~Penny & The Little House~
I asked permission and it was given..This is Penny..My care giver.
Isnt she just pretty? Shes a tiny thing.. Long hair and you can see the
Isnt she just pretty? Shes a tiny thing.. Long hair and you can see the
nice smile..shes so nice..she was sitting on the arm of the recliner
and I told her was time for a photo, that I had been asked to put one
here of her..She laughed , you see..and said ok.. She has 5 grand
children.. lol..doesnt look old enough does she? Shes a vibrant
eager and works hard..ready to go or do what ever I need done..
Shes so nice..I was very fortunate to have found her or she find me,
as long as shes here.. We got my hours raised and sure makes it
nice..I hope she stays with me for a long time.. She helps her sister
operate an adult foster care for mentally challenged people, I think
5 ladies live there, she cares for them as well..she lives there, Shes
Penny took the webcam and held it up to the kitchen window..you
can see the snow from last nite..You can see my garbage can..and
LOOK!!! the LID IS ON!! lol..we got a little bit of snow too..The yard
is quite big..you see the trees past Pennys Van, add that same
distance again..and thats what you dont see.. Just to the right is
the door that goes into the garage from the side.. This is a nice
neighborhood.. that big tree there by the side of the van this fall
was the brightest red you almost had to shut your eyes when the
setting sun hit it..it almost just glowed..was lovely..when half the
leaves were on the tree and on the ground and both were still
thats the very back of the garage..if you look at the very corner
of the garage to that tree way back over in the corner..thats
the side property line..then look at the two christmas trees..and
you see a narrow pole..thats the fence..you can see a house
just past..and the one over on the left..see how nice they are?
right there on the right top you see the little awning over the
back door..see the snow? looks about an inch or so..Right
at the back next to the garage you can see the trunk of a huge
Remember now this is still work in progress lol..this is half of
the bathroom..you see my power chair right there between
the sink in front and behind is the wall on the other side is the
bathtub..full size..nice one..On the right you can see the front
of a cabinet I have in there..so add a few more feet ..its quite
a big bathroom..Penny is standing in the doorway as far to the
Left of the door is the potty..and dont look at the ugly shower
curtain..It is going to be replaced.. THe bathroom is pink and
mauve and white.. nice combination..its not completely painted
either. I wonder sometimes why in over a month this wasnt
completed.. I guess 85 houses to maintain and only 2 working
When you go thru the door way into the kitchen there is the
sink and the bakers rack where I have to keep every thing..
you see the sink..now..the top of the sink there at the edge
just above the door..comes to my arm pits..and I cannot get
real close because of the chair..I barely can reach to the very
back of the sink to reach the faucets..and I have VERY hard
time to reach that little ledge just at the back below the clock
I couldnt hang that clock there even.. See that white bar at the
right of the cabinet..well strip? I can just barely reach it.. the top
cabinets up there? no I cant even open the doors..too far..You
see the window with my old birdcage stand.. thats the window
the garage pic was taken..My poor fake Ivy looks dead lol..
thats sad isnt it? lol..I would love to have an old birdcage up
in that..be so cute.. Dont look at the messiness now.. the
bakers rack is full of stuff yet to be arranged.. You see my two
that front door you see in the living room, when you open it
this is the front porch..its all screen..right then it was freezing
out and so cold..doesnt it look it? that car out there was not
going slow either. and this little cam stopped it.. pretty good
but amazing as fast as that car is going..but as fast as my
cats tail was going when he was mad this cam couldnt pick
up. it was a blur..wow that cats tail was moving !!!! ..Across the
road is the garage..along side the building is where that dear
man that helped Que and I that day, he was walking down it
to go into the office there on the left..dear man..many stars
in his crown.. bless his heart...
Penny carried the cam around and took these photos to put
road is the garage..along side the building is where that dear
man that helped Que and I that day, he was walking down it
to go into the office there on the left..dear man..many stars
in his crown.. bless his heart...
Penny carried the cam around and took these photos to put
here tonite.. boy am I late wow.. ahhh I was talking talking..I
cant help it..lol. Penny had the cam ..and I was saying to hand
it back to me and I would take HER picture..and she started
to and hit the button on the top and took a picture of me!!!
