
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, December 03, 2006


well I promise you a photo of me every sunday..well there it is..lol
ya SEE?? !!! im stuck..lol..see my front tire up next to the couch?
see the back up against the recliner? I didnt plan to take this but I
just saw LB, and was looking at him, and my finger twitched..Soon
as I tried to roll from this photo..do you think I got anywhere? lol..
NOOOOO.. I had go back and forth to get that back tire free from
the recliner..lol.. see what I go thru to take photos. :-) oh well..Plus
I look kinda frumpy as well !!! lol..no no Im kidding Im ALWAYS
GORGEOUS :-D hmmm my hair looks kinda crappy tho lol..oh
well..your not looking at that anyways...lol.. This photo and the others
here are smaller..I have them bigger if you want one..write and let
me know.. Ive been taking them in 200kb or bigger..but blogger
says the pics can only be 50 kb..thats why they are smaller here.
So if you do..well ha ha! gotta write and ask..sorry butt ..cant help it.

We got snow today..I was taking this pic of it..and if you look you
can see a fire truck coming this way with the lights on.. There
were at least 4 trucks..there is a truck in the next photo as well
that is a volunteer truck ..well firemen..when there is a fire alarm
the volunteers go too.. sadly there were 2 ambulances that came
screaming by going the opposite direction as the hospital is up
there on the right about 2 blocks down.. I hate to hear that sound
of a siren..I just hope I dont hear the helicopter..means so serious.
and Lord..a fire..burns even the smallest hurt so bad.. I just pray
that no one really got hurt badly..I was in a fire once years ago back
in the 70's.. I woke to find my house in flames.. THAT was NOT a
good feeling..I made it out barely..melted night gown seared eye
brows and lashes..i got out..nothing else did..but well the most
important did..which was me.. :-)

You can see the snow out there today this was taken about 11
This photo is out of the window that is right behind me facing
south..you can see sun..and if you look closely at the tree you
can see white spots on it..its snowing and sunny at the same
time. The truck has a light on the top.this is on the west side.see
the sidewalk? The day we got stuck out there on the steps..we
came from the right to the left and the sidewalk coming up to the
house is right there.Across the street you see the garage where
that dear man was..he was walking down the side of that building
over there, we yelled to him..and he ran across that busy road out
there to come and smilingly help us.what a guy..and I never even got
his name..he just helped me in and left!!

I told you about the wire outside this window..here is a photo of it.
its loose and draped over another one.. I have called Comcast.
the electric company and the phone company and NO ONE will
come here..Comcast said WEDNESDAY!~!! can you believe it?
I stressed emphatically how important this could really be..

but..now..look closely at the photos..see up top? that white
gap? well GUESS what THAT is? ya..NOT good..The window,
the top part of the window has dropped about an inch..and the
air and snow are coming in~!!! I closed the blinds..and well
I just cant figure out a way to get anything up to cover the
window until someone can come here..

talk about daily reminders hey? Short is not easy lol..Its so
windy out thats what pulled that wire loose you can see it draped
over another one..I think they are cable and phone.. wouldnt that
be great? I wouldnt even be able to make a phone call.!!!! and NO
computer ..no net!! at all i wouldnt have dial up either..these
people dont realize how serious this is in MORE ways than

you can see I have a sweater on..its so drafty by this window
I have been keeping the blinds shut , and lace curtains sure
wont keep the wind out. .I dont know if this window has been
gradually dropping or what ..Ive noticed the last few days that
its been drafty and until I looked up to see this wire did I really
pay attention to the cool air I felt..I noticed the curtains moving.
and thought ..'Hmmmm , thats not good'. there is just NO way
I can figure out a way to put something up there even with my
grabber cuz I cant push it down behind the curtain rod.. I
called chris 3 times today telling him I really need this fixed..

Well another exciting day in Weeble Land lol..aint it fun? I just
love it lol.. If I didnt keep laughing- well with all this? i HAVE to
laugh..or i would not be in a good mood at any time.. all this
is so constant.. well like my friend says..its something that keeps
me going ..trying to solve these challenges..And its true..every
day there is always at least ONE thing that challenges me ...
and if you know me.. well lol I dont run from them at all..head on
is the only way to meet those buggars lol..then you know how to
straighten them out lol..

