those German steel helmets - pickelhauber, I think they called them - with a spike on the top. then you just knock things off the top shelf and catch them on that.
    Seriously, though, it is a horrid bore, having a limited reach. As you say, a constant reminder.
    Take care, Hon. Lots of love and great big hugs from

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob..
    Be careful on the road..be sure to wear your seat belt, hope to hear from you..take care sweetie :-)

    Raife.... hehehe...
    You made me laff..cant you see me riding around with one of those helmits? In my powerchair wearing one.?.I would look cute.lol.but I bet it would save me from a headache lol..

    Its everyday I get reminded, like im gonna forget ya know? lol.. sheesh.. I KNOW ALREADY !!! :-D
    have a good day ....
    Always, Lois ****


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