So she said I put hers here..I had to put mine as well..so well-
she will check, she said, tonite, to see if I put the one of me
since I said the same thing as her ."I look awful "..well hers
is here so is mine..lol.. but you can see how close I am to the
I look at these photos of me in this chair..and I still dont know its
really me..isnt that weird.. I still say "WHO IS THAT?" I just sit
and look at it..same as when I see me in a mirror.. I say the same
thing.. My mind still does NOT know that as me..I am JUST SO
thank ful though that I can still see how GORGEOUS I am!!! :-)
ahh you knew I was gonna say that :-) it still does not seem to
be me though..
I m late tonite and I am very sorry and I have made you look at all
these photos but you got to see my little house.. I finished the roll
of film on the disposable camera ..Penny went and took some of
the outside..wednesday she will be back and get it developed..
I have putzed around all day..and havent even eaten anything..Im
kinda hungry but is 10:30 right now..im going to bed before this
key board jumps up at me and smacks me in the face lol..
Nitey Nite.. ;-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks !! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 2:40 AM, Anonymous said…
[I look at these photos of me in this chair..and I still dont know its
really me..isnt that weird.. I still say "WHO IS THAT?"]
The answer to that is as simple as the thruth i am typing here....
It is my little sweet friend from the net, the lovely Lois. Who has so few toes, but so much heart. May she live forever, and allways keeo me in mind!
Kisses All Over
Your own
At 6:14 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Thanks for the guided tour. Thomas Cook could not have done it better!! LOL
Yes, Penny is a real Sweety. You deserve to have someone nice like that to look out for you, if anyone does.
Take care, Hon. Lots of love and G.B.H. from
At 7:41 AM, Lois said…
Hi Rob,
Yes, my dear, always, How could I not? you write the sweetest things..such a jewel you are, I hope your dragon appreciates you :-)
Hows it hangin' over there honey? lol. (I love this:-))I'm glad you liked the tour, The LovelyLittleHouse,for the LovelyLittleLegs.. it will be that if I have anything to do with it and I can get that Brit over here to help me lol.. :-p luv ya!!!
Hope you have a good day ! I woke up happy..now aint that just great??? I love this too :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 10:50 AM, Gray said…
Lovely photos. Thanks to Penny for her help! Penny looks great. She has a nice friendly, open face.
Good luck with your windows. That sounds like a pretty urgent need.
At 11:14 AM, Lois said…
Morning Gray ;-)
yes Penny is great..and glad you liked the photos..I am callin of course, Donnie, he will come and fix this window, I have NO doubt..its so cold in here even my boys fur feels cold..I have my mink cape over my stumps..i do look GORGEOUS ..but COLD! no this mink is very warm works great.. I did call about the wire..and my powerchair. this Indian is on the warpath today..I WILL get some satisfaction or know why.. I want and WILL get this power chair fixed and up and running.. 3 months and everyone has excuses..well the buck stops here..BANG! its hunting season ~!~
have a good day..great coffee this am.. take care!!
Always, Lois ****
At 9:14 PM, Anonymous said…
Suddenly, it got cold last night. It got down to -4C or 28F Yet my spinach crop survives in the front yard. I pick a pint, 5dl almost every day Here it is december - I know spinach is a cold weather crop, but it is getting kind of late in the growing season. My house is cool but not drafty. I keep the thermostat at 71F or 22C. The reason I know centigrade and metrics is there are not many American's in my nabe. The guy on the corner is from Jordan, the guy next door is from Albania. The joke is if you want a Mercedes, you ask an Albanian to steal you one to order from Berlin. Specify color and model.
At 9:32 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar...
sheesh cold nor sleet nor rain nor snow will stop your spinach from growin lolol.. wow you got some tuff stuff there.. just leave it there flash frozen, when you want some just go brush the snow off LOL..
My little house is warm..now..thanks to donnie..the whole window almost fell out in his hands..lol I need new windows lol..
good to hear from you Momar..
take care,
Always, Lois ****
At 12:36 PM, Anonymous said…
i just wanted to say hello to you and thank you for the guided tour of your house....you are such a sweet lady....and i enjoy reading your blog.....you stay warm and take good care of yourself
lots of love,
At 1:44 PM, Lois said…
Hi Lynn!!!
How VERY nice to hear from you..to visit me and to take the time to say hello..how very nice..thank you..
I am glad you like my little weeble house..I will be SO glad when it is all done and put away. :-)
Thank you again Lynn for saying Hi..with out the comments I wouldnt know you read! you made me smile today and I thank you for that :-)
hope you visit with me every day..
I am amazed a year and ive not missed one day without something to say!!! lol..
Hope you have a good day..:-)
ALways, Lois..****
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