Other than make my phone call list for tomorrow Ive not done
one thing today..I was lazy, well I did talk to Blue..hes such a dear.
hes all hot down there theyre in the midst of summer..well starting
it..he just ordered himself a air conditioner..ohoh I dont have one..
hmmm thats not good for summer..hmmm well I have time to
think and fix that problem in a few months lol..I have enough right
now. . . I did think about what I am going to do for my Christmas
giftie..I am not sure yet.. got some ideas let me know what would
be good.. I have my own wish list of what I would like.Maybe I will
post that tomorrow in case y'all NEED to know lol Ohh and dont
forget..guess who has a birthday next month .. :-D...bet no one
remembers the day either..i aint tellin :-) time for the bed and some
tv.. nitey nite.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks ..
ALways, Lois ****

PS!!! They just came and measured for my ramp!!!! and everyone
said HALLEUJAH!!!!! :-)

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Great photos, Lois.

    Have a good night. Hope to talk to you tomorrow.

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray...
    Thanks honey...i hope you have a good night too.sweet dreams.. Yes, I will look for you and we can have coffee :-) be a nice way to start the day :-)
    Nite hon !
    Always,Lois ****

  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kolder is colder than colder. My ground floor bathroom has a narrow casement window and the walls have tile. First the window leaks a little cold air. Then the tiles get cold and radiate cold. Soon we will have a new double glazed window in the bathroom. Perhaps then the bathroon will be warmer.

  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar..
    I have a friend that has his floors heated..that must be nice..well wouldnt matter to me tho lol..Its really drafty here..Ive called Chris 3 times now..and left a message. not good.. Tile can get cold really fast.
    AHHHH the Joys of winter!!! makes ya just wanna snuggle up dont it? lol..
    Nite hon..good to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest DEAR one, i love sundays!!!!
    How lovely to SEE you again, my day is done....
    Your own
    R O B

  • At 5:27 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Rob !
    So good to hear from you I have been worried about you..I hope you are ok..now you have spent a few minutes with me I hope that has helped your day :-)
    Keep well Rob..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Small is difficult, but just remember, the best things come in small packages!!
    Would it be possible to slide that window up with a broom handle, to close that gap??
    Thanks for the pics, they are great, as usual.
    Take care, Hon, don't catch cold. Lots of love and great big hugs (I can't say "GBH", it gives quite the wrong impression!!! LOL ) from

  • At 7:57 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Raife Honey...
    Umm you want me to take a broom handle..and put it up to a window? lol I cant sweep the floor with a broom!!! naaa I dont think I better try that. lol...good idea tho..I did think of it..but well how bad did I need that window closed that I wanted to risk that? lol..naaa i just turned the heat up... Some one will fix it today..guaranteed.. I can whip up some cabbage rolls real fast lol.I know how to get at least ONE male here lol.. :-)

    Glad you like them, they are alot better in the big size..thanks for the suggestion..:-) hope your hangin ok over there...that doesnt sound good does it? lol DOORS!!! lol..just in case anyone else reads this :-D You know whats hangin LOL...Luv ya~~!!!
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 8:48 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    My coffee is good this morning. How's yours?

  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow love all the pictures...it kind of had to read without my glasses. Hoping it doesn't take to long to get them fix...Stay warm my friend. it sure cold here in Kansas...and that snow is still on the ground...school open today...so much that need to get done. And all I want to do is go back to bed....and I went to bed early last night...Mary

  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Gray!!
    Mine is pretty good too..sorry I couldnt join you.. Penny & I got an early start this morning. But we will coffeechat soon I promise..
    Hope you have a good day Honey..take care..and stay warm :-)
    Always, Lois..

  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Mary..Im so sorry about your glasses. Did you know you have a built in magnifier on your computer? its in start/programs/accessibilities/magnifier
    check it out..it will magnify 2or 4 lines at a time for you..very easy to use..and already there my friend..Wish I could send you some glasses..I use magnifiers..the $1.00 cheapie kind.they work for me..
    COOOOLLLDDDDD and snow here..I had to turn the heat up to compensate for this open window.
    Stay warm and well Mary..and have a good day..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW sure does have a magnifier, thank you so much...Pam did well at the doc office today...hoping to so to bed early...Michael came home from school like a big bear...Not for sure what going on yet with him......Have a good night. Mary

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Im so glad you found it!!! works good doesnt it? lol..yup comes with it..lots dont know its there I didnt till someone told me..

    Hope all is ok there for you, we have snow and SUPER cold..BRRRRRR...
    Joys of winter..
    take care and stay warm...
    Always, Lois ****


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